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Is there any way to fix this board? It's almost like every other thread is a religion thread now and they're so clearly made by underage posters and the mods don't care, and the remaining history threads barely have anything good posted. This board was raided badly in the past but this is something else.
The election, shifting internet culture and gradual growing apathy to actual discussion
No, there isn't a fix
We need a /rel/igion board
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If you go down to the feedback button on the bottom of your screen and select the category 'board suggestion' you can recommend that whoever runs 4chan adds a new board. Perhaps it could be called /rel/ for religion.
Ban neonazis, ban religious discussion, ban racists. Here, I fixed your board.
The former and latter have been here long before you showed up. It's actually the lack of them that's allowed this to happen as the shock of hardcore racism isn't holding up.
Which election?
>the shock of hardcore racism
Nobody think you're cool for holding those views past the age of 25. It's just a given. Using it as a filter on this site has only filled it with retarded teenagers thinking they're in good company.
That's what you don't understand newfriend. Most of the racists weren't trying to be cool, they were sincere and were very angry and hateful and violent. You underage communists might be doing it to be edgy and shocking, but that isn't the case with most racists here. That's why your posts are obviously tourist posts, that's why you don't fit in. We have holocaust deniers left but that's about it, most of the haplo posts aren't white and are just trolls.
it'd just turn into reddit
I've been here literally from the start, lol. On 4chan since 2009.
Cool, now it's literally nothing. Dumb people making dumb threads. The Nazi fucks here are probably the dumbest people I ever talked to. I don't think it was ever that bad.
>No, there isn't a fix
>range-ban christcucks for spamming the board for years
>range-ban the "anti-aryans"
>range-ban non-/his/pilled /pol/
there I fixed the board, not so hard
Biased and retarded. Nordicists are as bad as anti-Aryans. Generally the threads about ancient genetics unless it's a new paper are of very low quality.
good call, every self respecting /his/torian (fuck & humanities big time) knows what time it is
>Biased and retarded.
p r e c i s e l y
Actual nazis have a very small presence here, barely anything. The way you label anyone racist a nazi is what reveals you. There used to be loads of wehrboos here who knew lots about Prussia and the german military. Now there isn't.
also this
You came here last year
Now there are holocaust deniers and Hitler lovers that don't know anything about anything.
I wish. Wasted 15 years on this shitty website.
You're not an oldfag and aren't convincing anyone.
>I've been here literally from the start, lol. On 4chan since 2009.
I miss old 4chan
You never knew it
stop larping and start making actual suggestions, nobody gives a shit how many years of your life you wasted
I don't mind humanities, I think humanities are a based part of the board culture, even humanities that relate to religion. The problem is that /his/ discussions of religion should be things like technical theology and the history of religion, not the stuff that's posted here. Making /rel/ would siphon that stuff off and give a place for other religious discussions that don't really have a place on 4chan right now. If I want to talk about how to practice my religion properly, or make a thread where people talk about what it's like in their place of worship, the culture of our local faith communities, and so on, that's not really a question with a place on 4chan right now. It's not really /his/, it's not really /pol/, it's not really /lit/. It doesn't have a good space.

/rel/ would be that space.
well, range-ban the fucking n*g*ers that are spamming the board with their schizophrenia for one, range-ban the n*g*ers that are playing advertising campaigns for whatever fucking "ideal" they have, it's simple really, also this:
And obviously, remove "& humanities" make "religion" containment board, etc.
>and violent. You underage communists
>communism is when I can't kill niggers
There you go again, grasping at straws in an effort to be le cool contrarian. I bet you haven't even finished high school yet.
>There you go again, grasping at straws in an effort to be le cool contrarian. I bet you haven't even finished high school yet.
this is you, but you're on your 30 or so, kys
just make a mythology board
send all religious thread there
and one last thing, n*g*erfaggot
esl cope
ban religion and niggers
Kill /pol/trannies
Remove humanities, humanities is a shit magnet. Listen even the most rabid y-dna poster is technically a history poster. EVEN a holocaust denier is more of a history poster than a religion poster. There is 1 in 100 ratio to actually discussing christian or muslim history threads.
Ban discussion of shitty youtube influencers/apologists. No good discussion comes from any thread that involves them.
There also shouldn't be a any sort of new board for them either. They should go to /lit/ and only discuss these subjects with reference to specific texts.
If you have to ask, you shouldn't be here
Why can't you answer the question? You were here before 2016 right?
Learn to filter threads
No, not at all. Learn. To. Filter.
they invade threads to shit on them, they also spam the board with shit threads leaving only shit threads active, so shit threads are shit and non shit threads get shat on ny the same subhumans

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