so Christians brilliant new apologetic is to insist there’s no evidence for Alexander the Great
Yea. There's such little evidence for Jesus that they claim that people like Caesar, Genghis or Alexander don't exist in order to argue that the gospels must be taken as literal history.
>>17281658They assert that theres “no evidence” for their existence but they obviously existed duh so this means jewish zombies walked around jerusalem and a god man flew around on a cloud, truly brilliant, gotcha moment
>newThat's always been the cope. Carrier's book on the subject is brilliant, as contemptible as the man's politics are to me personally
>>17281704Need Jesus zombie skin on cod
>>17281636Why is he coming from the east? Shot tier painting
>>17281783Who gives a shit about his politics? Theres an autist on /pol/ who spergs out and screeches>he’s a communist!!!!!!every time pic related comes up, as if it matters