The British Empire basically went around the world uplifting barbaric people to classic liberalism, and this is somehow seen as bad in current year?
Yes, it's cucked and gay, all it did was cause a population bomb of subhumans. The best colonialism in the last 100 or so years was Italian because they tried mustard gassing all the Arabs and trying to demographically replace them with steamships full of Italian colonists but it didn't quite work out.
>>17279830No they didn't, they mustard gassed niggers because they were getting their wop asses beat
>>17279830It never was going to "replace" Arabs because no one wants to move to some D-tier city with barely anything going for it.
>>17279830Lol shitalian medbug hooknose ugly rapebabies took decades to conquer Libya and never even conquered Ethiopia. Even after 1936 the Ethiopian resistance were still active in the mountains and raping shitalian supply lines. >Replacing didn't quite work outOf course it didn't, they failed like the incompetent wops they are. Crazy that not even a full 1 decades after they conquered Libya and Ethiopia, Nafris, AAs, and Senegalese would all join in the gangbang of Italian women called the Marocchinate. And this was all sanctioned by France who never punished a single soldier for this