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Just learned that Europeans and The West are considered as Edomites, descendants of Esau. How do European Christians feel that they are the antagonists of Israelites?
They just start frothing at the mouth and we wuzzing
Jesus lifted them up and only the synagogue of satan today refuses to take its place in the kingdom.
Israel was descended in part from Anatolian Luwians, which is what Levi comes from due to their invasions of Egypt installing a Luwian priesthood there.
When the Luwi and Denyen (Adana/Luwian) moved out of Egypt due to a new powerstructure, they moved east towards the lands of Egypts' canaanite vassals.
So technically the "exodus" was not a flight of 12 tribes, but a secession of 2 in order to rule over 10 petty tribes.
"Judah" is what became of Levi when it married the Cohenites of the Aqaba gulf.
And when Dan got banished by the Cohenite schemers who considered themselves "legitimate" native rulers of Israel by accusing them of cleptomancy, they left Judah alone with the 10 tribes, at which point Mannasseh was split into 2 in order to restore the convenient number of 12 tribes.
In short;
Israel always was a feverdream held by the vassals of Egypt, but which Judah seized the power of due to previously being entirely insignificant and overshadowed, wanting a canon.
>Enemy religion says X

It is irrelevant to us. Christianity is based on the New Testament and the new covenant wherein Jews are the villians and the people God cursed the most for their crimes.
Every extant Christian church affirms that Christians have a duty to give money and material aid to the state of Israel.
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Jew worship is noahide blasphemy and the Son would not approve.
You're an atheist and the majority of Christians obviously don't care what you think.
Even as a jew you should know lying is a sin but he did say you were children of the devil so you take after your father knowing only how to lie.
The only reason Israel exists is because of Christians giving it money. You pretending otherwise doesn't mean anything
And no, retard, I'm not a jew.
Israel, the state of jews, not the biblical Israel, exists to keep satan chained in hell where it serves a useful function for God by attracting the demons and their wrath away from his loved children.
I'm not a Jew, and I denounce the Torah and the Talmud, sorry.
How fucking dare you, you stupid LARPagan! They're the Chosen People! You're going to burn in hell for this!
No, Christians give Israel all the money because they're slaves of the jew. You pretending otherwise doesn't mean anything
Think about it, shit for brains: would Ben Shapiro EVER allow a Muslim, Atheist, or Pagan to work at the daily wire? Why is his whole team Christians and why is his news station one of the most popular news networks for Christians?
Why can't you put two and two together?
I'm not a jew either and I denounce the torah and talmud as well, you shit for brained moron.
Now answer >>17282257
Seething! You're seething! You're a Jew and you're seething!
I denounce the talmud and the torah and I'm not a jew
Now answer>>17282257
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The state of jews in the middle east is a chained and leashed beast, satan and his people their synagogue, who there serve God in hell by being the easy target of all the wrath of the demon hordes. If you thought otherwise then your view was not from a high enough perspective.
fanfic interpretation
Nope. Jews control your entire society, and are protected by the Christians that you pretend to be. They just took over the white house with the most pro jew presidential candidate ever, and they were voted in by Christians because Christians are slaves of the jew. Israel and the jews will only get stronger in the next few years, you pretending otherwise doesn't mean anything. Nothing in your little post changes this fact.
Yes, the beast who obeys and serves is allowed to exist and rewarded for doing so. That is why the jews are allowed to exist in their land in hell.
So now you have a mental breakdown and admit that Christians are slaves to jews b-but its okay because jews will get what's coming to them in hell!
You're a jewish slave, goy. You won't go to heaven
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Jews have been replaced for over two thousand years and have no relevance except for what use God can make of the devil in hell.
>Jews have been replaced for over two thousand years
They haven't. This is goyim cope. Jews have remained the most powerful group on planet and its entirely because of Christian goy slaves
Israel will always be a dependent vassal state in extremely hostile territory, and arm of the US military might extended into the middle east. Deny it all you want with your religious gibberish but you can't change the facts on the ground, america keeps israel around because it serves a purpose.
>Europeans and The West are considered as Edomites

that's fanfiction, and serves only to justify the antiquated polemics of genocide against a new target
we learn by reading Maccabees that the Edomites were forcibly converted to Judaism
their descendants were still Jews at the time of the destruction of the 2nd Temple
Antipater the Idumaean, the progenitor of the Herodian dynasty along with Judean progenitors that ruled Judea after the Roman conquest, was of Idumean origin.[96] Under Herod the Great, the Idumaea province was ruled for him by a series of governors, among whom were his brother Joseph ben Antipater and his brother-in-law Costobarus.

Overall, Herodian influence on Judea, Jerusalem and the Temple was significant. However, this was obsfucated by later variants of Second Temple Judaism and Rabbinic Judaism .[97] For example, a minority of contemporary Jews argued Herod could not be Jewish because of his genealogical origins. These beliefs were promoted by works such as Jubilees and 4QMMT, which were of Essene, Hasidean or Sadducee origin.[98][99] These Jews did not openly express their views because Herod violently suppressed critics. [100]

According to Josephus, during the siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE by Titus, 20,000 Idumaeans, under the leadership of John, Simon, Phinehas, and Jacob, joined the Zealots as they besieged the Temple.[104] Idumean zealotry arguably reflected their attempts to 'prove' their Jewishness.[100]
It's just one of those facts Christians have a hard time accepting.
Why should anyone be surprised that Jews consider white Europeans their enemies? Only a blind person would deny it.
They should get right with God.
>I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.
but jews are not it anymore, they got replaced 2k years ago and now they are just irrelevant. God smashed their temple and cast them out forsaken.
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>Just learned that Europeans and The West are considered as Edomites, descendants of Esau.
If someone believes the Bible says this, they are thoroughly misguided. Edomites lived to the south of Israel. They would have been brown people who had nothing to do with Europeans or their ethnogenesis. Nothing is impossible with schizophrenia though.
God doesn't break his promises, anon.
Jews will forever be the chosen people and Europeans will forever be Edomites.
The Edomites became Jews and nothing will ever change that.
Just look at the thread
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This is the purpose
>taking a medieval rabbinical cope seriously because a social media algorithm recommended an Adam green video to you
Stop listening to grifters who don’t know what they’re talking about.
He only quotes rabbis
Yes, and those rabbis are peddling a cope from the Middle Ages. His assertions about muh Noahide law make no sense when you understand that the traditional rabbinical understanding of Christianity is that it is 100% idolatrous(it doesn’t get much more idolatrous than worshiping a mortal man as God) and would therefore disqualify it as a legitimate vehicle for Noahidism. Anything else is a cope disguised as triumphalism.
Non of that is stopping it from American Christians adopting those beliefs, most are half way there. Also, the West being Edom is not a cope, it's actual symbolically and biblically accurate.
This makes too much sense.
>Non of that is stopping it from American Christians adopting those beliefs, most are half way there.
Evangelicals are retarded. News at 11.
>Also, the West being Edom is not a cope, it's actual symbolically and biblically accurate.
Says who? Some random guy? You don’t get to interpret the Bible in some ass backwards novel way and then get mad when few people give a shit about your novel interpretation. Schizos do this shit all the time and their interpretations are just as idiotic. The only difference with Green is that he interprets it in a way that benefits his anti-Christian position instead of the usual pro-Christian position. Arguing against an interpretation that nobody accepts means you’re arguing against yourself; not against anyone else. It’s retarded. The jews are not the bene gesserit.
Adam just quotes and repeats what the rabbis and synagogues already believe in. It's not his interpretation It's a group of Jewish rabbis interpretation, maybe it is even in the Talmud, I haven't checked because it's too big. Adam is one guy and he doesn't believe he can take down Christianity because it's the worlds most practiced religion. He just seeks to expose what the bible actually says about other groups of people who aren't Israelites.
Jesus never said jews are the children of the devil
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>Adam just quotes and repeats what the rabbis and synagogues already believe in. It's not his interpretation It's a group of Jewish rabbis interpretation, maybe it is even in the Talmud, I haven't checked because it's too big.
My point is that they didn’t believe it for the first 1000 years of Christianity. The Noahide autism is an innovation of medieval origin that doesn’t make sense unless you first assume worshiping Jesus isn’t idolatrous, and thus presume Christianity to be the correct religion. No traditionally religious jew does, therefore it is incoherent. Modern Jews who believe it are usually reinterpreting it to be positive rather than triumphalist, but the flaws in the reasoning remain. It’s also pragmatic. The absolute last thing shlomo bergstein wants is a mass wave of American evangelicals converting to judaism and ruining their little club.
Greco-Roman civilization being Edom cannot predate normalized Judean contact with at least Greece, and those books are centuries older than that normalized contact. That’s why Adam has to resort to saying the Old Testament was written far more recently than people believe. He is forced to adjust the historical timeline to make his interpretations make sense to himself.
>Adam is one guy and he doesn't believe he can take down Christianity because it's the worlds most practiced religion. He just seeks to expose what the bible actually says about other groups of people who aren't Israelites.
I don’t doubt that the jews, ancient and modern alike, dislike the gentiles to varying degrees. I do doubt that Adam knows what he’s talking about with respect to Christianity and biblical exegesis. He argues like the mirror universe version of a “just me and my Bible” evangelical. Basically every atheist who doesn’t study philosophy does, and it almost always leads to a bad line of argumentation and an assload of random presuppositions.
Nah, noahidism has its origins in Paul. He didn't have a label for it but that's exactly what he was doing, hence his ability to say circumcision wasn't necessary for gentiles. (Noahide laws don't require it.)
Well there we go.
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