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File: World_War_II_Casualties.png (1.1 MB, 5847x4135)
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The numbers in the East, seem a bit exaggerated. The Russians lie all the time. Like about Katyn. Never have heard of them.

Also, where is the 6 million?
>Nazis now claiming they didn't do Katyn either
the more holocaust deniers talk, the more brazen they get; before long the Blitz will be a hoax and WW2 will have never happened at all
Thank you for paying such close attention to this issue. A report has been made.
Hitler was actually jewish and the holocaust was a necessary sacrifice for israel to be created
the jews were also cool with the death camps they played soccer and baked cookies in between killings
>t. jewish
You know who else was Jewish? Jesus.
Why is there so little attention being paid to the mental health of their leader? If he were crazy, he would have been easy to whack.
Most of the eastern deaths weren’t from Nazis massacring people but rather

>soviets enacting a scorched earth policy with infrastructure as they retreated
>nazis confiscating all soviet crops and whatever else was useful, leaving citizens to either starve to death or be killed for resisting
>nazis razing settlements for the specific purpose of trying to slow the retreating soviet forces and trying to bait them into engaging in battle

Only real difference between the Soviets and Nazis is that the Nazis actually did want to depopulate that region for settlement. Soviets just didn’t really care if millions died so they could salvage their army, slow Germany down and still win later. People were just economic units to them after all. Who cares if a couple million starve or are burned in barns. Same reason Soviets didn’t find holodomor a big deal. Not active malice. Just apathy to humanity.

Nazis would have put a bullet in every slav if it wasn’t for the fact bullets were a valuable resource they didn’t want to waste

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