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Would Turks be better off today if they had stayed Tengrists
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Everyone is worse off with Abrahamism
A Tengrist Ottoman Empire sounds like peak kino. Why are pagans so weak against Abrahamism?
they would have been better off if they didn't breed with brown anatolian monkeys and devolve into shitskins.
I think universalism and routing all perceivable phenomenon back through one singular originating cause is just really appealing to people because it's so simple that a fucking kid can understand it.
anatolian turks have and never had anything to do with pic related
>demons are repulsed by depictions of Gods creation and refuse to enter a house adorned with them
No. Turks in large numbers practicing anything other than Islam don't even remain Turks in identity but become assimilated into other populations.

Look at every large Turkic group that ever lived in Europe. They assimilated into the Eastern and Central European populations. We've seen the same thing with Hunnic peoples across Europe, Iran and South Asia. Christian Turkic groups in Russian Siberia only became Christian in the last 2 or 3 centuries and they never had any power or influence.
Wonder how theassimilation of religion would be if European pagans or east asian pagans colonised Americas
>people who are under the hegemony of another ethnicity tend to get assimilated
Woah... You fucking retard. It's only a historical coincidence that the only Turkic state to retain its independence (Turkey) happened to be Islamic.
Islamic Turkic peoples have gotten largely assimilated too. Look at Kazakhs. Most "native speakers" of Kazakh literally *think* in Russian.
They happen to speak a language that descends from the language of the people who devised that mythology.
Also genetically they partially descend from people who practiced that religion.
Anatolians used to be industrious inventors (Anatolia is where copper, bronze and iron were first smelted and arose; also the likely origin of the flintlock rifle) and competent statesmen (Laws of Hammurabi; Lydian trade)
No idea what the fuck happened to them in the last five hundred years or so.
Ottoman Sultans were ghazis. Islamic holy warriors. Even before they became caliphs. Uthman(Osman) is a cousin of Mahomet.
>Most "native speakers" of Kazakh literally *think* in Russian
Blame it on Communism
Fucking moron
Kazkhs are Muslim
and that didn't save them from soviet assimilation
Tengrism never seems to survive contact with other organised religions, presumably because it's so insubstantial to begin with. We don't have a central Tengrist text we can draw on - it seems to be a collection of folk traditions with vague thematic through lines more than an organised religion. This seems to make it easy to convert away from it through syncretization in the first generation (often for political reasons) followed by gradual abandoning of the folk traditions over time as the new clergy gains power.

Turkic groups seem to have been highly susceptible to converting en masse to other religions because of this, whether that be Manichaeism, Judaism, Nestorian Christianity, Eastern Orthodox Christianity, Buddhism, or Islam. I don't really see a timeline where Turks remain Tengrist because of this. There are timelines, however, where I could see them creating Turco-Jewish empires or converting to Christianity, etc. which I think would have had interesting consequences.
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>Woah... You fucking retard. It's only a historical coincidence that the only Turkic state to retain its independence (Turkey) happened to be Islamic.
>Islamic Turkic peoples have gotten largely assimilated too. Look at Kazakhs. Most "native speakers" of Kazakh literally *think* in Russian.
Fallacies and fallacies after fallacies. Should I even bother responding?

Kazakhs and Turkic Central Asians, regardless of how many are Muslim or not, have their own ethnic identity that EXISTS. Non-Muslim Turks and Huns (with the exception of the small-numbered Gagauz) in Europe CEASED to exist. They entirely assimilated into other populations. That goes for every Onugur, Bulgar, Avar, Khazar, Cuman-Kipchak, Pre-Islam Euro Oghuz, etc. That has been a CONSISTENT theme in history. The same for the Turks and Huns that settled parts of South Asia before being Muslim.

Anatolian Turkey not being conquered is fucking irrelevant to my point. Conquered doesn't necessarily mean an ethnicity is wiped out. Uyghurs still exist, Kazakhs and Kyrguz in China still exist, surviving Tatars of various sorts, Bashkirs, Karachay-Balkars, Kumyks, Azeris, Turkmen, etc all EXIST as distinct ethnic populations. Turkish-speaking Turks exist in Northern Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece and West Balkans, and they're all Muslim-majority ethnic groups. That's all despite being conquered.

Coincidence my ass. When there's so many coincidences that it becomes universal, it's not a fucking coincidence. It's you being delusional and having a mental breakdown. Khazars had a whole Jew empire and they don't exist today. What happened to the Euro Bulgars and Avars? They assimilated into the Slavs and Greeks. What happened to the Cumans? They assimilated into the Serbs and Hungarians.
>What happened to the Cumans? They assimilated into the Serbs and Hungarians [Magyars].
I'm referring to the non-Muslim Cumans that fled westward when the Golden Horde invaded. Most Cuman-Kipchaks of Ukraine and surrounding regions merged into the Golden Horde, itself made up of Mongols and Kipchaks.

There isn't a Christian Cuman or Christian Bulgar or Christian Pannonian-Avar population. Nor are there any Christian Turkic empires that you can refer to from history. There's countless Muslim ones. The Gagauz are literally the only Christian Turks in Europe and they're irrelevant in history. Now you may say, you're talking about TENGRISM and not Christianity. My point exactly. Where are the Tengrist versions of these same ethnic groups? They don't exist! Khazars were Jews and they don't exist either.

P.S. Tengrism wasn't a unified religion or anything close to it. There was spectrum of monotheism and paganism.
What are you even trying to say
>What are you even trying to say

See >>17280078

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