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I am currently doubting the authenticity and existence of Jesus as a historical person and even more so as the son of God, a miracle worker and his death and subsequent resurrection, the same with God, saints, angels, paradise and other related things.
So to all those who had a similar crisis, how did you manage to reaffirm your faith and eliminate the doubts and uncertainties of God, Jesus, the holy scriptures and christianity?
You'd be better off going to Christian Twitter.
Jesus is real, but your religion is a lie.
What makes you doubt?
>To begin with, there is no writing or proof of Jesus' existence that is contemporary with the time he was on earth, the gospels are not enough, something written by a roman or someone outside of Jesus' entourage and the apostles would have been nice.
>That Jesus performed miracles seems too unreal to me, right now I can't really believe that he could walk on water or heal the blind, it just seems ridiculous to believe.
>Jesus being born from a virgin who was impregnated by the holy spirit borders on ridiculousness
>Jesus being tortured and crucified, then coming back to life three days later and then ascending to heaven is too fictional a story to be taken seriously
>There is plenty of evidence that the Bible copied several concepts from other religions close to Israel such as the Egyptian or Babylonian.
>The concept of free will or the problem of evil has serious flaws when we know that God knows everything and can do anything at any time.
>That God decided to only show his existence to a desert tribe instead of the whole world is too convenient and blatant.
>God having a totally different personality and essence in the Old and New Testaments to the point that it seems like they are two different gods, almost as if God were just a fictional character written over the years by different authors.
>The idea of an eternal paradise where everyone will be happy forever or a hell where bad guys will burn forever sounds so idealistic that it becomes absurd.
Well, these are my main arguments for why I am currently doubting christianity.
>authenticity and existence of Jesus as a historical person
You're the exact same atheist mythicist schizo as always, and no one is fooled.
Mythicism belongs on /x/.
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How long before he starts shilling the caesar shit?
Ah, the old adage, right? It's part of growing up. You've basically realized that everything around you and all of history seem to scream "naturalism is the only thing there is." Like, how could all these stories even have happened in a world governed by natural laws? Epistemic reconciliation is how you overcome this kind of dilemma. It's just like Mickey Mouse says in that meme: “Hypocrite that you are, for you trust the chemicals in your brain to tell you they are chemicals. All knowledge is ultimately based on that which we cannot prove. Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?” I mean, if everything really is exactly as you say it is, are you going to start seeing it as part of your journey to discover something even greater, to open yourself to the possibility of more knowledge? Or are you going to stay stuck where you are, clinging to the sense of security that it gives you?
Have you tried reading texts from other faiths so that you may compare and contrast the information presented to you?
Op is a jew baiting for replies, the historical authenticity of Jesus is historiographically settled and there's nothing you can do about it bignose-kun
>the historical authenticity of Jesus is historiographically settled
Yes, it's settled that he didn't rise from the dead.
Historiography doesn't concern itself with miracles or the supernatural in general, so it has nothing to say on that matter.

nigga, OP's post was first and foremost about the historicity of Jesus. Jesus is a historical figure; case closed. Any other sort of crisis of faith has more to if Jesus did what He did biblically, which has nothing to do with His historicity and more to do with the historicity of His miracles and the Resurrection. Still, the consistency of the biblical narratives — barring episodes between gospels possibly characterized by the absence of the given writer or the different _literal_ experience of a given event lend credence to most if not all of it happening. Some passages even survive the "unflattering" bias test, like Jesus getting angry at a fig tree for not bearing fruits out of season and cursing it to whither.
The gospels are made up
>Some passages even survive the "unflattering" bias test
Not a real test.
So you can't use it to argue for miracles. Jesus never rose from the dead or walked on water
What is the irrefutable proof of the historical authenticity of Jesus?
At best you only have a brief mention of Josephus and Tacitus (who only mention him as the leyend origin of the christian sect in rome, they never speak of him as a real person and much as a miracle worker and son of God) decades after the supposed death of Jesus, there is no mention or proof of Jesus during his years of life.
Read the king james bible, without the intention of "understanding it" but with the intention of it being a living spirit and connecting with it through the words you are reading, use it like you would consume food, you don't know how it was made or need to understand how to cook it, you are eating it and see the benefit of it.

Just read, don't understand just read.. Everyone always say's well i can't understand so i bought this "translation" so i can understand, they are doing it wrong, you're not suppose to understand it's sealed so that you can't even if you tried,

read the King James Bible, and just read it, this will lead you to your journey of self forget about the understanding of men it is nonsense

Jesus is no longer a man and it says know me no more after the flesh, seek him in the spirit.. and you do that by reading the bible that's it
there is no mention of Alexander the Great before the first century AD, therefore Alexander DEFINITELY did not exist according to (you)
fucking retard. The versions of the gospels in the New Testament are merely the canonized texts, and were in circulation since about 70AD for the oldest, which was well within contemporary source status since Jesus died a little under fourty years earlier. To put it into perspective, those texts circulated when still in the presence of people with living memory of Jesus around Galilee
I have irrefutable proof by your
that you're a samefagging schizo faggot making threads under false pretenses so that you can post your /x/ threads on the wrong board.
>So you can't use it to argue for miracles.
When have I needed to use historiography to argue for miracles?
I reconciled its obvious impossibility and historical dishonesty with the fact that i just simply genuinely like the religion
Doubt all you want. I deny them
>there is no mention of Alexander the Great before the first century AD
there were many contemporary writings about him that are now lost and only survive in quotations from later writers. he had his own biographer. you are so dishonest.
>there were many contemporary writings about him that are now lost and only survive in quotations from later writers.
Same is true for the Gospels.
>>There is plenty of evidence that the Bible copied several concepts from other religions close to Israel such as the Egyptian or Babylonian.
>>The concept of free will or the problem of evil has serious flaws when we know that God knows everything and can do anything at any time.
>>That God decided to only show his existence to a desert tribe instead of the whole world is too convenient and blatant.
>>God having a totally different personality and essence in the Old and New Testaments to the point that it seems like they are two different gods, almost as if God were just a fictional character written over the years by different authors.
>>The idea of an eternal paradise where everyone will be happy forever or a hell where bad guys will burn forever sounds so idealistic that it becomes absurd
What about these arguments though?
You are free to explore and consider other points of view, or come up with one of your own. Religion is not the only tool that you can use to live in harmony
What evidence do you have that this biographer existed?
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OP, I believe you have to want something to be true for it to be true to you. I
am a christian, a catholic, and I have doubts about all of this. However, for me, the biggest apologetic was just to stop caring about all of this. The church gives a man structure, it says do these things, dont do those things, and be here at this place, and at this time, and you will live a righteous life. Look at the life of a religious person, and then look at the life of a material hedonist. Which would you rather live? For me, this is simple, I dont want to live a life that has sacrifice, fight against my carnal pleasure and living for instant gratification, etc.
or, you could live a life of nihilism where nothing matters, and you can just be a sad loser no one will remember until you have no offspring and eventually die.

Sorry, but I am going for the former, and I hope I am able to get married one day, and I plan on teaching my children how to pray, and have them baptized, first communion, and all that.

clearly, theres problems with this, especially if you can't get yourself to just not care whether its true or not, but for me I just live my life as if it was true, and thats enough for me. God bless, op.
I want to live a life*** not dont
yes for the hundreds of other specious gospels that only exist in quotations from church fathers
callisthenes of olynthus existed, cope. it doesnt only work when your church fathers write about lost literature.
You can rest assured that Jesus Christ totally existed historically, though not exactly as christian tradition portrayed him.
>What about these arguments though?
logic and rationality
>You can rest assured that Jesus Christ totally existed historically
And where is your evidence to make that claim?
>And where is your evidence to make that claim?
Historical consensus among academics.
So garbage
It was revealed to me in a dream
> the historical authenticity of Jesus is historiographically settled
>virtually all mention comes from the Gospels which greatly contradict each other and add more things with the newer ones that the older ones didn't have
>Mentions outside of Christianity are widely believed to be back dated editions added in hundreds of years later e.g. Josephus mentioning him while Origen writes lamenting the fact that Josephus never mentioned him, which leads researchers to believe that that part was added in past Origen's time
>tfw you realize virtually all of human history is like this, just fake and gay. Written either by the victors or by resentful losers in an ancient form of memetics that, like memes of today, take on lives of their own and grow into something wildly different than the original intent they once had
>Christianity itself started as a mystery messianic Jew cult taking heavy inspiration from middle Platonism in an attempt to overthrow the Pharisees as the dominant Jewish sect in Judea, eventually became the dominant force of all of Europe with the view of Jesus being changed from being just a philosophical anthropomorphic representation of the logos into a physical "of the flesh" magical Jew that used fear tactics of Heaven and Hell to spread "the word" by the sword

tl;dr history is fake and gay, always has been.
Hey, if historical consensus means so little to you, then I'm gonna go ahead and say the Exodus did happen, plus the flood while we're at it.

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