Why did kwarij lose ? They seemed to have most coherent ideology And why are they so villianized today
>>17281175They are vilified because they wanted egalitarian Democracy and not racist caste Theocracy.
>>17281257Why do the good guys loose :(
>>17281273>Judaism belongs to Jews>Christianity to Greeks and Romans>Islam to ArabsIf you're not pure Arab descent you are not fit to rule Arabs even if you do it by force.
>>17281318Turks Mongols Persians Kurds Would say otherwise
>>17281328>Might makes it right In the end Allah made them all fall and put the righteous Arab owners back. #NeverAgain
>>17281175Isn't oman the last Kwariji holdout. do other muslims hate them?
it's the greatest,what are you saying fool?
>>17281175>Why did kwarij lose ? They seemed to have most coherent ideologyThe Kharijites were representative of traditional tribal Arabian political ideology based around virtuous strongmen gathering up leadership of tribes solely based on their own personal charisma. It was completely unsuited to the governance of the large urban-centred empire that the Muslims had conquered that required bureaucratic and/or hereditary systems of government to function and not collapse into civil war every generation. The Kharijite political vision was noble but not viable for the modern Caliphate. You can see this in the Kharijite powerbases being in the Arabian deserts among the Bedouin and with North African Berbers, basically marginal desert tribespeople. >And why are they so villianized todayThey didn't consider non-Kharijites Muslims and waged war on everyone else. The most extreme sects had an initiation ritual where you had to go out and kill one of your kinsmen not in the sect to prove that you were truly Kharijite and considered everyone else infidel.
>>17281175because islam is a false religion and reason is like holy water on a vampire
>>17281175More to do with their proto-terroristic methods actually (and the fact that modern Muslims want to distance themselves from terrorists so they say that Kharijites were just like terrorists)Moderate Kharijites became Ibadis which are relatively chill today