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>100,000 German Jews served in the German army during the First World War - 1/6 of all Jews living in Germany at the time - many of them volunteers.
So why did Hitler stab them in the back?
He was a veteran himself.
Me with the glasses in the back.
Jewish veterans actually supported the mass removal of jewish socialists from Germany, they even established the jewish German bund and were apart of the Irgun-SS cooperation agreement, something the British put an end to in 1945.

These things are never talked about because it reveals the nuance and complicated nature of the Second World War and calls into question a lot of the claims about Hitler's ethics.
If jewish people themselves were in great support of Hitler, even as this alleged holocaust was actively ongoing, what does it say about the holocaust? What does it say about jewish people?
>veteran worship
amerimutt spotted
>Not all Jews
Mischlings still stayed in Germany when Hitler was in power. They have entire programs and organizations for these people, some stayed to work at home or in the military
Front row, second from the left, sith the big mustache.
Thats Adolph Hitler.
>So why did Hitler stab them in the back?
He didn't. Jewish veterans and their families were except from many of the laws. Many Jews kept high positions in the NSDAP party and government throughout the war.
>makes up nonsense about a Jewish terrorist group supposedly having an agreement with the S
>immediately stretches this to say jews support Hitler
Could a nazifag not lie for 10 seconds?
Hitler was undeniably right that Jews are a subversive group.
Something I do wonder, however, is that how interchangeable they are with rootless plutocratic elites. Jews occupy the upper strata of society because they are highly intelligent, and have other personality traits that lend towards success in the modern day. If Jews weren't there, would their role simply be taken up by equally rootless subversive gentiles? Roman elites replaced the Roman population by importing slaves for cheap labor -- there was no need for jews.
That being said, in the intellectual side it might be more difficult to argue, as Jews just massively out of proportion create/endorse these ideas like communism, feminism, oversexualization, deny race etc., I don't think gentiles would take their positions there.
Physically impossible.
So Jews are actually good people?
lmao that's just cap, only Mischlings could really get away, but the bulk of German Jews in Theresienstadt (the "good" prison camp) still died from shit conditions and their survival rate hardly differed from that of Czechoslovak Jews
I am actually not a nazi, that's why I am against jews supporting hitler.
>don't think gentiles would take their positions ther
>"Ideas like...oversexualization"
Someone obviously has never been to France lmao
"Denial of race" is also pretty standard in European countries that don't fit the Nordicist fantasy bill, e.g. Russians aren't particularly big fans of Race autism as an idea because Russians are quite aware that they're a very mixed ethnicity (be it with Armenians, Tatars, Kazakhs, etc.) and that Nordicists have a habit of calling them subhuman mongols. Italians, Spaniards, Greeks, etc. are also a bit tired of getting called Wog Arab Rapebabies by that same crowd.
>>makes up nonsense about a Jewish terrorist group supposedly having an agreement with the S
He's not actually completely wrong about that.
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Well yes I know. Cattle believe what they are told, and most people are by nature cattle.
I was talking about intellectuals that lead this "movement", and large proportion of them were Jewish. Such as starting with the Boas school of anthropology, Gould's Mismeasure of Man, or even modern nonsense like Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel.
>what does it say about the holocaust? What does it say about jewish people?
they didn't see their eastern ortodox cousins as people
They fragged their Aryan officers.

Provide the names of 10 Jews who fragged their Aryan officers and the names of the officers.
(((Conveniently lost))) along with the rest of the Jewish cencus.
Besides, it fits the Jewish character perfectly.
>Well yes I know. Cattle believe what they are told, and most people are by nature cattle.
In today's /pol/ hot takes: not wanting to be treated as subhuman by deranged Germans = being cattle
No wonder the USSR didn't collapse despite their gargantuan losses in 1941, surrender wasn't an option against these freaks.

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