So Mark was written for poorfags, Matthew was written to convince the middle classes/roman citizens, and John was for the elites and intellectuals...Who exactly was Luke written for?
>>17279517Already converted christians
>>17279517Cultured gayreeks
>>17279517Matthew was written to convince Jews. It portrays Jesus as the new David. Luke was written to convince educated Romans, portraying Jesus as a stoic philosopher.
>>17279517Luke is more about the poor than Matthew. Matthew was written for the Jews.
>>17279785It isn't about what the gospel contains but about the intended audience. Anyway I found my answer, apparently it's women.
>>17279517yet there is no gospel for the negros and non whites... curious.
>>17280370Retarded /pol/tranny
>>17281140What? he is technically correct because until like 100 years ago only white people were even considered people so there is no reason a book for negros and non whites should exist.
>What? he is technically correct because until like 100 years ago only white people were even considered p-ACK
>>17281249That video is a great example of why non whites were not considered people until very recently.
>That video is a great example of why non whites were not considered people until very rec-ACK
>>17279517>Who exactly was Luke written for?Romans.>>17280365No. That's John>>17281256>whitey punches whitey>this is somehow brownie's faultLeast retarded redneck protestant heretic
>>17281201This anon is breaking down at this point. He can't stand that DNA proved the Egyptians were brown
>>17280370>>17281201Embarrassing samefag. you're the only one who shills this Christian identity bullshit.
>>17281264bro you lost that thread, just like yesterday, and every time. get over it>>17281261acting like a violent monkey will not demonstrate that being elevated to the status of human by white people a couple hundred years ago was the correct decision
>>17281272>bro you lost that thread, just like yesterday, and every time. get over itThey literally didn't. Even single DNA analysis proves the Egyptians were brown. You're in denial and you're a fucking retard
>>17281280>muh cherry picked dna of slave mutts and negros proves we wuz the kangsyou lost, serious, your argument is weak. get a better line of argumentation if you want to convince anyone.
>/pol/ reject still pretending to be Christian So, what? Saying the word nigger isn't contrarian enough anymore? You have to add "ave Maria" after? Embarrassing.
>>17281289They aren't cherry picked samples, they are hundreds of samples of kings and Nobility. You saying they're cherry picked is because you lost and have no argument.Every single DNA analysis proves that the ancient Egyptians were brown. You lost.
>>17280370Because Jesus was Black
>>17280370There are almost no whites in the Bible.>inb4 Jews are WhiteBased. That means I can pin everything bad they do on White people and I would be justified in doing so.
>>17281311Every time they dig out a blonde or red haired white pharaoh you just close your eyes and pretend you wuz the kangs instead of the farm equipment.
>>17281321>gets nothing but composed responses>starts babbling racial epithets instead of counter arguments/pol/tranny meltdown
>>17281321>Every time they dig out a blonde or red haired white pharaoh you just close your eyes No one does this. Yet every time it's shown that the Pharoahs were brown, especially the early dynasties, you close your eyes and yell "cherry picked cherry picked", which ironically is what you're doing by focusing on later dynasties.The Egyptians were brown. Every single DNA analysis proves they were brown.
>>17281201If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.
>>17281330>especially the early dynastieslying is a sin
>>17281351So is racism.
>>17281367God having a favorite isn't racism. You are just a jealous pharisee.
>>17281351It's not a lie. King Tut is the 18th dynasty and he's the only one who is confirmed to have blond hair. The early dynasties were brown.
>>17281370I'm not a jew, retard
>>17281370>God>favoritesIronic. You have more in common with the (racist and hateful) pharisees than you think, stormfag.
>>17281390Yes, Jesus was a jew, after all, and his mission to save all his people was what set him at odds with the jews of his time. He was crucified so that the world would know his love for all of his people, which probably doesn't include you since you probably aren't white.
>>17281266Actual CI extremists would put him in the dirt.Not saying they're right about the gospel, but they would recognize he's their enemy immediately.A wolf in sheep cloth, merely adopting some of their lingo to advance his true agenda, which is nothing more than Satanism.Obvious ONA disinfo shill is obvious.
>>17282525>implying official CI groups aren't CIA fronts and honeypots pushing poisoned pills instead of truthall the truth you need is in the bible and it helps to know history for context
>>17282541>poisoned pills You merely accuse others of what you are doing, satanist troll.Real CI people haven't posted on this site for a long time, and I can very clearly discern the difference between them and your purile imitation of their messaging.
>>17282561I know where satan is chained by God and what purpose it serves. I acknowledge the Son of the God of gods in whose name I find redemption and salvation from myself and the world which otherwise would have me destroyed. You, I will not guess what you are but I am doing His work.
>>17282568You are after your father, the liar, and have nothing of the truth in you.The one you call "Satan" is not chained in the abyss.His servants, those fallen angels called Egregori which sullied that image of God found in the persons of men are instead where they are reserved until the day of judgement; whose unholy hybrid children begotten of spiritual miscegenation through the taking of human women as wives we know as the Nephilim and in death (as is their fate, born thus of man) as demons.Rather, that ancient enemy walks the earth, as written in the bible multiple times. When God condemned the serpent to crawl on his belly, and to eat dust, that is what it means. His wings ere taken from him, he wanders across the face of the earth working evil.The Satans are just a class of prosecutorial angel, as revealed in the book of Enoch.
>>17282606You mistake satan for lucifer, common misunderstanding. The father of sin is not the lord of the false jews.
>>17282672You do not have any understanding pertaining to what you speak of, do not pretend to teach.
Incels in my view Matthew was written for proto-orthodox Christians to supersede Mark and conflate it with (some recension of) Luke, the Didache, and a certain Jewish Christian source, as if to consolidate all the non-epistolary scriptures.
>>17282687Enoch is not required for a full understanding but if you have read it then you know who rode upon the boat to escape the destruction of their kind, and he was one like them of their kind because God provided them a second beginning.
>>17282693You are a liar, repent now or suffer the fate of those imprisoned fallen servants of the enemy that you worship along with them.Noah, it is written, was *pure* in his generations.What this means is that he did not carry the chimeric taint of the fallen angels in his bloodline, unlike many who lived at that time. That is why he was chosen to carry the seed of humanity forward, while the Nephilim were destroyed, in addition to his other virtues.
>>17282723The son of God explicitly stated he came not for those of this world but those who are of God and not of this world. Deny the Son all you want but you will gain nothing on that path.
Christians give Muslims crap for having different readings of the Quran but rely on 4 different gospels written by 4 different people who didn’t even know Jesus to color the entirety of the story of Christ
>>17282734Jesus came to redeem Adam to him through his own body, unifying the divine and human natures in one person.This is NOT something the fallen angels did, which is why they are punished for all time and their spawn destroyed. Adam was quite literally made out of the dust of this earth, and animated by the very breath of God Almighty.You are a false teacher, and will not dare to quote scripture.If you do not repent of these lies it will be your doom.
>>17282745Bruh the fall got redeemed... put it together. The ones who deserved death for original sin were giving the son and eternal life. This isn't rocket science.
>>17282756The Egregori were tasked with watching over a mankind that had disobeyed God, heeded the lies of the enemy to their shame, and were cast out of the Garden for it.That is the sin of Adam, that Jesus came to reconcile.These angels, tempted by the beauty of human women, themselves disobeyed God and left their proper estates to take these daughters as their own for wives.Knowing the enormity of their transgression, they swore oaths of mutual imprecation binding themselves to this fell deed.The children that were born of this union were monsterous giants, drinkers of human blood by the gallon. And when they died, because of their hybrid nature, they became the evil spirits we call demons. This is not something that happens to humans naturally, and it is why these fallen angels were bound by great chains in the abyss until the last day, guarded ever by him that holds the key to that realm.It was this state of affairs, that caused God to regret having created mankind, seeing them so defiled and wantonly exploited, and resolved to wipe clean the face of the earth from their pollution saving only a remnant of mankind that remained pure and good.These Egregori were not involved with the original sin of Adam. That was the doing of the enemy who's purpose they later served.That enemy is not reconciled to God just because Jesus died for the sake of *men*.Jesus does not descend from fallen angels, or from the Nephilim they sired.Indeed, he was instead born totally free of sin.He is wholly man, and wholly God.
>>17282786From whence did the spirit come that the son was required to make holy and redeem? The fall of course, and it resides in them, their original sin transformed into their blessing by the son. The son being the only directly begotten son of the father, by virtue of which he is entrusted with authority over the same said spirit, all spirit because all spirit is of God.
>>17282804Jesus was incarnated, because it's the earthly flesh he redeems to God.Not the holy breath of God which preceded the creation of Adam, which is the inheritance of all men through Adam.It was not the servants of the enemy who gave that to us, it's certainly not their ancient transgression that elevates us.Much the opposite, it's because of them that you are afflicted by demons. These demons that have a relation to you, however distant.>their original sin You are incorrect.Original sin so-called simply does not apply to angels.It's hilarious how little you truly understand about what Christians believe.Stop thinking you have all the answers, or can figure this out on your own, and submit to a higher authority for learning.
>>17282818I'll break it down for you....Angels decide to glorify God by mixing the spirit of God with the earthly flesh, thus creating white people.Angels peace out and white people make civilization and things are kosher for a while until they start race mixing with the non whites and bring into existence brown people.Brown people start to ruin everything and God gets pissed at the angels for letting this shit happen in the first place because they were supposed to be watching their project. God picks out white Noah from the project cause he is pure, not even one drop mixed with the earthly races and puts him on the boat to start over with explicit instructions not to do it again.Whites start over in the post ice age world and make civilizations and things go pretty good for a while until they forget about being one people, maybe related to the tower of babble incident.Jesus comes to stitch them all back together again and reminds them they are of God and only in his name as his body doing his will can they hope to endure upon the earth forever with his blessing.Much time passes and they forget again and start making the brown abominations are now here.
>>17282832you would do well to learn the meaning of humility, unrepentant liar
>>17282843I can understand if you find the truth unbearable, many will and do curse their birth when faced with the Son and his judgement, gnashing teeth, rivers of blood required to restore the kingdom he established, etc.
>>17282848>the Son and his judgement>>17282843
the enemy hates the content found in the book of Enoch so much that they will dedicate many hours to inverting it's entire message to glorify the genesis of demonsit's because the book of Enoch contains truth, that they seek to attach the spectre of their lie to itsadmany such cases
>>17281320>That means I can pin everything bad they do on White people and I would be justified in doing so.They already do that, that's their shtick