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How's this not just mexico but bigger
It would have been under Anglo control. Anglos have an instinctive understanding of business and economics that is entirely absent among the Hispanic races, so they would have done a better job of realizing the region's potential than the Criollo ruling class did.
I fail to grasp how the Union fumbled so hard this became the entire United States.
Ah, yes, the great and inherent business acumen of Mississippi and Florida.
Way better than any Latin American country.
Not really, no.
>including every state east of Texas
You disgust me
t. NYfag turned VAfag
sure are a lot of Latinx moving to those states to make money thobeit
Miami is basically the VC and tech hub of all Latin America. I mean this unironically. Anglos just built Brickell and receded into surrounding country clubs and etc, as is their way.
Yeah, because they were built and are still run by Anglos, and Anglo-run societies are great for making money. You don't see anybody from Mississippi or Florida moving to Latin America. There's no point, there's no opportunity down there because those countries are run by Latins whose mindset is antithetical to growing wealth. Latin Americans get rich by moving north and adopting the Anglo way of thinking, nobody gets rich by doing the reverse.
Mississippi is wealthier than the United Kingdom. Ellis Island yankfags really got to stop coping with this; if it weren't for a few remnant northeast WASPs holding the entire northeast up you all would be Mexico tier within days.
"Mexico but bigger" is exactly what they wanted. To be more specific, they wanted to essentially replicate the Spanish colonial system of a handful of Europeans ruling over a vast slave/serf population in the style of medieval feudal manorialism, sorted by a rigid racial hierarchy and caste system. The Plantation Class of the South both despised the majority white population who weren't plantation owners and saw the state of affairs in Latin America as aspirational.
This is such lazy pseudo-intellectualism that its laughable to even take it seriously. South Carolina was an outlier, even within the Confederacy, and Confederate government was dominated by Davis Democrats who wanted the absolute opposite of what you're saying here.

Read a real book about Confederate internal politics before speaking on this subject ever again.
I'm glad you have such pride in your place of origin. I'm sure we'll take it into consideration.
Yes, unironically. Florida alone has a larger GDP than Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, or Persia, about the size of Spain's: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/u-states-gdp-compared-countries-165545922.html

And Mississippi has a GDP per capita higher than the UK, France, or Japan: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/ranked-u-s-states-vs-g7-countries-by-gdp-per-capita/

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