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The Confederates were one-hundred percent correct vis a vis the constitution and the only reason people don't support them is because of the institution of slavery being the rallying point behind their constitutional arguments.

1. The United States is a federal compact. It is so fundamentally retarded to believe otherwise. The fedgov is a creation of the states, not the other way around.
2. Constitutionally, there was no precedent or argument to ban specific types of property from federally administered territories. Only when those territories voted to become states could they have the sovereignty to ban specific types of property.
3. The right of secession is fundamentally implied in the 10th Amendment, several states on ratifying the Constitution only did so with secession clauses in their assemblies that voted for ratification, and a federal compact implies secession anyway even if the 10th Amendment didn't exist.
the law is whatever can be reasonably argued and plausibly maintained, you can make all the arguments you want but that's only half the equation.
the north had the factories.
by that logic its pointless to have any laws or regulations to begin with, if it all just boils down to might makes right.

surely some objective moral truths must exist, and if they do, surely law must be derived from them and force can never make the contrary legal, only de facto.
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That's sort of the trick isn't it? No matter how much we pretend to live in a civil society with laws and traditions, it really is just might makes right. If you don't have the power or agency to do something, it doesn't happen.
The first change the confederates made to the constitution was that the government couldn't print money
>10th amendment
>"... or to the people"
>Lincoln/congress calls for a popular vote / plebiscite
>D*xoids lose because three fifths cheat codes don't work IRL
>Slavery is now illegal
Out fucking skilled.

>a federal compact implies secession anyway even if the 10th Amendment didn't exist
cite it then.
You won't because you'll be too busy screeching at me for daring to suggest that people, actual people and not slaver scum, have a right to vote in the US.

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