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>be england
>be forcefully conquered by the Normans
>Be scotland
>beg Normans to come and rule over you and give them lands
Scotland really is the joke version of England (joke language, pathetic attempt at colonialis, etc).
I like england and scottland. What year did they star allowing non whites to migrate to the island and why?
>be ireland
>be forcefully conquered by the dutch
>Be england
>beg the dutch to come and rule over you and give them lands
England really is the joke versian of Ireland (joke language, pathetic attempt at nationalism, etc).
You mean they invited a dutch aristocrat to replace their current monarch, very different to the other example.
>>beg Normans to come and rule over you and give them lands
The Scottish king raised in England gave lands fairly recently conquered from England to Breton and Norman knights who were already wealthy from having lands in England

But uh we can just ignore that and pretend he didn't do that.
>>be forcefully conquered by the dutch
William II and III only took power due to the Ultonians whom he immediately betrayed and banned from having any activity in his rule

And the English supported William because he promised to support banking through usury
Scotland loved France because they hated the Anglo,
In summary in habitants of the British Isles are cucks
>english cope
They invited a dutchman and his 40 000 strong army of men to conquer their lands lmao
>>english cope
I'm Albannach
>They invited a dutchman and his 40 000 strong army of men to conquer their lands lmao
Yes, billions had to pay for loans.
>Scotland loved France because they hated the Anglo,
This never happened until the 1290s and lasted until the 1560s and did not appear again until the 1740s
>This never happened except the literal CENTURIES it was a thing'
>Be England
>don’t like current king
>kick him out and replace him with a different guy with limited and nominal powers
>All real power is now in the hands of Englishmen rather than foreign monarches of Scottish, Welsh, and French origins
The Glorious Revolution was really England’s Declaration of Independence.
>And the English supported William because he promised to support banking through usury
As opposed to, what, farming that out to Jews like the based Church or inventing loopholes like the Templars did?
>We're not "charging interest on a loan" - you just mortgaged those properties in exchange for an INTEREST FREE loan and we are merely renting those properties back to you :^)
Yes because it does not apply to the period in which has been referenced.
>>All real power is now in the hands of Englishmen
>As opposed to, what, farming that out to Jews like the based Church or inventing loopholes like the Templars did?
Usury has always been seen as bad and there is no way you can defend a violation of nature
>The Glorious Revolution was really England’s Declaration of Independence.
peak cope. William was not a powerless king. That happened during the Hanoverian succession
>be english
>get conquered more than threehunderd years ago
>cope about it to this day
Is there anything sadder than this? I think literally every country in the world acknowledges it was conquered when it was, but the English have to deny it for some reason.
>In December 1689, Parliament passed the Bill of Rights. This measure—which restated and confirmed many provisions of the earlier Declaration of Right—established restrictions on the royal prerogative; it declared, among other things, that the Sovereign could not suspend laws passed by Parliament, levy taxes without parliamentary consent, infringe the right to petition, raise a standing army during peacetime without parliamentary consent, deny the right to bear arms to Protestant subjects, unduly interfere with parliamentary elections, punish members of either House of Parliament for anything said during debates, require excessive bail, or inflict cruel or unusual punishments. The Bill of Rights also confirmed the succession to the throne. Following the death of either William III or Mary II, the other was to continue to reign. Next in the line of succession would be any children of the couple, to be followed by Mary's sister Anne and her children. Last in the line of succession stood any children William III might have had from any subsequent marriage.[57]
It was at least the beginning.
>vomits out a wikipedia passage
England was conquered plenty of times, like that time a Duke, whom English people called “William the Conqueror,” conquered England. I just don’t think 1688 was one of those times.
>no argument
I accept your concession.
>Usury has always been seen as bad and there is no way you can defend a violation of nature
The fact pretty much every monarch at the time was OK with usury happening - provided it was either a. limited to a religious outgroup or b. tortuous workarounds like the Templars "renting" mortgaged properties back to the mortgagor - is a defence in itself.
>The fact pretty much every monarch at the time was OK with usury happening
No usurious contract was valid and they could only be enforced through gangs. As soon as one of these was brought to a court it would be thrown out.

Having loans with a set fee attached is not the same as usury which involves interest.
>It was at least the beginning.
No I accept yours
>No I accept yours
>Having loans with a set fee attached is not the same as usury which involves interest
Least retarded muslim
>If I don't call it interest it's not interest - it's a FEE inshallah
you were the one that literally posted
>It was at least the beginning.
>>If I don't call it interest it's not interest
If you cannot see the difference between compounding and a set fee then I cannot help you

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