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What sort of things went on here?
Snownigger incompetence that worked because Arabs were even more retarded. Turks put a quick end to this LARP though.
Turks, Kurds and Iranians. The Seljuks were referred to as Turks and Persians.
OP is talking about the crusader states, not the surrounding emirates
Mostly cooperation with the occasional spat. They worked far closer together than states in Western Europe for the obvious reason they had to or they would be defeated. They were under near constant warfare at all times and because of this they never actually developed war games like melee's or tournaments which became massively popular in the west because they were actively at war nearly all the time.
At times they even cooperated with the Arabs of the region because they both shared a common enemy in the Turkmen, though that fell through during the Second Crusade when they attacked Damascus and failed.
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Not too different from the cartel wars near the border in America at the moment.

Narco saints = Christian warrior saints

Drug Trade/Human Trafficking = Control of Asian connected trade routes and Slaves

Christian Pilgramages = Tourism Industry

Santa Muerte Cult/Voodoo Cults =Assasins/Old Gnostic cults

Templars working with other powers like Byzantines, Assassins and other Muslims from time to time = Cartels working with China and America from what we know.
>Turks, Kurds and Iranians. The Seljuks were referred to as Turks and Persians.
t. Hossein Farrokhzad
They are far closer to Communist China than anything

Heroes of the revolution = Christian warrior saints

Control of Xinjiang and Tibet = Control of Asian connected trade routes and Slaves

Christian Pilgramages = Tourism Industry

Taoists/Buddhists = Assasins/Old Gnostic cults

Templars working with other powers like Byzantines, Assassins and other Muslims from time to time = North Korea, Russia and other states supporting China
It was the Turks who got their ass kicked by the crusaders
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Great men, great empires, trivmph. The crusader states should have never fallen, the world would be great today. Crusaders would be respected as heroes all day and have full use ofany one they seek out, no Israel Palestine conflict because it would be under Crusade rule, the Pope would remain in charge. It would be a vtopia.
Who cares how it started or how It worked. What cracks me up is how it ended. Once baybars destroyed rhe chritian armies they laid siege to all the cities and castles. Once they won they sold all the Christians as slaves. The men got stuck living and working as slaves on some muskim man's farmland. And the Christian women got sold as sex slaves to the Muslim men. They fucked your wife and daughters while you worked and toiled away on farmland using only your hand to relieve yourself.
>who cares how it started or how it worked
People who give a fuck about history?
So you only care about slavery and rape? You're definitely a well adjusted person

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