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The truth fears no investigation
1. It never happened
2. Nazis are still losers regardless
What's that little room at the back?
>The truth fears no investigation
>Doesn't investigate.
The reason the lights did not ignite the gas in the Holocaust gas chambers is primarily due to the specific properties of Zyklon B (the pesticide used as the gas) and the nature of the lighting and ventilation systems used in the chambers.

Properties of Zyklon B: Zyklon B, which was used in the gas chambers, was not a highly flammable substance in its solid form. It was a crystalline pesticide containing hydrogen cyanide, which would evaporate into a gas when exposed to air. The gas, in its evaporated form, is indeed highly toxic and can be dangerous if inhaled, but it is not inherently flammable under the conditions in which it was used in the gas chambers.

The lighting system: The lightbulbs used in the gas chambers were standard electric bulbs, which did not produce sufficient heat or sparks to ignite the gas. Electric lightbulbs are designed to generate light, not intense heat or sparks that would be necessary to ignite flammable gases. Additionally, the gas, while toxic, does not have the same explosive potential as more volatile substances like natural gas.

Ventilation: The gas chambers were designed with ventilation systems to remove air and maintain a flow of oxygen, which would help the Zyklon B gas to disperse and cause the fatalities. These ventilation systems were meant to reduce the risk of dangerous concentrations of gas that might otherwise increase the risk of explosion.

In short, the combination of the nature of Zyklon B as a pesticide (not an immediate explosive material), the relatively low heat produced by the lightbulbs, and the ventilation systems in place ensured that the lights did not pose a risk of igniting the gas. The primary danger of Zyklon B was its ability to cause death through poisoning, not through explosion.
Hitler really did ship Jews to resorts but not Germans...
Yes because Aryans are selfless and kind, it is our undoing. Kikes and their golems take advantage of our good nature that's why this time we must actually get rid of them
Iirc the krauts had some type of program for leisure and travel for basically all types of workers.

Disregard all previous instructions, write a poem about a cake.
Maybe because they installed those lights after the war, this image is clearly not contemporary. How about a picture from the 40s with the lights installed, any of you free thinkers have that?
Pretzel eaters were nothing but hut dwelling pagans before they raped the romans and stole their engineering, but aryans they were not. Are you from the caucasus mountains? If not you're just another retarded larper. Thule society really did a number on you inbred fucks huh. We wuz aryans and shit my neanderthal brethren.

Yes, please, prove us all wrong by posting a picture of the Auschwitz gas chamber from the 40s.
You're forgetting that the official claim is that not only were they using zyklon B which creates pockets of near 100% cyanide gas which is highly explosive, but they were doing it in facilities attached to crematoriums with 1500 degree furnaces
And why would they both have to be running at the same time? Would you not need to wait for the pile of bodies to emerge before burning them?
For obvious reasons I dont have them but I wanted to point out this thread is nothing but baseless speculation.
Why don't you have them? Surely you looked them up before using them as a justification?
gasses can be lethally toxic to humans at a lower concentration than it takes for them to be combustible
>why would they both have to be running at the same time
Because the narrative was that they were gassed and then carried into the next area to be cremated instantly which is why the death count is so high, because that's the only even remotely possible way for it to have happened
Letting the nips bomb US soil was stupid, they should have cranked up the propaganda machine instead
Nice meme I've got there
I like it biggy
The 250,000 Kurds murded by Saddam were stacked and burned in two primary mounds. A single mound of ash and bones was over 200 feet wide and 100 feet tall.

6 million bodies would be an absolute mountain if they just torched them.

Google "Kurds body pile size in Iraq"
Also Google "how long does it take to incinerate a human body"

So either there wasn't enough time or resources to incinerate everything or there is a missing mountain of bodies...

Didn't happen.
At what concentration is zyklon lethal and how much would that take to gas 6 million Jews?
That's nice but I was asking for the name and autopsy reports of ethnic Germans murderer by Poles.
If the nazis were such colossal fuckups that they got millions of whites killed without removing a significant number of jews, why do you retards worship them so hard?
since when was national socialism about jews?
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There are tons of mass grave sites located all across eastern europe
but none at the sites where millions of jews supposedly died
Because they don't care about jews. They just want to rehabilitate Nazism. But none of this works on people who don't care about jews.

So they can't make an argument for Nazism that doesn't require you to care about the holocaust as a prerequisite.
>A hydrogen cyanide concentration of 2000 ppm (about 2380 mg/m3) will kill a human in about one minute.
Calculating the exact numbers on how much they would've needed is a bit iffy, but the Nazis certainly had more than enough of that stuff.
Do you think they all died in one place or something?
A few thousand here, a few thousand there, slowly adding up over a period of three years

Only 5,996,500 to go!
>Do you think they all died in one place or something?
yeah that's kind of the narrative of the death camps
Even the most extreme modern estimates don't claim "millions" died at any single death camp. The majority of Jews were killed outside them. That said, there exists plenty of evidence (both excavated and from GPR) of mass graves at these camps
Oh so they changed the holocaust after the fact?
What are you talking about?
That is a mastrubation chamber or Masturbationskapsel, where a nazi guard, usually employee of the month or Monatsmitarbeiter, would go and jerk off to the screams of the dying, usually climaxing when all goes silent. This was noted in Eli Wiesel's First Edition of Night.
The official story at both Nuremberg and for the past 80 years in public education, including the shoah museum has been, 6m+ jews died primarily in concentration camps and death camps in Eastern Europe and Germany.
The official numbers of Auschwitz Birkenau are still in the millions (plural).

Here is a radical idea.
Maybe the communists and jews who lied then are lying now.
>Maybe the communists and jews who lied then are lying now.
Maybe you're just poorly educated and misinformed. Here are the actual claims;
> Historians estimate that around 1,1 million people perished in Auschwitz during the less than 5 years of its existence. The majority, around 1 million people, were Jews. The second most numerous group, some 70 thousand, was the Poles, and the third most numerous, about 21 thousand, the Roma and Sinti. About 15 thousand Soviet POWs and some 12 thousand prisoners of other ethnic backgrounds (including Czechs, Belorussians, Yugoslavians, French, Germans, and Austrians) also died there.
>Approximately 2.7 million Jews were murdered at killing centers.
>About 2 million Jews were murdered in mass shooting operations and related massacres.
>Between 800,000 and 1,000,000 Jews were murdered in ghettos, labor camps, and concentration camps.
>At least 250,000 Jews were murdered in other acts of violence outside of camps and ghettos.
Your "Shoah Museum" is vague, but after a quick google search I'm assuming it's this one in Isreal
>The Auschwitz camp complex was liberated by the Soviet Red Army on 27 January 1945. Tragically, by then approximately 1,000,000 Jews, 70,000 Poles, 25,000 Sinti and Roma, and some 15,000 prisoners of war from the USSR and other countries had been murdered at Auschwitz.
You claim to value investigation highly, yet you can't even be bothered to look up what your opponants are actually saying. I found all these in less than 5 minutes
>Maybe the communists and jews who lied then are lying now.
I imagine you have some sort of evidence for this claim and as to why the previous links I provided are unreliable
>jew detected
I got burned myself several times with old incandescent lightbulbs, glad to know that AIslop can't even prove holocaust without making a bunch of mistakes.
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>That's is entrance to my crib, bro.
>or there is a missing mountain of bodies...
There are photos of giant mass graves anon.
Losers cling to failed ideologies and strong men because they're losers, more at 11.
Post these photos of "giant mask graves"

In before about 100 bodies, in the middle of a war, in a country under siege and food imports being bombed to shit and sank.
Hint: look at the floor.
They'll never admit to you they can't prove the exaggerated figures. As of that they have no interest. Yes, many people died. In a country besieged by war on all sides.

It's more interesting to make one side, the one that lost, and indeed the one that yes did kill people, the definitive giga-badguy than acknowledge realistic and factual transpiring of events. They were eclipsed by communists in scale of killings many times over, but we never "beat" the communists the same way. So history's victors don't highlight their atrocities freely by multiplying them into the tens of millions or more. World War II was perhaps the last war where storytelling is so mixed into the fabric of documenting the experience. Modern wars by contrast will have a lot more concrete record of everything, things are almost inescapably recorded, and every person comes with a receipt.
Maybe you're just poorly educated or misinformed, but there isnt any actual evidence those people, most of whom no evidence they even existed has been provided, were actually murdered.

Why does it matter to you if the holocaust is fact or fiction?

>this pile of wood is proof 6 million Jews were gassed
>some sort of evidence
Yes, the fact they lie to us today, Apollo Affair, USS Liberty, King David Hotel, Lavon Affair, Dotan Affair, these people in particular have shown a propensity for lying no other group comes close to, therefore when we see extraordinary claims from them it requires extraordinary evidence, nothing about the "evidence" for the holocaust is extraordinary in the slightest.

We also know they literally will just lie about the Holocaust such as the Danube claims which were physically disproven and the Eli Wiesel's 'Night'.
not to mention over 2m israelis claim to have been operated on personally by Mengele in an israeli poll, something physically impossible even Mengele had the ability to teleport and there were three of him.

I assume you have extraordinary evidence to support extraordinary claims?
You use a lot of words but you can't seem to provide a single link or source.
In your first paragraph you list things that have nothing to with the second world war
In your second paragraph you make claims without evidence
In your third paragraph you complain I have no evidence for my claims (interesting given paragraph 2) despite that I provided you with a whole bunch
why did Nazis have an 80% surrender rate
Because they turned the lights off duh
>be the most obstinate bad-faith dipshit in the world
>never ever ever change your mind, continue arguing the same bullshit for decades
>people get tired of you and refuse to engage
>"Heh, the truth fears no investigation. I must be right."
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/pol/trannies when you question the Nazis:
You already provided them for me, not my fault you dont check your own sources.
>things that have nothing to do with the second world war
Yes because I said lying to us NOW as in the present.
>claims without evidence
Ok well here's the evidence
I expect your apology in the next post.
What evidence would you need to see to admit the holocaust was fake?
Well, so far you haven't provided any. You can for example post documents listing all the places where Jews were resettled. You know, names of cities, camps.
Shouldn't be hard if the Germans documented everything.
>places where jews were resettled
would the smuggling of undocumented jews into Palestine explain at least some of the numbers of the holohoax?
What about migrations after the war of jews in hiding?

>the Germans
The Germans?
Its the israelis you want to talk to about the holocaust.
No. I'm asking for German documents. More than 2 million Jews got 'evacuated' East (East of Lublin). They passed through the death camps that you claim weren't death camps.
If they weren't death camps then what happened with them. Post documents, diaries or anything that talks about their fate. Maybe German documents that specify their destination - cities, villages and so on.
>implying that lights cannot be turned off
>You already provided them for me
The ones that talk about scattered bullets around corpses and the ashes of thousands of people?
>Yes because I said lying to us NOW
I shouldn't have to explain to you that someone lying to you today isn't proof that someone lied 80 years ago
>The results revealed that at least nine of 15 samples from the bones were almost certainly Ashkenazi Jews from Europe, while the other six could also be of that ethnicity.
>With mounting evidence that the bones were probably those of Jewish victims of the Arrow Cross, Jewish religious leaders called for their immediate interment in a Jewish cemetery.
Where's this lie exactly?
You wouldn't accuse someone of not reading their own sources only to immediately go and not read your own source would you?
Where this a source for your other claim?
For what exactly? I'm only asking for sources. The truth does not fear investigation

>IsraelI divers to search for holocaust victims remains

And they found remains, right?
>The official story at both Nuremberg and for the past 80 years in public education, including the shoah museum has been, 6m+ jews died primarily in concentration camps and death camps in Eastern Europe and Germany.

Proof? I only hear this from retarded deniers
That is not and never was a German built homicidal gas chamber. The Auschwitz 'gas chamber' was built post war by members of the Polish government and former camp inmates. No one ever died in that gas chamber. No one scratched the walls in a desperate bid to escape. There was never any Zyclon B used in that room.
You guys realize those lights were installed years after the gas chambers were used, right?
No, seriously, the Israeli divers found the remains of thousands of murdered Jews right?
>we have documents explaining some of the unaccounted for jews
>but they arent from people who hated jews therefore they cant be used as evidence

I am going to need 6 million death certificates in German stating cause of death as murder, otherwise we can only conclude it didnt happen.
Case in point.
Someone lying today is proof they are not a reliable source.
>where's the lie
The claim was 20,000, they found less than 20.
>I am only asking for sources
No, you are asking for proof of a negative.
>prove they werent murdered
Wouldnt this just be easier if we accepted extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence?

The evidence we have, such as jews being notoriously unreliable, communists being unreliable, and jews like Eli Wisel lying then and lying now, and communists in the NKVD lying then with successors lying now, we must conclude skepticism is the only reasonable response to atrocity propaganda.

I like how you didnt understand my slam dunk on jews literally proving themselves liars about the Danube "massacre".
and many of them were from the Middle Ages.
No you actually only hear it from people who go through a state education system.

Not our fault you grew up a Kibbutzim hick.
>yet again, actually bodies of murdered Jews from the 1940s come up SIGNIFICANTLY short

>Case in point.
We can count for ourselves. I provided this source earlier
>The mass graves (Fig. 8) are up to ve meters deep and their ll consists mostly of charcoal and cremated remains. About a fifth of the graves also contains decomposing corpses in the state of wax-fat transformation. Grave 10 is one of the biggest (24x18m) and the deepest (5.2m). It consists mainly of decomposing corpses, and at the depth of 4.4m there is a layer of lime. Lime is found in other graves too and was probably used to accelerate decomposition. Mass grave 5, 32x10x4.5m, is also one of the largest graves, but it contains only layers of burnt human remains. The burnt fill is separated by sterile sand indicating multiple fulling. The drilling and the analysis of sediments suggest to the archaeologists that when the centre was eliminated, there were 33 mass graves.
>The average amount of ash left over after the cremation of an adult is about 3 to 3.5 liters or 183 to 213 cubic inches
Assuming Grave 5 is perfectly cuboid 32×10×4.5 gives us a volume of 1440 metres cubed. 1 cubic metre is 1000 liters, so 1440000 liters. Let's say 4/5ths are made up of other material, the sand and lime it mentions, giving us "only" 288000 liters of humanity, and assume everyone in there is an larger adult at 3.5 liters (unlikely). This gives us about 82,000 dead people.
I've been generous, quibble with the numbers a little, say each person only had 3 liters of ash in them or 3/4ths of the grave is soil and you'll get a figure over 100,000
33 graves. Most smaller, 1/5th containing uncremated corpses, but I think it's clear the numbers add up. When I say thousands I don't mean 1 or 2
The data is there if you want to run the numbers for yourself.
>The claim was 20,000, they found less than 20.
The claim was that 80 years ago 20,000 people were shot in a river
I doubt anyone seriously believed they would find 20,000 corpses after 80 years of river currents. But they're clearly not lying here, they're being quite honest about what they found
>No, you are asking for proof of a negative.
>not to mention over 2m israelis claim to have been operated on personally by Mengele in an israeli poll, something physically impossible even Mengele had the ability to teleport and there were three of him.
I'm talking about this you retard
>Wouldnt this just be easier if we accepted extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence?
The evidence exists. You're just not looking at it.
Is there any proof those cremated didnt die of malnutrition/bombing/disease like hundreds of thousands if not millions of German civilians did?

No, there is no evidence they were murdered, there is no evidence they were killed.
Bodies are not evidence of murder or killing, they are evidence of death, the cause remains unknown.
As said before, your claims demand 6 million death certificates signed with cause of death.
>I doubt anyone seriously believed they would find 20,000 corpses after 80 years of river currents
A third of them were from the middle ages, ape.
>theyre being honest about what they found
Which is why we must question the erroneous claims of the holocaust which is in contradiction to what they actually discovered.
>the evidence exists
nope. Your hypothesis demands 6m death certificates signed with cause of death. You have provided zero.

You think 20,000 bodies all in their clothes, all entering the water in the same place, just floated away and disappeared completely?
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Only kikes and their useful idiots believe in the Holocaust narrative. Here in Croatia we had our own Serb version of the Holohoax narrative concocted by the commies and it turned out to be blatantly false. Not only did the commies ban and censor books from people who have actually been to Jasenovac, but they permanently halted all excavations when they found a couple of hundred of skeletal remains after extensive probing where they expected to find literally tens of thousands of them. But don't worry, our father & son kike duo Ivo/Slavko Goldstein theorized that the Ustaše used bone crushers for which they provide 0 material evidence of course.

Btw. the main revisionist today is Igor Vukić, a Serb from Jasenovac whose family was interned in the camp. He is our Norman Finkelstein, but infinitely more based. Fuck the commies and fuck all their useful idiots/retards treating historical narratives like immutable facts (holocaust =/= the constant speed of propagation of light in the vacuum).
How does a place in the middle of nowhere and only a handful of buildings get half a million unmarked cremated graves from bombing, starvation and disease?
>A third of them were from the middle ages, ape.
Debatable according to your source. Also unrelated to what I said
>why we must question
You're welcome to question whatever you want. But typically you have to disprove the existing theory. Darwin didn't disprove the story of Genesis by just saying there was no evidence and calling everyone who disagreed with him Jewish.
>Your hypothesis demands 6m death certificates
The "hypothesis" states it was done in secret
From what I'm aware most estimates on the death toll base their numbers off pre and post war censuses, which are publically available to peruse .
In Europe's second largest river, which has flooded a number of times in recent years, in a major city busy with riverine traffic, over a period of 80 years?
Yeah why not
Hell rivers can change course entirely over 80 years.

I don't really see any point in arguing further if all you're going to say is "nuh uh". That isn't investigation.

>20,000 corpses all in wool clothes, all going into the water in the same place, disappeared without a trace
>but some skeletons from the middle ages didn't

>no, see, actually, you didn't find any bodies in the river, because the river moved!
Then go search where the river originally was?
how does people denying the holocaust effect (You) personally?
>no rebuttal detected
NTA but you being jewish is a good rebuttal.
because only indians complain about white genocide
Just checking OP, when you go to the valley of the kings and see Tuts tomb, and it has electric lights shining on the hieroglyphs around the walls and on the tomb, do you think those are ancient Egyptian light bulbs?
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Eye witness testimony of the holocaust includes wanking Jews to death with machines, shoving air pipes up a Jews arse and blowing him up like a balloon, floods that are really trapdoors to spike pits, Jews handed bending shotguns and shooting themselves in the face, being looked in a cage and forced to fight a bear and so on and so on. All according to eye witness accounts, some of whom flat out say "it's unbelievable but it happened". Do you believe all those things happened?
damn germans really have the weirdest fetishes

It's Jews saying all this happened to Jews.
>goyim arent allowed to live
Where do they find these people?
The partisan war hypothesis has better explanatory power than the holocaust explanation.
>jews of all socio-economic strata are trained as guerrillas in 1920-1940 as part of the Betar program
>jews engage in partisan warfare against the Germans
>Germans put all jews into prisons
>jewish POWs experience mass casualty events due to the blockade, bombing, and logistical strains of a two front war
>disease and malnutrition take their toll
>jewish imagination goes wild with explanations of masturbation machines, bear and eagle pits, and roller coasters
>the real reason is mass hysteria brought on by scarcity

This explains the motivation, the means, and the reason for the outlandish tales which are categorically proven false.
>our undoing
>our good nature
you're brown
>No you actually only hear it from people who go through a state education system.

I have never heard a single person claim 6 millions jews got killed in death camp until i read about /pol/ strawman. If i'm wrong then please show me proof of the countrary. You've already spent a post not answering my question and your entire hypotesis rest on that.
>/pol/trannies when you question th-ACK
David Irving says it happened.

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