How did Japan end up losing its major influence on electronics/tech in to the turn of 21st century?No notable Japanese smart phones No notable Japanese social media /tech company Other then Sony a legacy from 80s and golden age of Japanese electronics era how did Japan fall in the ranks and become over shadowed by China and South Korea ?
>>17280929The real estate bubble burst.Protectionism.Lost Decade (more like Lost Three Decades by this point).Refusing to open it's borders to death with a declining population.
> Refusing to open it's borders to death with a declining population.
>>17280954Those Africans and Muslims are going to revolutionize the Japanese electronics industry!
>>17280929the jews
>>17280929>How did Japan end up losing its major influence on electronics/tech in to the turn of 21st century?They became first world. Almost free labor and manufacturing moved to China. Electronics can only flourish where there is quick and cheap access to components. Basically Akihabara transitioned to anime and gave way to Shenzhen
>>17280959yes! see
>>17280974>one (1) exampleNiggers and mudslimes are worthless
>>17280974> Ctrl + F > Japan> 0 Resultswut?
>>17280986Japan is xenophobic you need open borders for the brightest to come in.
>>17280985>you have to list everyone everNope, btw next time you pay by card you are using brown African technology.>"As of 2013, 250 million card transactions are protected by Atalla products every day.[50]"
>>17280991if you still believe in this meme in 20+24 then I pitty youevery thirdie worth his money will move to the USevery other country will only get bottom-of-the-barreljust take a look at goymany, sweden, finland or the UK what do they have to offer in terms of tech? (germs actually have some b2b stuff but none of it was done by thirdies)
>>17280974>>17280996> He is best known for inventing> along with his colleague Dawon Kahng> along with his colleague Dawon Kahng
>>17281009So anyone who has a shared Nobel prize doesn't count? If so then you have no right to anything, it all came from Africa and the middle east. You're not just using brown currency but also brown African alphabets and brown civilization. You can never escape the contribution of those with increased melanin production chuddie. Africa won, simple as
>>17281033You are below are dark red in the IQ map
>>17281005>every thirdie worth his money will move to the USYes of course. After all it is the only country with a sane policy regarding skilled workers. In Europe all you are going to get is people who are fleeing wars and poverty, because they are the only people desperate enough to enter via illegal means. Open the borders and you are going to get the ones who are learned
>>17281033> it all came from the middle east> AND Africamight as well say:it all came from the middle east and mars
>>17281040IQ tests can be memorized you know? A lot of them also have bullshit language knowledge questions and culture specific patterns. You can't even define intelligence and here you are pretending you have a test capable of accurately measuring it. How does it feel to know absolute brown African retards are the foundation of everything in your life?
>>17281040By the way you're typing you're not much higher.
>>17280974My Nigga we aren't talking about Old Money Rich arabs and Africans Most immigrants nowadays are practically farmers left behind by the modern economy
>>17280929It's been over for Japan for a whileRecently, China's domestically produced comac C919 passenger jet model has carried its 500 000th passenger. The first model was inducted last year, 9 models are now in service. This marks a significant milestone in China's commercial aviation industry.did you know japan tried to build their own too but failed?why china can build commercial jet but japanese can't?look up mitsubishi spacejet>development suspended>As flight testing took longer than expected, the scheduled entry into service was further pushed back until development was first paused amid the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on aviation[2] and subsequently suspended indefinitely.[3]oh no no no
>>17281051your ancestors weren't white sorry. your very existence is owed to the brown African
China is decimating japan in every industry
>>17281043> Open the borders and you are going to get the ones who are learnedwe literally import people from vietnam, 1/4th of our uni-freshmen are foreigners and our citizenship test is a fucking jokelook at picrelatedhow much more open should it get?
>>17281060IQ tests are pretty retarded to use as "genetics" Your brain muscles need to be refined at childhood, a Somali man could have triple the IQ of his dad purely because his dad worked in factories since he was 12 to afford his sons to go to school China's IQ rise is proof of this
>>17281099>>17281101good morning saaar
>>17281104I mean, Even if you argue those games are pretty bad, China has better "gekiga" nowadays
>>17281107Well for a country with 85 million people it's not that much. Do those stats even account for EU nationals? Who can already freely work there>1/4th of our uni-freshmen are foreignersImagine training future skilled workers and not wanting to hold onto them
>>17281113>>17281060> Early twin studies of adult individuals have found a heritability of IQ between 57% and 73%,[6] with some recent studies showing heritability for IQ as high as 80%.[7] IQ goes from being weakly correlated with genetics for children, to being strongly correlated with genetics for late teens and adultsoh, no, no, no.Blank slate bros. Our response?
>>17281136> Imagine training future skilled workers and not wanting to hold onto themit get's even betterimagine cucking your native population out of uni places (and student apartments; foreigners often will get preferential treatment)just so you can train a bunch of people that will move back to where they came from (about 40% are asians) or to the US or, should they fail a class, will sue your uni for "doing a hekking racism"
>>17280929>No notable Japanese social media /tech companyUmm OP I highly recommend you check out Pixiv, it's a social media platform for artists and the Japanese answer to DeviantArt and much better than it too.The quality of the art there is just much higher, especially for niche fetish content!
>>17280929White nanban demonic goblins subverted Japanese economic power so they couldn't get any stronger.
>>17281279>PixivYou legit can't browse it for 10 mins without seeing actual cheese pizzaGranted the same applies to X nowadays
>>17281279>Image no. 4Do all of you incels on this board have a BLACKED fetish?
>>17281309I have never seen CP on either Pixiv nor twatter , except I guess if drawings count
>>17281334I am talking about those obviously traced shit where you can tell it's from 3D stuff, those are pretty common on PixivAlso the demolition of Donald's girlfriend was somehow posted on X and it stayed for hours like a year ago
>>17281033You are using a white invention and langauge, ungrateful creatin.
>>17281107> uhm actually taking in 2 million immigrants per year is way too little goimnigga please stfu, the US is taking in less than one million legals (+less than half a million illegals) per year while being almost 4x germany's populationand during it's heyday it was taking in even less than that
>>17281075>we aren't talking about Old Money Rich arabs and AfricansMost aren't old money at all. >Most immigrants nowadays are practically farmers left behind by the modern economyStrange to assume they are all farmers when many were urbanized for multiple generations.
>>17281005>every thirdie worth his money will move to the USThe US is getting too toxic and wacky with its policy flipfloping allover the place.
>>17280954We live in a globalist world order and in this new order a country's economy needs to be constantly competitive and in a state of growth and expansion, or else it's overtaken by its rivals and becomes a neo-colony. Japan either needs to increase their birth rates or start importing worker migrants to make up their aging population.
>>17281033Both of these look like Egyptians. Jesus FUCKING CHRIST do you faggots never tire of this debate? Have you people NEVER met a single Egyptian in your fucking lives? They're a mixed bag! Yes, black Egyptians exist (e.g. Anwar Sadat), but yes 'white' Egyptians also exist! (Rami Malek). THEY'RE NOT HOMOGENOUS IN PHENOTYPE GOD DAMN IT GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEADS PEOPLE EGYPTIANS VARY IN LOOKS
>>17281104>mass produced gachas in stolen art stylein the same way, white countries are being copied by browns whose diaspora are ruining them. it doesn't make them superior.
>>17282104Sad weeb cope.>mass produced gachas in stolen art styleSo you know jackshit about the history of anime or manga. >white countries are being copied by browns whose diaspora are ruining them.Still on top. Most structural problems aren't due to the diaspora contrary to political commentators.
>>17282114so you have absolutely no argument against it kek. china didn't invent any of that they just copy. that's all they're good for.>Still on top.but hardly on top on manufacturing, it's just the wealth that remains
>>17281279Please gatekeep faggot.>The quality of the art there is just much higherIt's pretty easy when you do0n't draw in ugly western style>>17281344So not actual cp then, it's just that you know so much about cp and search for cp so often you know what it looks like.
>>17280929japan was never anything special, they just took advantage of being first movers and there being zero competition in the post ww2 world, once competition came they reverted to their mean which is mediocirty
>>17280929Forced to reform their economy and monetary policy by the US. Certainly not by accident or because Japanese people are stupid.
>>17280941>The real estate bubble burst.This one was engineered (and popped) by the BoJ at the request of the US.>Lost Decade (more like Lost Three Decades by this point).Same.>Refusing to open it's borders to death with a declining population.Has nothing to do with open borders or population decline (look at Taiwan lol).
>>17281975>We live in a globalist world orderAnd yet the #1 Industrial giant is deeply protectionist. So no we really don't. You buy your products from a heavily protectionist nation whose elite got their ideas from the likes of protectionists such as Friedrich List and Alexander Hamilton.
>>17280974White Aryans invented the same device at the same time without poojeet immigration. Lul. Self-BTFO'd
>>17283575what reform? they're still churning out autos because demand isn't as elastic as price sensitive electronics, before westernisation japan had zero contirbutions by way of discoveries or inventions and yet suddenly i'm expected to believe they became an econolectual powerhouse overnight from nowhere? lmao retarded weeb
>>17283607From privately held, non-trading companies to publicly traded companies.From managers holding power to shareholders holding power.And other changes. They even said it publicly.>Given this context, the top priority that I must address is to rebuild our economy and reconstruct our society into ones full of pride and confidence. Moreover, Japan must fulfill a constructive role as a member of the global community. In the belief that "without structural reform there can be no rebirth for Japan," I am resolved to ceaselessly advance structural reforms, including economic reforms, fiscal reforms, administrative reforms, social reforms and political reforms. We have to bring in an era dedicated to reforms worthy of being called the "New Century Restoration." We must embrace difficulties ahead, overcome barriers of vested interests and free ourselves of past limitations as we create an economic social structure befitting the 21st century in the spirit of "No fear, no hesitation, and no constraint." would later use the exact same phrase. (Clearly there is a higher power instructing both, and both economies have been held hostage until they committed to "structural reform")>Draghi then outlined what he called a “coherent strategy” of structural reform and policy initiatives to “stabilize the euro area” and to “achieve a sustained recovery.” He discussed actions on a number of fronts, including: repairing the integrity of money; repairing the financial sector and credit allocation; repairing monetary policy; repairing fiscal policy; and raising potential growth through a rising workforce and rising productivity.
>>17283616For clarification, later on in the speech:>Without Structural Reforms There Can Be No Economic RecoveryAnd Draghi: >ECB President Mario Draghi: Without Reform There Can Be No RecoveryDraghi even uses the word "structural" later on.Don't have to be a genius to understand why the Eurozone had its own "lost decades" after Japan. Japan was simply the experiment, it was then later implemented in Europe. And Europe is experiencing the same economic malaise, just a few decades later.
>>17283616>muh reformswhat relevance does this generic scrum master speak have to do with losing competitiveness in selling electronics?
>>17283627Japan was forced to abandon their war economy, to invest in foreign companies, rather than to fund their own companies, and to put their semiconductor companies on the stock market, making the managers lose power vs the shareholders and custodian banks. Meanwhile, Taiwan and China were allowed to use the Japanese economic model. Deng Xiaoping visited Japan before the Chinese economic growth. He realized the Chinese could not keep using the Soviet model when he saw how well the Japanese economy was doing. It was only then the growth started. Also, 9% of semiconductors are made in Japan today, which isn't bad.
>>17283572Japan was very very special. That's why Americans wanted to play with the currency valuation in the first place, and financially ruin Japan.
>>17283607There is nothing Japanese about Toyota anymore. They use non-Japanese parts. They are assembled abroad. Their research facilities are in US, Thailand, UK. They are just another global firm now.
>>17283658>forced to abandonas if it wasn't funded and propped up in the first place by getting market access to the us>Japanese economic modelwhat's this fabled japanese economic model? building up capital from textiles and low end manufacturing then pivoting like literally every other economy in the world that isn't based on resource extraction?>>17283668they were special because they specialised in selling for cheaper, woah, how 10d intergalactic brained of them>financially ruinyeah, it's called competing on an equal footing , not the us' fault japan can't compete on anything other than being cheaper
>>17283668>Japan was very very special. That's why Americans wanted to play with the currency valuation in the first place,Japan's currency was being "played with" by the Americans since 1949, the Plaza Accords were not an abherration, the US just decided to pull the plug on the cozy arrangements that had been agreed upon because it wasn't suiting their interests anymore.The Germans also didn't crash out like Japan did despite the Plaza Accords' effects on the DM mirroring the Yen's effects (and Germany also being an exporter nation).
>>17283697The semiconductor industry does not work the way you think it does. Same for "competition" and the economy. Perhaps start by reading "confessions of an economic hit man". Just to give an example related to semiconductors, the only reason the Taiwanese are even producing semiconductors, is because of the Dutch, who were the only ones willing to enter into a joint venture.And the recent X3D chips are only possible because of European tech (from Austria (=Germany), Netherlands and Belgium) it's really not true asians are better at producing semiconductors, it's just a political decision to not have Aryans make them, because the people in charge hate Aryans.
>>17280929All those countries are beholden to the Dutch, who could stop making any of these countries make smart phones, and other tech at any time.
>Japan reached a Wall after pressuring everyone to get STEM professions as that doesn't fix bad business cultures >Europeans have zero pressure to start businesses as they can just coast through life due to welfare American economy is practically the only thing keeping the West on top
>>17283668>financially ruin Japan that didn't happen, even in the category of exports. >wanted to play with the currency valuation in the first placeThe 300 Yen peg wasn't based on market rates. If anything, Japan was using an artificially undervalued currency to boost exports and suppress domestic consumption. But hilariously, no one doing the "Japan stronk, mean America cheated" routine ever realizes that if Japan's economy was as good as they believed, its currency should've been rapidly appreciating.
>>17284488>>17284488>cheated" routine ever realizes that if Japan's economy was as good as they believed, its currency should've been rapidly appreciating.It did, that's why the Plaza accords happened.
>>17284490It didn't to sufficient degree, which is why the Accords (which are vastly overrated in terms of their impact on Japan) happened.
>>17283579>This one was engineered (and popped) by the BoJ at the request of the US.Can you expand upon this? First time I'm hearing of it.
>>17285952Japan was running a madoguchi shido (credit guidance) scheme aimed at funding their keiretsu (large industrial conglomerates). The commercial banks were forced to lend certain amounts of money to the business networks, and they would in return innovate and out compete their competitors. This worked because the lending was for machines and factories: the money supply expanded, but in proportion to the real economy.This madoguchi shido scheme was then expanded to real estate and land. Commercial banks were ordered by the BoJ to expand landing for real estate by high double digits each year. It got so extreme bank executives gave managers the order to start cold calling property owners to lend more. At a certain point, the Imperial palace - which is basically a park with some imperial residences, was worth more than all of the real estate (land & buildings) in California combined. Because land is roughly finite, this created an asset bubble. The BoJ then forced the commercial banks to restrict lending, popping the bubble, leading to a crash in asset values and economic crisis. So the BoJ blew up the madoguchi shido system on purpose. If you want more in depth info, watch the documentary and/or read the book about it. From a German economist who can speak Japanese, who also invented Quantitative Easing. Was a best seller in Japan.
The tech industry shifted away from complex components where quality was a differentiator, to multi-purpose chips and boards that competed mainly on cost. Compare the difficulty in manufacturing a CRT TV to an LCD one. Japan subsequently wasn't able to compete on price with China and Korea. Additionally, software grew in importance in tech value-add, and Japan is pretty bad at software excluding video games.