Say an emperor or governor feels extra petty and wanting to divide the population by having family members fight one another for their survival, how would they goad them into the act of fratricide?
They wouldn't because they'd be instantly deposed and forced to kill themselves for being fucking retarded.
>>17278803Perhaps have a religion converting more susceptible members of a family like women and children?
They wouldn't, that would be highly illegal, violate a dozen religious taboos, and there were very specific rules about who could and could not be put into the colosseum. The best you could do is find half the family guilty of crimes that were punishable by death; various kinds of terrorism, namely setting buildings on fire, is what got Christians sentenced to be eaten by lions, and usury is what got Jews sent there. Alternatively, you could do the same to the families of certain gladiators, but they intentionally chose gladiators to avoid such a thing.