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Why do larpagans complain that Christianity is a non-European religion given that actual pagan Europeans had no problem worshiping Egyptian, Anatolian, Mesopotamian, etc gods?
Actual pagan Europeans worshipped Egyptian, Anatolian, Mesopotamian gods alongside European gods. Christianity exclusively worships a Canaanite god.
So? I thought pagan's main gripe was that Christianity isn't indigenous to Europe, not about whether they exclusively or inclusively worship a non-European god.
>worship le egyptian dogman
>go home and worship your native gods
>worship le jewish daylaborer
>not allowed to worship your native gods

Hmm... These don't seem to be the same thing...
There are two kinds of neopagans, SJWs, and nazis, and SJWs are far more common. Nazi pagans are a loud minority.
Have you even talked to one of these people? Their main gripe is that Christianity is a false religion, the "indigeneity" is irrelevant.
Are you not American or European? Here in the West, the Nazi kind are orders of magnitude more prevalent. At least when it comes to Norse stuff, every temple and priesthood is run by the Nazi types. The Gay kind are very loud, but an incredibly small minority and are just an extension of Antifa tasked with keeping an eye on the Nazi kind.
they're all Warhammer 40k cosplayers, none of them really believes Thor is up there in the clouds
Stop fucking taking these people seriously, I made this thread to make fun of these people and you're fucking ruining it for me.
Praise every god in creation aside from the wretched dog Yahweh and pig shit be upon his son
lol that's funny 'cos even Hitler himself thought neopagans were dumb
Not really. The people he's describing in the passage you're citing are more like today's Tradcaths. Neopagans go out and do stuff IRL, tradcaths just roleplay on the internet and groom children in discord.
>no reply from OP
>Their main gripe is that Christianity is a false religion, the "indigeneity" is irrelevant.
All they can talk about is how Christianity is a Jewish religion that worships a middle eastern desert God. I've never seen a pagan give an actual critique of Christianity other than "its le jewish" (ie non-European).

Because I already replied to the same point >>17278833
>Christian too dumb to understand syncretism
E-pagans place a lot of emphasize on words like "native" without realizing what that really means. For example, a lot of Japanese culture is Chinese, but over time it became a native part of Japan. You could even argue that Buddhism is a very native religion as well. By that same token, it is undeniable that Christianity is the native faith of the West. But Pagans really, really do not like the concept of the West, even if it is their own civilization. They can't accept the glory of Medieval and Early-Modern Europe, so they have to LARP as their "ancestors" who would actually see them as an alien race.
>It's different if I just call it syncretism
smartest pagan
Honestly I'd prefer if more E-pagans were honest syncretists because that was the actual worldview of Classical Paganism. In stark contrast to modern pagans, Julian had no care for "white gods" and argued his faith was the universal one, and that Christianity was only a local, ethnic religion. It would be much easier to reason with men like Julian than the deranged 80IQ niggers that 95% of e-pagans are.
But 95% of neopagans are SJWs, the remaining 5% being the nazis
Sounds like you haven't spent much time looking at what these people think. The AFA's high priest runs a podcast, maybe you should check it out or ask a gothi.
Stop talking about IRL things! I want to complain about people on the internet!
That's obviously not true, and the fact that you keep seething about it not being true won't make it true.
Watch out, he's going to post the same 3 gay pagans that's been in his folder for 5 years.
Do hellenists make this claim?
I think it's just us heathens who say this.
Hellenists and romaboos practice the cosmopolitan faith of a cosmopolitan empire. I would imagine they would be proud of that fact.
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because egptyians were white. unlike jews
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>Are you not American or European? Here in the West, the Nazi kind are orders of magnitude more prevalent.
I don't think so. Every statistic I've seen shows that most pagans in the English-speaking countries are Wicca-like hippies.

>At least when it comes to Norse stuff, every temple and priesthood is run by the Nazi types.
That's true, leftoid pagans don't do much IRL.
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the fact leftists pagans seethe so much about nazi pagans getting their temples first is really funny to me. mayhaps the gods favor thee less, O dickless they/them of many dresses.
Most practitioners of Hellenism and Romanism are Folkish.

>i lumped two completely separate groups together and the statistics look whacky!
Well yeah, you lumped two completely separate religious traditions together, why the fuck wouldn't they look odd? If you combined Judaism and Taoism together as "Abrahamism" then you'd see that the geographic enter of "Abrahamism" is in Uzbekistan, and be quite shocked to find almost no Jews or Taoists there.
What the fuck? They're allowed to have a temple?
71.3% of Poles identified as "Catholic" in surveys, yet less than 5% of them attend Church services once or more per year. In Russia, it's 2%.
>71.3% of Poles identified as "Catholic" in surveys
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>a temple
4 temples now, working on the 5th and 6th ones
So they're just allowed to mave multiple Whites only churches? Why are there no Christian groups that do the same?
There are, you just haven't bothered to look into it.
Because Christianity is a multicultural and universal religion about uniting all of the world together as one race.
>there are more prowhite temples to fucking thor than there are prowhite christian churches
lmfao holy shit
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theyve been investigated by the feds a couple times now but they always close the case because they cant find evidence of criminal activity. there have been a few attempts at forming white nationalist christian organizations but most of them got WACO'd, like numbers 25 and the ruby ridge people. I hope the AFA stays smart about not falling for obvious fed tricks like those guys did (the ruby ridge guy got done in by a based and fellow racist asking for a sawed off shotgun, and that fellow racist turned out to be a fed) but they have let in a couple less savory types which concerns me.

im not sure if there are actual physical churches that only allow whites in america, but there are several christian identity groups and national organizations. why they havent tried something like the AFA I am not sure desu, I am not really involved with the christian nationalist community as much as the pagan nationalist one so I dont know as much about the internal workings going on over there. I know they have been compromised by feds for some time now, its a pretty well known joke that the KKK is composed of about 5 boomers who havent got a clue and 50 feds keeping an eye on them. but the KKK has been around for ages so that was bound to happen eventually
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>why they havent tried something like the AFA I am not sure desu
Because there's three kinds of people interested in CI: Feds, schizophrenics who can't play nice because they want to be their own Pope, and the dudes too stupid to earn their hammer in prison.
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>a lot of Japanese culture is Chinese,
And therefore not Japanese, in the sense of originating from Japan. But in this case I'd agree it's native, why? Because most "Japanese" are actually immigrants from Korea and China who adopted mainland Chinese culture then froze in the Tang dynasty. So it's misleading to claim they are 'Japanese' when they are to the Ainu what Australians are to abos.
Yayoi period was a few centuries before the Tang though, Japan received heavy continental influence after they'd already arrived
>your native gods
Whomstd’ve shall that be, someone descended from Christians for 1500 years?
Egypt, anatolia and mesopotamian civilization was founded by white aryan conquerors.
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do you understand what the word 'native' means? Saxneat is the native, national God of the Saxons. to worship Saxneat, one must be a Saxon. to be a Saxon means to invoke his very name every time you call yourself one.

to be a christian means to think saxon means (((isaac)))s sons because of spiritual and historical confusion. the native gods have been displaced by foreign ones, much like our native people are now being displaced by those same foreigners who invented this foreign god. what a coincidence.

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