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Why is it that Africans can't build something better than a beaver dam?
No farming, no metal just hunting and gathering for thousands of years.
Is low iq a factor here?
Same reason why Native Americans didn't have steel and shit.
There wasn't a need.
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Why are disgusting Iberians like yourself fodder for Black Africans? Why did it take disgusting Iberians 5 centuries to fully conquer a couple African islands with no more than a population of 10k people, only to get btfo and get thrown out like rats back to their land of Moor descended rapebaby mutts. Subhuman is this your best performance against people who can only build beaver dams? Lol
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That was built by phoenicians
Why u so mad mbuntu? We didn't need to hold on to a worthless bush with feral groids running around, not worth trouble
Magic teleporting phonecians lmao
>Um we didn't want to keep control of the resources and colonial ports in our territories that's why we waged an almost 2 decade long struggle (and lost to Black people and got our settlers killed and raped regardless)
You lost, Portuguese settlers were kicked out and or killed, now based Angolan kleptocrats essentially control the Portuguese economy. Cry about it you Moorberian rape descended pig.
Wasn't that built by slave trading Arabs?
It wasn't. That was only of many weird copes Rhodesia made up back in the day.
It looks pretty gay and hardly worth calling a "Civilisation"
>hardly worth calling a "Civilisation"
Yet Rhodesia spent decades doing everything to bar research on it as well as coming up with revisionist copes to deal with the reality that an indigenous African state existed in rhe area. One where even the Portugese saw and documented it's ruins as they traveled Southern Africa. It shattered the mental hierachy the settlers devised for themselves.
>his friends and family quickly intervene and bring him back in line.
Nah. Many have the love and support of their families. I always find this to be a cope because it all hinges on
>"Yeah he's well off but he has something that's negatively impacting him."
Midwit racists project onto other races and/or whites who "lack class/status".
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>How Eurasian high architecture transformed Mecca in 1400 years
It's Medieval tier but the Phoenicians transferred their knowledge to their Semitic Middle East descendants in MENA who along with Persians and Turk high IQs turned Mecca into the beautiful temple of the World where people flocked to submit to Allah like the Quran says.
>what I said is not necessarily race-driven, although race definitely plays a part.
It's all just your bullshit projection anon.
I did. Your "crab in the bucket" statement makes no sense and I called it out.
Why is that whites caused two world wars and somehow think a total genocide of their civilization is bad?
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Why u so mad tho?
It's literally neolithic tier, embarrassing that that's their greatest "achievement"
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Because whites are intelligent. If mbumbas were as smart as whites they would wipe out life on earth considering their violent nature
Americas Indians are Mongloid with high IQ and so they get respect from Snownigger and Sandnigger fags even if their civilization was wack unlike these Nilotics who had no civilization.
>No farming
>no metaI
Is this a troll Bantus expanded so much because they were farmers
>Muh bantoid farmers
They had extremely basic and primitive agriculture only a step above hunting and gathering. More horticulture than agriculture, they mainly planted small gardens of yams, bananas and papayas.
No the Semites that you worship never built Great Zimbabwe, they were only traders with not much other status. Why do you think Arabs have to be the builders, Great Zimbabwe existed at a time period numerous confirmed Bantu structures were built in places like Botswana Mozambique and even Zambia.
You would say that.
You lost, Moorberians are being replaced btw kek.
>Ummm do farming my weird arbitrary way or you're not really farming
Cope incel.
Native Americans from Alaska to the tip of South America mog sub saharan africans forever and ever.
True, they actually invented things. What have groids ever invented?
Invented raping Iberians and kicking them out of Africa
>Americas Indians are Mongloid with high IQ
Iq data sets say otherwise but only insure people kickoff ot IQ numbers like they are DBZ power levels.
>being put in charge of already built infrastructure
Most infrastructure up now is post colonial.

>50 Marshall Plans
That is actually a Twitter myth.

>Japan was nuked twice and firebombed a bunch of times, Germany was 80% destroyed and got an entire generation of men wiped out.
Japan had the direct support and aid of the US. In Germany both sides got propped up by their respective Cold War power. Germany wasn't left to rot like it should have for starting two world wars.
>It's literally neolithic tier
>has iron-working
Wow Jorge is on overdrive.
Nuke all Latinx countries.
> everyone I disagree with is a jew
Grow the fuck up retard
>niggers being btfod again
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So you just have a bunch of pics like this taking up space on your HDD and you just spam them on 4chan? Is that the culmination of your existence? Just taking out your racial inferiority complex out on the internet?

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