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Has any other time period in our known history involved a government letting in billions of unvetted foreigners to hurt their own people?
There aren't a billion people in any country except China and India, ever, let alone billions of foreigners.
>Umm akstually you were exaggerating for comedic effect so I'm going to focus on that instead of actually answering the question.
>Haha, you used hyperbole so I can ignore that every major UK city is minority white British and became so only in the last 30 years.
No bro, it's fine bro. Lines gotta go up bro.
>Haha nice hyperbole OP. Now I can ignore that 1 in 5 people currently in Ireland were not born in Ireland
But bro the GDP isn't going up, its going down. Bro importing all these people for 'economic' benefits isn't working bro, they, they aren't working bro.
Bro, just think of the curries bro. And the kebabs! And the rap! Don't forget the rap!
Mmmmm I sure love authentic foreign slop made by a foreigner who totally hasn't struggle snuggled half the pre teen girls in the neighborhood! Its not like I can go online and learn how to cook whatever the fuck I want myself
Diversity is our strength bro. And when you think about it, Brits invaded all those countries 200 years ago, so a white girl born in 1989 DESERVES to be raped to death and then ground up into kebab meat.
Bro, look bro, that white girl VOTED for it bro, she deserves it bro.
Nigga that hag's 35
There are cucks on twitter who unironically believe this
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>You NEED to let in millions of shitholers to make the line go up, it’s the only wa-ACK!
Didn't the UK put out a report a while back that line is not going up because they're coming over and not working just sucking up the benefits

How old would she be in 2003 Mohammed?
That particular line goes up because every country in the world outsourced manufacturing to China. You want to replicate that line, convince the entire world your workforce is the cheapest.
That sounds about right. Multiculturalism and liberal democracy (especially the kind ran by liberal pussies who are scared to keep browns in line) are the worst combo possible.
That's beside the point.

How old would she be in 2003 Aftab?

>In March 2009, Charlene's sister, Emma, pleaded not guilty to racially aggravated assault against the brother of the man who had been charged with murdering Charlene.[32] She maintained that her assault on the man's brother had never been racially motivated; on the first day of her trial the prosecution accepted her plea to common assault, a less serious offence.[33] She was sentenced to community service.[34] In 2012, Charlene's younger brother admitted in court to punching the man who had faced the charge of helping to dispose of her body.[35] He was given a fine and a suspended sentence.[36]

Her family received more punishment than the murderers.
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Chinas workforce isn’t the cheapest anymore though, China themselves could get cheaper labor by opening up their labor market to millions of Pajeets, Bengalis, and Philippinos. Their government doesn’t do that because they favor social cohesion, stability and quality of life over just making the line go up.
Reminds me of this German woman apart of the AfD being charged for posting GOVERNMENT STATISTICS that said Afghan immigrants rape a lot more than German men.

And this other woman who verbally lashed out at one of her rapists getting a harsher sentence than him
Aren't you on welfare in the US?
Shouldn't have went globo boy. Shit goes both ways
I work too, but I’m definitely a tax burden
Remember, your government hates you. You, personally. They want to harm you and will kill you in a heartbeat if they can get away it.
Everybody is a tax burden lmao.
Hahah y-yeah man. That white family over there that has lived in these lands for thousands of years? They're a burden. Sure they pay into the system and have forever but they're a burden just like little Afghan Dan whose fresh off a dingy
The idea that one doesn't use up system resources and finances makes no sense.
What the fuck do you think diabetes, obesity or chronic heart conditions do to a Healthcare system?
The NHS is collapsing. Its beautiful. Every day more and more people are becoming racist.
Some imperial states probably did this but I can't think of a specific one. It happens when mercantile interests and elements dominate society, as they do in liberal democracies. I think racial self-hatred practiced by whites is historically unique though
>I think racial self-hatred practiced by whites is historically unique though
It's not.
What are some examples?
Thread theme: https://youtu.be/EfoNFD-4sbA
You get what you vote for. Is this not right?
Found the cuck
14 year olds can't vote
I would eagerly genocide my entire race for a kebab store.

>B-But muh white girls
All of my sisters are dating people of foreign descent and are happy with them. Why should I care about some fantastical victim over my own family? Better to allow them to suffer so the people I care about can benefit.
>They're a burden
Unironically, yes.

Taxes don't tell the whole story. Or even half of one.

NTA, but there is no self hatred. What is unique is you creating a fantasy ethnic group, white, and then forcefully trying to spread it to others.
>Has any other time period in our known history involved a government letting in billions of unvetted foreigners to hurt their own people?
Spanish Civil War.
Nazi Germany if you just count the amount of imported foreign slave labor.
Utilizing foreign labor when they are at war with the Soviet Union is different from internationalism. Furthermore, Nazi Germany had an objectively better living standard than the Soviet Shithole and that's really what you should be looking at
>Utilizing foreign labor when they are at war with the Soviet Union is different from internationalism
You mean the internationalism that the USSR was largely not engaging in while Germany was?

>Furthermore, Nazi Germany had an objectively better living standard than the Soviet Shithole and that's really what you should be looking at
1: It did not. 2: Certainly not the people being used as slave labor.
Communists are not, and never have been citizens of Spain
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Im just letting you know, as a brown man I find your mindset bizzare and laughable. None of us respect you for adopting this position, and I personally laugh when shit like pic related happens to lefties.
Spain is, and never has been, a real country. Therefore it's a moot point.

>Im just letting you know, as a brown man I find your mindset bizzare and laughable.
There's a joke here about black/brown men not caring about their family. But it's far too obvious.

>and I personally laugh when shit like pic related happens to lefties.
Considering the murder rate in America, I find it hilarious you think this is a argument. You are literally more likely to get killed by a white man. Don't see you arguing in favor of white genocide.
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> You are literally more likely to get killed by a white man.

Another brainlet who doesn’t understand “per capita”. Go back to black Twitter.
>per capita
Still more likely to be killed by a white person than a black person. If you actually care about your wellbeing, it's that you would focus on. You don't because crime is largely not a actual issue even in the USA. Let alone my home country.
> Still more likely to be killed by a white person than a black person.

Nope. Wrong. Black people commit more violent hate crimes against my people than whites, including murder.

> You don't because crime is largely not a actual issue even in the USA
>crime is part and parcel of society chud, just shut up you may offend someone

There’s that bizzare cuckold mentality I was talking about.

White liberals are like not even humans. I could decapitate their family right in front of them and they’d put on a big smile and act like nothing happened just so no one gets offended. Strange, strange folks.
>Black people commit more violent hate crimes against my people than whites, including murder.
Most violent crimes are not hate crimes. You are more likely to be shot by a white person, simple as.

>crime is part and parcel of society
I mean, yes? I'm not saying don't do anything about it, but it's not a fixable issue. Crime will always happen, even if we had some kind of perfect ideal society in which everybody is rich you would still get people that just murder their wife or something.

Overall we are doing pretty well most regards. This isn't Three Kingdoms era China, or even eighties New York. Banditry has largely stopped being a issue outside of, like, Somalia. Even organized crime has heavily declined.
>Most violent crimes are not hate crimes

Never claimed they were. Once again blacks people commit the most murders per capita.

And for violent crime in general that are 13% of the population but commit 52% of the violent offenses. I am proud to hold them accountable and take them to task when cowards like you won’t.

>I'm not saying don't do anything about it

It’s what you’re implying. You’re literally telling me to stop talking about it.

>you would still get people that just murder their wife or something.

Wait till you find out what demographic commits the most domestic violence.

>or even eighties New York

Thanks to massively increasing the police budget, electing tough on crime politicians like Giuliani and Bloomberg, and passing tough on crime laws like the RICO Act and Stop and Frisk.

>outside of, like, Somalia

A shitlibs measure of success: a-at least we’re not Somalia!
>And for violent crime in general that are 13% of the population but commit 52% of the violent offenses.
They do not. You should read the stats you are quoting.

>It’s what you’re implying.
It's not. You made that up.

>You’re literally telling me to stop talking about it.
I do not. I'm pointing out you just don't care about anything other than fueling your racist hate boner.

I have actual family. I have people I care about and protect. You do not.

>Wait till you find out what demographic commits the most domestic violence.
If you count wife murders, 100% whites.

>Thanks to massively increasing the police budget, electing tough on crime politicians like Giuliani and Bloomberg, and passing tough on crime laws like the RICO Act and Stop and Frisk
No, not really. Tough on crime initiatives largely failed while things like decreasing gun ownership and wealth redistribution worked.

>A shitlibs measure of success: a-at least we’re not Somalia!
We aren't like England until basically 1900 either. Literally the less white we have become, the less crime has occurred. Banditry went from a constant to a thing your average person does not even consider.
>You mean the internationalism that the USSR was largely not engaging in while Germany was?
Wtf is this nigger tier logic?
Utilizing foreign labor is different from internationalism. The entire point of international socialism was to see one's identity as existing ACROSS nations, VIA social class. The entire point of NATIONAL socialism was to see one's identity as existing VIA one's nation ACROSS social class.

>1: It did not. 2: Certainly not the people being used as slave labor.
1. Yes they did
2. Who the fuck cares? They are prisoners of war you gigantic retard
>Utilizing foreign labor is different from internationalism.
So is making alliances with countries halfway across the world and trying to rewrite the international legends.

> The entire point of international socialism was to see one's identity as existing ACROSS nations
You do realize the USSR was largely isolationist right?

>The entire point of NATIONAL socialism was to see one's identity as existing VIA one's nation ACROSS social class.
The point was mostly just to murder people and destroy society.

>Yes they did
No, it was a completely failed state that only saw a decline in living standards.

> They are prisoners of war you gigantic retard
Most of them were innocent civilians. Again, that's the point of national socialism. Murdering innocent people and undermining human civilization.
*rewrite international relations and borders.
>NTA, but there is no self hatred. What is unique is you creating a fantasy ethnic group, white, and then forcefully trying to spread it to others
nice example of white self-hatred. also nice genocidal ideation in trying to delegitimize the existence of the group you want to destroy. libtards were stupid to point out the first stages of genocide and then deploy them against whites
>how can there be a genocide of palestinians if palestinians don't exist?
>how can I be invading Ukraine if Ukraine doesn't exist?
>how can white people be losing their countries if white people don't exist?
>nice example of white self-hatred
There is no white identity. Nobody in Europe believes in white identity. Even in America it basically only exists when convenient.

>also nice genocidal ideation in trying to delegitimize the existence of the group you want to destroy.
You are openly trying to genocide all of Europe with your pushing of white identity.
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The USSR was not isolationists. They have literally invaded Poland and Finland.
Most of these Baltic and Slavic peoples have volunteered in the Waffen-SS to fight after witnessing the genocides the Soviet Union carried out.
Nazi indoctrination was absent in these foreign units. They were not dehumanized at all whatsoever, unlike what the NKVD had done
>They have literally invaded Poland and Finland.
Yes. With Hitler's blessing.

>Most of these Baltic and Slavic peoples have volunteered in the Waffen-SS to fight after witnessing the genocides the Soviet Union carried out.
Most Slavic and baltic people were killed on sight by Nazi Germany. The few remaining ones were typically either complete psychopaths or not actually native people.

>They were not dehumanized at all whatsoever
They weren't human in the first place, otherwise they wouldn't have joined the Waffen-SS.
>There is no white identity. Nobody in Europe believes in white identity
Dead wrong, both enemies of whites and friends of whites believe in it and increasingly so. Your schtick here is being undermined on your own side as leftists increasingly embrace the white / brown dichotomy imported from America because you're slaves to American mass media and thus American narratives and concepts about race
>Dead wrong
No, I'm alive and right.

>Your schtick here is being undermined on your own side as leftists increasingly embrace the white / brown dichotomy
They do not. If anything the whole situation in Isreal largely shows that viewpoint to be incompatible with European leftist politics. At worst they simply believe in more moralistic takes on politics in general. It makes sense you would view that as being about white and brown since the closest thing white identity has to actually existing is simply a different way to talk about evil.
Yeah WWII Germany when they sent their German men to die in the East while importing Slavs to Germany for labor.
It's about driving down wages and always having a lumpenproletarian population that can be exploited harder, for longer and with the threat of deportation, not necessarily about boosting production and certainly not about boosting wages (wages are factored into GDP). I know it is borderline impossible for fascists but stop thinking about economics in terms of organic national economies where everyone besides a few traitors has the same material interests and it'll start making sense. The same thing happens in the Gulf Arab countries and even internally in China with nongmingong. GDP is a largely bullshit metric anyway and was invented by a Jew if you feel like freaking out about that.
Also in India too, literally 90% of Indian labor is informal labor.
Yes, it's called the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Having access to POC is NOT a human right crackas
>British 14 year olds were voting in 2005
Except, you know, communism. Or fascism.
Nope, this is a pretty unique phenomena.
Historically governments have invited foreigners for the BENEFIT of their own people, see Roman patricians inviting the Foederati to remedy a deficit in the military, the West German government inviting gastarbeiter to help with the Wirtshaftswunder or princes in Eastern Europe inviting German settlers during the Ostsiedlung.
The human trafficking we see today is caused by neolibshit crapitalism and it's obsession with racing to the bottom.
Maybe because they weren't convicted of murder. Murder like that in the UK will get you life with a minimum of like 20 years at least before parole is even an option.
German courts have no discretion and are legally compelled to prosecute if there's evidence of a crime.
>against my people
You're also a minority.
>I mean, yes? I'm not saying don't do anything about it, but it's not a fixable issue. Crime will always happen, even if we had some kind of perfect ideal society in which everybody is rich you would still get people that just murder their wife or something.
Some people don't get this. Crime happens in every society on Earth. Even places like Italy, Singapore, and Japan. In small towns here in the US where kids play outside with no worries and people leave their doors unlocked there are still occasional issues with botched drug deals, manslaughter, or domestic abuse. You can't eliminate crime, only use reasonable measures to get it down to a level that isn't too disruptive.
If you give your women access to education, employment, financial independence, contraception, etc. your birthrate will invariably go down and you will be faced with the demographic crises that come with an aging population.

The UK is being mentioned a lot in this thread - they're a good example of a country that can't afford to let this happen. Their social state is a Ponzi scheme because of the way their pension system, benefit system, and NHS are constructed. A lot of Brits think they get paid out the money they originally put into some mythical pot when they get on the state pension. That's a myth. Their pensions are paid out from the NI contributions of current working age people.

This is why the British government keeps ramping up legal migration no matter who is in power. They're trying to balance the number of people paying into the system against the number of people dependant on the system. The Tories got into government under Cameron promising to reduce net migration to below 100,000. By the time they lost the last election, net migration had hit peaks of >700,000, with over 90% of that number coming from legal migration. All their Stop The Boats chat is about focusing the argument on a certain type of immigrant. They only care about eliminating these 'bad immigrants' (i.e. asylum seekers). They're perfectly happy waving through hundreds of thousands of 'good immigrants' (people who can't access public funds and must instead work for a living) because they calculate that they pose a net benefit to the country from an economic perspective.

The only meaningful long-term alternatives to this are to wind down the social state or to eliminate women's rights. Both of these are politically unfeasible for any mainstream political party, which is why I don't see any end to mass immigration in the West.
most governments lacked the means to destroy nations that the west had in africa/the middle east to the point where it backfired on them when said nations subsequently attempted to migrate to the closest island of stability so no, similar migration patterns have happened historically though especially in the steppes though they often involved a third party
though this probably isn't the reality you'll accept
Yes, see the entire history of the Roman republic and empire
You will never be taken seriously by right wing White people.
Europeans are waking up
To the inevitability of their death, yes.
>most governments lacked the means to destroy nations that the west had in africa/the middle east
bro they just used to kill/deport everyone
nigga youre a literal cuck why should anyone care about what you have to say in the first place
holy shit nigga youre gay af
>Literally the less white we have become, the less crime has occurred. Banditry went from a constant to a thing your average person does not even consider.

literal cuck fantasies
I don't think there's ever been a ruling elite with more open disdain for their own people. Even in the Feudal era, Kings never blamed peasants for their lot in life, but modern progressive elites seem to see poor working class whites as moral inferiors for not being wealthy and educated like they are. Even Calvinists went as far as saying the poors were inferior and sinful, but even there they said that's the way god made them.

What I think will happen is other ethnic groups will practice some pretty harsh and blunt nepotism, and there won't be anyone left to really take the white elite's side.
Brown cope.
The most fundamental ipso facto reason boils down to male/female sex relations. I cannot stress this enough.
That’s one of the reasons I attack the academy in my writings too. Pol Pot wasn’t a dummy.

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