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Even 1.5 millennium after. Other European empires, like the British or Spanish never had such admiration. And the Russian, Ottoman and Mongol empires are frankly despised.
The Glory of Rome is forever.
Because it lasted so damn long
It was kino and the first empire to rule over the entire civilized part of Europe and Mediterranean
It was relevant for only about 100 years
United States kinda took over their legacy
We are taught in school to have aversion towards it but the Russian are rather proud of their empire
Both Europeans and MENA kind of take pride in it besides for Jews for Obvious reasons

Westerners heavily underestimate how much Rome and Greek are admired in arab cultures, meanwhile Perso Turkics even admire it as their eternal rival
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>Mongol empire
>frankly despised

Lol, pleb types what?
>We are taught in school to have aversion towards it but the Russian are rather proud of their empire

I would argue they had the least to be proud of. First of all, they didn't even have to sail to unexplored regions and actually document, make maps, make alliances, fight wars, learn new languages etc.

Instead, they just began walking east. It's there they found cultures that had been stomped into the mud previously by the Mongols. Everything they "conquered' was really just picking up the pieces of the Mongol empire. And the peoples they defeated were the equivalent of the Aboriginal peoples of Australia
Oh and to add to this, the one time they tried to actually sail somewhere and actually colonize (alaska and california) it ended in failure
it lasted long (753 bc to 1453 ad), impressive features for its time (concrete and roads), and it was the backbone of western civilization

I'm more interested in ancient greek things though, but rome was appreciable
>It was relevant for only about 100 years
More like 300 years but ok
Because they connected every city with streets, they build aqueducts, bridges temples
>Why is this empire so loved through history?

Because it was a polity which forced (yes, “forced”) city-states, kingdoms, tribes, and whatnot, to cooperate into a grander structure than their self-imposed political limitations & geographic limitations.

It was a polity that tried its best as it could to force everyone to share a single ground of association (ex. Gauls eating bread from Egyptian wheat, Hispanics drinking wine from metal cups made from the Levant, Britannics wearing clothes made out of material imported from Asia via the Levant, Anatolia...) without at all or skimming lowest as possible it could, from Point A to Point B, with Points C, D, E, F etc., in-between them as literal barriers of passage/entry.

I don't necessary want it to be about commerce solely but it was also a pact of trust: city-state/kingdom/tribe A didn't had to worry anymore in being at war with city-state/kingdom/tribe B, C, D etc.
The Russian Empire has always been despotic and backwards. They also have a huge chip on their shoulders, "oh no everyone invades poor Russia," as if they didn't have troops troops in France and Germany on multiple occasions.


This is a funny example of vatnikism as it includes mostly cases where Russia invaded its neighbors first, got its shit pushed in, and ended up with foreign soldiers on its lands. Also "invasions" involving colonies rebelling, and even ones that never actually happened but were just planned.
Hard to imagine more goblin-like 'culture'.
Only Westerners give a shit about it
A major religion, many cultural cornerstones, and the basis of our legal structure largely descends from the Romans, who also looked cool and did some impressive things.
At the same time, Rome is mostly removed enough from modern life that nobody seethes over getting owned by them. The Brits, Russians, and Ottomans have claimed enough skulls to earn a longstanding enmity from those they didn't wipe out or totally subjugate.
The Spanish and Mongols were too short lived to really have the same impact.
You're a thousand years off but nice try.
Tbf, early Byzantium, before the Arab invasion could be counted as Rome.
It's because we don't have people around today who consider themselves Alemanni or Picti or whatever to nurse grievances. Identities have changed so much that most people naturally identify with the strong, civilised conqueror over the weak, barbarian conquered. In a thousand years, when people identify by markers that are wholly incomprehensible to people of our age, then they will probably be aping the European colonial empires in exactly the same way.
>First of all, they didn't even have to sail to unexplored regions and actually document, make maps, make alliances, fight wars, learn new languages etc.
the retard one thinks that the colonization of the subtropical and tropical regions of both Americas and the genocide of the unarmed and primitive indigenous population was much more difficult than the invasion of an unexplored icy wasteland populated by undefeated and heavily armed fragment states of the Mongol Empire.
sad sight

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