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Australia has no fertile river valleys.
Most of the land (the Outback) is completely uninhabitable, with populations clustering around the coasts.
Australia doesn't possess any domesticatable native animal species with most being hostile to human life.
Australian aboriginals were physically and genetically isolated for millennia, leading to widespread inbreeding.
Australia had zero markers for civilizational potential, it had to be brought from outside.
If you had dropped white people in Australia instead of aboriginals the results would have been the same, they would not hace developed civilization so y'all racists better stop pretending aboriginals didn't invent civilization because there's inferior instead of just being stuck in a shit starting position.
arabia has no fertile river valleys (or rivers at all desu)
Most of the land is complete uninhabitable desert (even more hostile than australia
most arabs are inbred- (actually most aboringals aren't interconnected because they didn't travel very much. look at the languages of the abos and you'll very little intermixing between groups. )
camel and horse were brought from outside.

How did the arabs manage to become one of the most dominant cultures of the ancient world? why aren't they crying about excuses?

How about the aztec

literally build civilization out of a swamp
lake next to the swamp as salt water
no domesticated animals apart from chihuahuas
also murdered a bunch of perfectly healthy people every year for religious reason.

How did the psycho salt lake swamp retards manage it but not the many tribes of australia.

Btw piccel is how the australian countryside actually looks.
I agree with OP's points.
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Chinese or Japanese would have made it more prosperous than the anglos
Why didn't they. China is very close to Australia and we know that they had dealings with the indonesians so why didn't the chinese make use of all this resource rich land filled with inept locals?
Japan wasn't shit until the late-1800s.
Japan had access to everything as the rest of the civilized Old World but were proactively retarded and ass-backwards.
Arabia did not develop civilization, they picked it up from Egypt and the Fertile Crescent
Australia's way more out of the way, especially the high population bits (which is probably why they never developed petty states on the Indonesian model; the Northern Territory is just too desolate)
>Australia has no fertile river valleys.
Murray-Darling Basin
>Most of the land (the Outback) is completely uninhabitable, with populations clustering around the coasts.
true but irrelevant
>Australia doesn't possess any domesticatable native animal species with most being hostile to human life.
Roos can be domesticated, Abos just don't know how
>Australian aboriginals were physically and genetically isolated for millennia, leading to widespread inbreeding.
trve, except they even had contact with Makassar traders and still did nothing with the information they could bring
>If you had dropped white people in Australia instead of aboriginals the results would have been the same, they would not hace developed civilization so y'all racists better stop pretending aboriginals didn't invent civilization because there's inferior instead of just being stuck in a shit starting position.
monumental cope
>Why didn't they. China is very close to Australia and we know that they had dealings with the indonesians so why didn't the chinese make use of all this resource rich land filled with inept locals?
China never had a naval fleet, except for under naval commander Zheng He who was a Hui Muslim. The Middle Kingdom saw itself as the center of the world, and expected others to come to China for trade. Chinese didn't go to others, except for Muslims. After Zheng died, the Ming Dynasty destroyed his fleet and went back to being semi-isolationist.

Makassan Indonesians were the first outsiders to discover Australia. There's even an Aboriginal population in Northern Australia that show evidences of Islamic beliefs and influence. It's very likely they have Muslim ancestors. There's speculation Zheng He may have had interactions with Australia too.
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