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Do you believe that a virgin gave birth to a magic jew that flew around on a magic cloud?
Question for Chud Anon (OP). Do you really believe you are of the white race? A quick look in the mirror would disprove that notion.
Fascinating. Do you believe that a virgin gave birth to a magic jew that flew around on a magic cloud?
I am an agnostic, I cannot confirm nor deny God's existence but I can say beyond a reasonable doubt that you are brown.
Are you agnostic on a virgin giving birth to a magic jew that flew around on a magic cloud?
I think Dragon Ball is based on a true story, yes.
I can see it now, The Search for the Historical Goku.
The question was for intelligent Christians; you need not apply
When Jordan Peterson gets asked this he does the "it's complicated.." song-and-dance that tranny activists and all peddlers of bullshit do.
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Jorden Peterson is not a Christian dumb fuck,
If Jesus was God, then he could not have a physical body nor a race. Therefore he could not be white, Jewish, brown, black or anything. Check mate.
the atheist level is increasingly below expectations.... it's a shame. They no longer become atheists like they did in 2009.
the threads are always the same
Chud anon, my dude.. just stop will you
Yes,except the flying around on a magical cloud, I don't think that's in the Bible.
Atheism already won dude
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If you understood the crown and mandate of heaven you would not deny the Son either.
Religion is dying off exponentially. Atheism already won. Cry about it
I'm smarter than you are and I'm not a jew. Your post is not clever whatsoever. Mine was. Cry about it
>Verification not required
>was god
>could not
Religion is literally dying and no one except few low IQ retards believe it anymore
You can look up any research on the topic and confirm this.
>gets disproven
>copes and cries
Religion is dying and no one but a few retards believe it anymore. Atheism already won.
>Magic Jew
Arrogant midwit indicator, opinion disregarded. A thread died for this.
I'm showing you that no one but a handful of retards believes in religion anymore. I'm directly proving my point.
>if gaytheism won, why are (you) kvetching on an anime forum?
Posting data is not kvetching, champ. Try to keep up
git rekt, jew worshipper
Every study on the topic proves that atheism is increasing and all religions are decreasing
>birth rate
My fiance is already pregnant.
Ideologies don't spread via birth, retard. Christian children will become Atheists as well. You can have 10 kids and they'll all become Atheists anyway.
tell 'em
Your children are already atheists. Every generation becomes more and more atheist and less and less religious
I'm not a tranny. Your rage is impotent and your religion is dead
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>you're either a tranny or a drecksjude.
I'm neither. I'm a white man. I'm just pointing out that religion is dead and atheism won. You being angry at this doesn't mean anything. You're not going to be able to groom and brainwash your kids into being Christian they're all going to be atheists as well.
I'm not even a religious guy or anything but I still acknowledge Chud Anon's complete lack of whiteness. It may be possible that a 60 yo white man is fucking his sister in a brothel in Manila though.
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I'm not a jew, retard.
Atheism already won. Religion will continue to rapidly decline and there's nothing you can do about it.
>I'm trying to explain but you refuse to listen
No, retard, you seething impotently and denying reality is not "trying to explain" anything and I'm not "refusing to listen". I'm telling you directly that you're wrong and retarded and that religion is dying and never coming back. You denying this and posting shitty /pol/ memes doesn't change anything.
Atheism already is over half the younger generation and increasing. You lost
I'm not saying two more weeks, I'm telling you it already happened. Gen Z is already majority atheist and its only increasing.
>(you) can't reproduce because you are spiritually dead and possibly homosexual as well
Nope. I'm not a jew, nor a homosexual, nor spiritually dead, and my fiance is already pregnant.
>made up graph
>your 'ideology' is an abortive attempt to negate self-evident Truth
The self evident truth is that God is a delusion and you're a retard who's scared of death
>you cannot 'win' physically or spiritually.
Atheism already won.
>self-evident Truth

You're a fucking retard. Your fake fairytale god won't do shit. Atheism won. You lost. Now seethe.
Atheism takes a big shit all over Jesus's face.
I haven't lied a single time and I'm not a Jew
My fiance is already pregnant and atheism already won. Over half of Gen Z are atheists and it's only increasing. Accept this or don't, it literally will not change a thing.
Do you believe that a virgin gave birth to a magic jew that flew around on a magic cloud?
I'm an atheist but I've been mindbroken by the shitposting about Christians here
>magic Jew flying around on a cloud like Goku
>rabbi flying into the air like Superman and teleporting to the magic dimension where you coom forever
>billions get teleported into magic lava where they suffer everlasting conscious torment
>the "Messiah" (note to fellow goyim: this is a sort of king that is supposed to be ordained by God to build the third temple rule Jerusalem in a fantastic era of peace) actually died but is coming back any day now, despite the fact that the prophecies went stale 2,000 years ago and despite all fervent expectations in the mean time
They really do believe this shit. Over a billion people believe this completely childish fantasy. I've been obsessed with this fact, my mind constantly turns to it every day. Humans are insanely naturally credulous, it's pathetic. I have almost become a nihilist because, for all the seething and name calling, the most educated and pretentious Christians here really do believe that shit verbatim, and will accuse you of pride, stupidity, and demonic possession for not crediting it.
You serve a dead kike LOL
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You don't have any children
>you can raise your fictional kids gaytheist if you want.
Both my kids as well as kids in general will be atheist, and you can't do anything about it
>it makes no difference to me
Yes it does, as you've spent the entire thread in rage and seething about the simple objective fact that religion is dead and atheism won.
>keep telling yourself you won, but know that you're the only one 'competing'.
I'm not "telling myself", I've pointed out to you multiple times with multiple sources that Christianity is dead and the youth are majority atheist now. You getting angry about this and attempting to insult me simply doesn't do a single thing to stop this from being objectively true.
Religion is dead and it isn't coming back. It doesn't matter whatsoever that you dont like this.
You're so unintelligent you can't even tell different posting styles apart
It's amazing how your question is so simple yet not one intelligent Christian can bring themselves to answer it and keep avoiding it.
As an intelligent Christian I honestly don’t know how to convey the belief? in the same vein as when you finally realize god is real and so he obviously has a tradition of understanding (a church) I realize the story of Jesus as written is a self evident reality if a loving god exist so I am perplexed? But if I’m as honest as possible the answer is yes, I believe god would do something like that and given he is eternal I’m sure he did
That's an awfully reductionistic almost mocking way to portray a revered figure.
Do you have some kind of motive for framing the question in this manner?
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I'm sure you're a gigachad millionaire, but the general trend is different, atheism leads to demoralization and degeneracy
I never said I was a gigachad millionaire
>but the general trend is different, atheism leads to demoralization and degeneracy
Truth is not utilitarian.
Eternal truth most certainly is
>so you are one of them?
No, retard. You confused that anon with me. I'm the white man pointing out,very clearly, that Christianity is dead and atheism won.
>ESL or illiterate?
Neither "can not do anything" is correct grammar, retard.
>at any rate it does not matter
Correct, because Christianity is already dead
>God already won by all accounts
God doesn't exist and no one but low IQ retards believe in it anymore.
>your little alternate timeline power fantasy is just that.
I'm not posting an alternative timeline, I'm posting the data of the world we live in now. Atheism won. People will only further decrease in religiosity
I denounce the talmud, the torah, and the state of Israel
Christianity is dead and will never come back, your children (lmao you have none) will be atheists, and you can't do anything about it.
Because you are Christians. I know it hurts you. If you were Muslim I'd use that.
Atheism is over one half of the young population and will only increase further. There's nothing you can do about it.
Your opinions don't matter whatsoever. Religion is dead and atheism will only continue to increase. It's already over half the population of the youth and almost half of the older generations. You can't do anything about it
I'm not a jew, shit for brains.
>Inteligent Christians
There's no such thing nowadays. Christianity is a dead religion with only few retards clinging to it and the guy above in this thread who can't comprehend a simple graph is the best prove of that.
>your side does not exist
Then why are the majority of Americans on my side? They don't exist?
There is no God. Its a delusion of your mind. Abraham never received a covenant with God. Jesus never walked on water or came back from the dead. Muhammad never met an angel in a cave. It's all delusional stories and the modern population isn't low IQ enough to believe in it anymore.
>the first part of your comment is based
He literally denounced your scriptures you retarded kike
I would wipe my ass with the Tanakh, and curse Abraham and Moses as kike figments, how about (((you)))?
>Your side does not exist. atheism is a dead ideology.
I've already posted over half a dozen polls showing that atheism is increasing across every demographic and religion is dying across every demographic.
>*Some Americans are misguided like (you) are.
Nope. Believing that a magical jew gave blind people eyesight is what's actually misguided
>(you) cannot go against God's Will no matter how much you try.
God does not exist no matter how much you keep repeating that he does. Atheism will only continue to increase and there's nothing you can do about it.
Wrong and irrelevant. God does not exist just because you claim it helps soldiers in battle cope with stress.
I've already told you multiple times, I'm not a jew you fucking idiot.
Atheism will only continue to increase and it doesnt matter that you dont like this and there's nothing you can do to stop it. God isn't real and people aren't ignorant or stupid enough to believe it anymore
>2 more weeks
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This is the Christians you're talking to in this thread. Never forget it.
>Jews killed God

God can't die, retard. Your fairy tale delusion makes no sense.
You won't do shit.
Your fake god won't do shit.
Your fake prophecies won't come true.
Jesus won't return.
You won't go to heaven when you die.
I won't go to hell when I die.
Atheism will continue to conquer you.
Believing in Jesus won't make you white.
He returned with all his angels to gather his elect into the sky and reward each person for their deeds and threw Satan into the pit and started the thousand year reign?
But he was dead for 3 days before that. God can't die. He can't be dead for any period of time, he's immortal.
You are not White, you are brown.
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>Please read "Heart of Europe"

No. There was no thousand year reign. No one flew into the sky to be with Jesus. The events of revelation never happened. I know you look just like your god.
That image is from 2002, there was no AI image generators back then you 70 IQ moron. I bet it's like looking in the mirror for you.
I'm an Atheist. Your God Jesus is only Jew in this thread.
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You worship a Jew. End of story. How pathetic is that? Nothing more needs to be said.
>You worship a Jew.
Sweetie that is called Noahidism and it is very different from Christianity. In Christianity we have replaced Jews and are the body of Christ, who is God.
If they did not exist, then why do you blame them for killing Jesus?

It's because you're embarrassed you worship a Jew, so you came up with some cope that you worship a white man instead, which is even more hilarious considering you're brown, What a disgusting little rat you are.
God doesn't exist. Thats what we're talking about. You believing in God doesn't mean he exists. The graphs I'm posting are just to point out that most people aren't religious anymore. This isn't going to change, more people will continue to become atheists.
God can't will anything because he doesn't exist
I guarantee you are a virgin. No woman finds your religious fanaticism attractive. You live in hell right now.
Looks like that disgusting little parasite finally fled.
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>you are a virgin
>You live in hell right now
like clockwork
what's the weather like in Tel Aviv today
I notice you never denied being a virgin or brown. That's because you know you'd be lying and that's a sin. This is how I know you are those things. Being mentally ill on top of that doesn't help you.
He also never denied virgin birth and magical flying cloud.
Buddy on the internet everyone's dad works at nintendo and randomly accusing people of being whatever floats your boat is basically only proving you're too retarded to play here.
Post hand
>Roman son of Jupiter kills jews and flagrantly desecrates their temples
Based. Don't know what that has to do with Christianity. He'd nail you to a tree for claiming Jesus was the king of anything
Rome fell only 70 years after adopting Christianity. A thousand year reign under the real Gods, and only 70 years to destroy it under Christianity
>kills Christians by thousands
>Destroys Christian temples
>Publicly tortures Christians in most gruesome ways
>Bans practice of the religion
Yup, they were clearly ordained by god to unwillingly help christians
This is how you cope with the fact you worship a Jew.
You will never have sex. As soon as a woman finds out your insane beliefs she will abandon you. That is assuming she could ever be attracted to someone as ugly as you in the first place.
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>A thousand year reign under the real Gods
Your standard of evidence just proved Egyptian religion (c.3150 BC–332 BC) true and Greek religion (508 BC–146 BC) false.
It didn't literally happen it's possible but not likely. Anyway the stories are symbolic and represent something in us, something about our mortality and the divine. It's all symbols.
Rome fell in 476. If we take the when Christianity was made the official religion in 380, then that's only 96 years.
The christards are REALLY mad in this one
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Why do you think that I am a Christian?
The word is "pathenon".

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