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>gets impeached for having sex
Why are AMericans such prudes?
Gangbang Gingrich opened the doors for this political circus. So what if Bill fucked a Jewish bitch, AND? Wouldn't you?
he came in the mouth of a mossad agent
In France it wouldn't have even made front page news.
It's particularly ironic when you consider he was plowing minors on Epstein's Island during the same time.
Why did you leave out that he lied about doing it?
He needed to get his dick wet somehow in the Oval Office
the republicans thought it'd help them but even the public realised it was all just a fuss, Clinton was a decent president either way
The economy was good which was the main thing. Clinton had approval ratings future presidents could only dream about. Trump's are not so good but people still voted for him because they remember lower prices (we'll see how it works out a second time) and didn't care about him paying off the porn star.
I need my dick sucked RIGHT FUCKING NOW.
>There was a time when presidents' approval ratings weren't continually 20-30% tops.
Funny how everyone shit on Bush II for having the worst approval in polling history at the end of his second term as the economy imploded and then that has become the norm for Trump and Biden (and likely will be for Trump again DESU).

Obama came in with sky high approval, like FDR WWII level, so he obviously wasn't going to match the hype, but I don't remember him being quite so abysmal.
Thankfully the legacy media is dead in the US now that they've been outed as blatant far left DNC/State Department shills for 16 years now starting with Bush. I still remember Colbert on comedy central making jokes about obama drone striking hajis
I feel people mainly voted for Trump due to name recognition. A lot of people barely know who Kamala Harris is and she only had a few months to run a campaign. Not to say she would have necessarily won even if she was better known but it really didn't help matters.
I think it had more to do with the demented pedophile she lost to in the DNC primaries.
That wasn't the actual reason. That's what the media made it out to be
Nigga I can't afford milk.
He was impeached for perjury. Do they allow that in whatever 'country' you come from?
>he lied
>under oath
>to his people
>as a president
But you're right, the fact that he preferred to took a chance rather than saying, "I did, I'm sorry to my wife, to..." demonstrates that americans were really prude at that time.
Americans used to be based and redpilled having sex with appropriately aged women.
I don't know wtf you're talking about and the typical voter is even less informed than me so I doubt whatever you're referring to made a significant difference.
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>have sex
>get impeached
>look at the watch
>lose the election
>let out a funny scream
>kill your campaign
future politicians should be eternally grateful to trump for lowering the standards of an us president
they can now give blowjobs to microphones,
say unhinged shit,
trash their opponents,
stand in the middle of the 5th avenue and shoot somebody, without losing any voters
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He used his position of power as president to manipulate a lowly secretary (half his age btw). If it had happened today people would have rightfully seen it as rape, not as "le epic sax man had sex, what a chad"
Yeah and that's retarded. Power and status are attractive to women. That's like saying women having big titties is raping men.
It wasn't the having the sex part. It was the perjury. JFK was banging broads and having reports slipped through the door.
Do we need to know?
That's not why he was impeached, retard. Why does nobody actually look into history?
>He used his position of power as president to manipulate a lowly secretary
STOP having sex!

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