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Why did Italy help Turks in the Turkish War of Independence? They were mad that they didn't get the Smyrna zone (which would have been stupid anyways) and it got given to Greece instead. So out of spite they went against Greece and helped the Kemalists. I could in theory understand if Italy supported the Turks in exchange for the Turks giving them Smyrna and the Italian Zone. But they didn't get it.

But then they just gave away Smyrna and the Italian zone to Turkey, so they armed, trained, and protected them for literally no reason with nothing in return. This has to be one of the greatest nonsensical geopolitical blunders of all time.
Italians fucking over Geeks, a tale as old as time.
Like in ww2? Oh wait
The Greeks offered Italians to partition Anatolia together lmao
Gayreeks will mostly likely be wiped out by the 23rd century.
Italians wanting to larp as the Mediterranean equivalent of Brits
This post is cope.
>Italians fucking over Geeks, a tale as old as time.
Greeks begging the French for help, and then regretting it, is another tale as old as time.
Pic related is what they thought they were going to get but in practice what they were given was Antalya province and a nominal sphere of influence into rural SW Anatolia that the Greeks were immediately allowed to occupy. Antalya had a population of around 20,000 then - they had been cucked out of all the more valuable Mediterranean & Aegean trade centres like Smyrna, Mersin, Adana, etc. - so they felt they'd come out of the partition of the Ottoman Empire with very little of value and had in fact been used to bolster the interests of their rivals in the Eastern Mediterranean (which the British, the Greeks and the French all were).

This obviously pissed them off and once it became clear that the Kemalist army was a force to be reckoned with, they decided to support them by giving them arms in order to weaken their rivals in the Eastern Med. Their sphere of influence was pretty much entirely comprised of Turkish majority settlements - it would have been a nightmare holding onto that shit in the face of an organised nationalist uprising like Mustafa Kemal's. So they probably made the right shout by not insisting on it.
To be fair italians deserved to be fucked over, they lost all the battles against the ottomans only to be saved in the end by anglo-french troops.
Beggars can't be choosers.

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