What would he think of America today?
>>17278142Appalled that we consider non whites to be people and that we let women vote or work outside the home.
>>17278142It's obviously exactly what he envisioned.
>>17278142Proud that we consider non whites to be people and that we let women vote or work outside the home.
>>17278142He'd be a Democrat today
>>17278274Of course, hes the great granddad of half of nigs
>>17278308Well, yeah, but that's because he's the social equivalent of Al Gore. The real question is how would he interpret anti-federalism in terms of modern policy and economical questions. Libertarian socialist? Just go super hard into the anti-monopoly stuff and let the banks stand? MMT?
"You gave them the right to VOTE?"- Washaton
>>17278142Tree of Liberty