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related photo is basically a (supposed?) data collector, and according to their graphs
>Women promoted the conversion of Pagans to Christianity they also promoted the conversion of the Arian Barbarians to Catholicism.
>the majority of the Roman Catholic aristocracy were women
>and that women had a strong influence on the conversion of pagans
>and argues that paganism is a more patriarchal and masculine religion than Catholicism.
he shows this by showing that Catholics consider women and their mothers more than pagans based on burials and tributes and so on.
I hope there aren't any larpagan memes or anything like that. let's be mature my friends
How bad was Pagan Europe that women saw Christianity as a savior
It's pretty funny because of modern narratives about Pre Christianity europe being humanist
Well, the guy in the photo has some data about this premise but doesn't address how exactly they were more masculine and what the implications were. I asked him and he didn't answer me.
Of course, if the premise is correct. I just used it as an example, since several people argue about this.
Does this guy have any certificates? Regarding your question, Catholics can seethe as much as they want.
It is no coincidence that the most Catholic places are ANF, which means greater genetic matriarchy.
>Does this guy have any certificates
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I thought Catholicism was patriarchal? cath bros?
Anyway, the priests and Catholics I saw on the Internet never really said that Catholicism was super masculine and patriarchal n shit. quite the contrary, these concepts are seen as worldly things and they see their faith as something of their own. neither patriarchal, nor egalitarian nor feminist. just catholic
the female submission thing is very toned down
T: pagan
all religion is inherently feminine.
>w-we atheist protestant wiccans are m-manly and you f-femenine
Uh, no?
Sad we are not in 1600s, that guy would have been put in the inquisitorial BBQ
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>Urge with friendly kindness, all those of your household, whom you have in Sinis or in Hippo, to join in communion with the Catholic Church." - Augustine of Hippo.

Meanwhile the pagans...

>Women held no powerful positions among the Old Prussians and, according to Peter von Dusburg, were treated like servants, forbidden to share the husband's table. Commercial marriage was widespread and after the husband's death, the widow fell to the son, like other inheritance. Polygyny, up to three wives, was widespread. Adultery was a serious crime, punishable with death. After the submission, commercial marriage and polygyny were forbidden.

This is why women converted to Christianity en masse, and virtually every important Christian ruler (starting with Constantine) first had a Christian mother or a Christian wife.
the atheist religion is progressive, it is much worse
Big band daddy save us
Your argumenta? Sources?
You didn't refute him
>modern picture
Yes? And?
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women always get onboard with whatever coomunism or cultural poz they see right off the bat and then nag everyone else into it.

cool graphic ty
This is well known. Christianity was at first very popular among slaves and women, among the uneducated in general. After it became the state church, the pagans and with them ancient *philosophy* came under more and more pressure, often with brutal force.
women have always been the first to adopt new subversive ideologies
everything, I said everything that elevates the feminine, brings concepts of equity and female power, attracts women. feminism was not born in pagan lands.
So was Nietzsche right about Judaism being the ultimate form of subversion through its inversion of values?
He was hypocrite
100% irrelevant
Roasts are the Achilles heel of mankind
This happens Especially when appeals are made to "empathy" & their biases are preyed on.
Women incel hater= pagan? Oh i see
I mean, Pagan religions practically saw Humans as Property, like Abrahamics did too but they at least tried to force men to control themselves and not rape women any chance they got
>rape women any chance they got
Using 4chan these hours? Is your husband not hungry?
The only thing that prevents us from returning to such a state of affairs is inertia. There's no ironclad moral reason to not have slaves.
Nazism was also more successful among women than men
Who are talking about nazism?
this same process is repeating now, except instead of Roman Paganism -Christianity
it's Christianity -> Feminist Liberalism

As the other anon said here, Women are the Achilles heel. Especially when appeals are made to empathy & their biases are preyed o
This is my argument barbarian faggot.
What is your argument?
Islam is almost like the Greeks were.
yes this is patriarchal
Celts and Scythians were matrilineal
I wonder if Snarky Twitter girls realised this, that Christianity was literally the main reason why feminism even got a chance
Women leading early conversions is Christianity culture
Possibly this is because women are more religious than men, and kids convert to the religion of the more religious parent.
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Yes. Christian theology is the grandmother of marxism

Catholicism is the religion for the nobility (primogeniture) and monarchs.

The rest are filter, slaves, cannon fodder, that followed 'massas' example.

There're reasons why it us echoed that whites were the first slaves, the first socially engineered domesticated servants for those whom they perceive as masters, lords, queens, and kings.

>Dicks fuck pussies.
>Dicks have to be in the same place & circumstances with the pussies to fuck them.
>Pussies make the rules before opening up.
>Dicks comply.
>Pussies open up and Dicks continue fucking them.
>“Ha-ha-ha Pussies make the rules but Dicks fuck the rules, amirite fellow Dicks?”

This' probably the oldest modus operandi for asking and receiving sex between humans, on a metaphysical outlook: dick fucks pussy, pussy leaves, dick follows after pussy to fuck it.

And it still works, unfortunately.
>Sad we are not in 1600s
Yes, we know you're a neutered faggot vicariously LARPing through the achievements of people that died centuries ago, cope lol
They wouldnt have converted if they didnt already revere and value the women in their lives.
Its not that Catholicism is feminine as much as it is that Catholicism was spread to people who respected women by women.

These women werent whores or liars btw, they were wise and intelligent clan-mothers who beat the shit out of whores and witches.
>was spread to people who respected women by women.
What's the difference?
>they were wise and intelligent clan-mothers who beat the shit out of whores and witches.
we call this matrifocal
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>These women werent whores or liars btw
>*why it is echoed
Excess brutality is a feminine way to cope with not being able to beat your opponents in a man-to-man fight.
You're just proving our point.
That's what your grug ooga booga ancestors told themselves while Attila and asiatic hordes cuckolded them?
Hilderic was a roman-germ mutt that was biased towards his maternal side because he was a litterally direct descendant of roman emperors and his introverted erudite nature made him prefer the vastly superior roman culture over the barbaroid looters "culture" of his paternal side
The Saxon king also converted bc of his Frankish wife and the Franks in turn were Christians bc Clovis converted bc of his Burgundian wife
>hat guy would have been put in the inquisitorial BBQ
Except those didn't happened.
But they should have.

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