Why did they fail?
>>17277566The United States Of America
>>17277569>it's daaa freemasosn and daaa cia and daa jooos which is why we failedcope sanchez
>>17277566They are matriarchal
>>17277566Anglosaxon Freemasonry made its way trough Bourbons. It would have never happened during ultramontanist Baroque rule of Habsbourgs when anything related to pirates and frofrogotes was exterminated at first sight.
>>17277566Spanish genes
>>17277594>yeah bro, inquisition and radical catholicism is somehow good
>>17277615>Habsbourg Spain / Largest empire of Early Modern Era sword of Catholic Church, Catholic culture, Catholic values and Catholic ideals>Bourbon Spain / Shithole run by self hating crypto protestant faggots who followed protestant ideas of Anglo-French Enlightment >Spanish inquisition / 3.000 victims between 1469 and 1812>Protestant inquisition / millions of death across Europe and New World (counting KKK too) due witch and vampire trials and ethnic cleansings>Spanish America - natives are given subject status>Anglosaxon/French America - Systematic extermination of natives and import of innocent blacks from Africa as slaves in sugar and cotton plantations>Habsbourg Spain / Provinces are given autonomous rule in which the crown respected the local legislation>Bourboun Spain / Central tyrannical rule from the crownIn every sense Habsbourgs Fuck protties and fuck freemasons, long live the (rightful non Bourbonical) monarch and the pope.
>>17277639>In every sense Habsbourgs>Fuck protties and fuck freemasons, long live the (rightful non Bourbonical) monarch and the pope.