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The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are unjustifiable.
>Subhuman posts the mutt meme
Every time
>I could have gotten hurt

The idea of protecting the lives of your own men being a foreign concept to the slant eyes goes a long way to explain why they lost.
Amerimutts are too brutish and uncivilised to be expected to understand honour. The jap got what he deserve for having any expectations.
you didn't need to invade the main island.. US could have attempted to embargo them out while nuking less populated more symbolic targets as shows of force. there is no excuse, literally not one lol
You forgot the part where the nigger and the mutt rape the locals
>>17280044 (me)
I wish I was one of the locals btw I wanna get raped and treated like a girl
>We should have starved all of Japan to death rather than just bombing two cities
A surprisingly based opinion once you peel off the thin veneer of humanitarianism
If you want to get raped, you can join the rest of the hostages in Gaza, Moshe

And then your little cartoon would be the same but the slant eyes would be starving skeletons.
Yes, they were, but they did end up saving lives in the long term.

By unjustifiably nuking two cities, Americans cemented the reputation of nuclear weapons' as weapons of terror. They made them such a taboo that nobody dared to used them since.

Nukes are actually fine battlefield weapons, they can have the same apllications as any other big bomb. Without Hiroshima and Nagasaki armies would have used them on the field quite often, which would have led to more death in the long term.
joining germany is unjustifiable
But killing and raping billions of innocent Changs are?
Why do you gawk gawk so hard for your ancestor's rapers?
posted it again award
how many times do you have to be told that sneak attacking neutral nations is justified grounds for war and for the consequences of war
the phillippines and china didnt ask for what japan did to their citizens
seething shitskins lol
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Jomon bvlls were only trying to civilize them
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>be a zogbot
>believe having freemasons preside your country is normal
>nuke the only two Japanese cities which have a huge population of Catholics and then claim to be the champion of the "West"

When will karma strike?
I make more than you and have a higher quality of life
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>on the very terms we acepted
no they didn't
I'm a White Southeast Asian, what are you talking about?
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In what? Mexican pesos?
Just because your father was a sex tourist doesn't mean you're White, Ping.
>White Southeast Asian
No such thing shitskin
East asians are white, southeast Asians are a shit colored browns
Christians have this incredible ability to make anything about them, no matter what is being discussed
it was a showoff to stalin of the americans to displaying their new toy, but apparently the manhattan project was deeply inflitrated by soviet spies so stalin already knew about a big boom long before one went over japan, and only needed a few more years to recreate that boom and make it bigger
WWII and what came after is one big cynical shitshow
Forget about Christianity for a second.

What would you think if Iran (or other Muslim countries), being at war with Israel, ONLY bombed Muslim-majority Israeli localities?
>What would you think if Iran (or other Muslim countries), being at war with Israel, ONLY bombed Muslim-majority Israeli localities?

That they were secretly colluding with Israel to destroy it's Muslim population? Dumb comparison, not sure where you're going with it
You will always be the first country that used atomic weapon. And hopefully, you will always be the only one.
Some famine wouldn't have been as damaging for your posterity.

>slant eyes starving to death in the millions is good, actually

Either works for me really.
We were embargoing them, faggot.
Why are libsharts so fucking retarded???
They deserved 6 nukes
Its truly hilarious how the mutt meme is posted most often by actual mutts (latinos, mainly).
>implying libshits weren't the same people who bombed Japan as are calling for us to bomb Russia now
Why? Japan was already taking comparable damage just from conventional bombing. The only thing different with Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the ability to say "we've perfected bombing to the point that we did that with one bomb, and now we're making of those bombs, so surrender now."

Would you have preferred the nukes not happen, the war get dragged out more, and a whole bunch more Japs get killed by conventional bombing runs?
my face when
racially ambiguous paws etched these abysmal posts.

Reminder Oppie wanted the bomb dropped on Aryans and got mad when it cooked 100k gooks.
He’s not saying anything, he’s just mindlessly seething and looking for something to bitch about while he spams mutt memes to cope with his own ethnic insecurities.
seethe mutt
Japan could have just surrendered earlier.
>racist caricature of an american fighting against a racist caricature of a Japanese
I don't get it.
I don't think the Japanese have any right to lecture anyone about "honorable warfare"
>commits brutal atrocities that shock even their allies
>considers there to be no such thing as "noncombatants"
the eternal jap
>enters the war with a surprise attack
>specialise in surprise attacks, popping out of bushes, playing dead or injured to kill medics, sniping from hidden posts in trees etc
>suddenly decide that honorable combat is your thing the second the war is over

Popping out of tunnels rather.

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