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>Deny all reason and logic
>Reject all historical evidence that disproves their Bible
>Scoff at all scientific proof that debunks their god
>Insists on believing a fairy tale with no evidence and wants to force you to believe it too

What do you call that but a parasite that seeks to infect and harm you?
Parasites are jewish christians are just slave morality cucks that wont do shit. But their decent people, same cant be said of kikels like yourself
>What do you call that but a parasite that seeks to infect and harm you?
Soience fags that reject the dignity of human existence do this all the time.
You mean the same Science that gave you the computer chip you used to make that post? The same Science that's given you everything you have? Science is your God, you just refuse to say it out loud.
You are a retarded, low IQ, dumb faggot.
I dont know honestly I never see one irl, they're all on the net. Might be different in the US.
Next time you turn on your air conditioner make sure to thank your god Science for making it possible.
It's funny that you will spend the rest of your life uneducated and working shitty unskilled jobs and suffer forever.
Why are you projecting your worship of the modern world's priestly caste onto me, cultist?
i jerked off to the virgin mary recently
Jesus does nothing, Science gives us everything.
>Science gives us everything.
Your AC and PC isn't giving your life a purpose, moron.
You're low IQ, unskilled, poor and ugly. This is why you cling to God, it's all you have. You'll eventually find out he doesn't give a shit about you when your life inevitably falls apart, because he's not real. Remember I said that for when it happens, you worthless piece of shit.
It doesn't matter if I believe in God or not. Someone as vapid and insipid as you doesn't have a single opinion worth sharing. Imagine trying to refute a claim that pedantic reductionism makes life seem pointless with "duhh but the computer chip DOE" lol fucking moron.
Look how hard you are struggling once I made you realize you rely on Science for everything in your life and how your god never once gave you anything.
>once I made you realize you rely on Science for everything in your life
A narcissistic loser teen thinks he came upon some profound revelation tonight and wants to share with the class, huh?
Who are you talking to like that fedora fag? This man has free will, the capacity to know truth and love? He is surrounded by a loving existence that gives him the strength to take on any hardship?

What exactly are you again?

Oh yea some buck broken faggot who doesn’t believe he’s real, doesn’t believe he can know anything, doesn’t believe in love or free will or goodness. All you cling to is your ignorance and bitterness because it keeps you safe from the realization of how much you are a pathetic excuse for a man you are. Your a little cuck twink in comparison to any man who can open his eyes every morning and know that the nature of existence is good, seeking to grow alongside a loving existence. No woman will ever want to have a family with you, no man will want to go into a business with and none of your elders will respect you if you stay on this prepubescent path of willful ignorance and fetishization of suffering. Get some help
Your so low IQ to not understand that this “science” your referring to are emanations of eternal truth interacting with limited minds which ultimately finds its origin in god. It’s fascinating how my educated colleagues (even the fedora fag ones) never refer to “da science” like you brainlets do and it’s really making me understand how easily your low IQ individual devolves into religious fervor if you give him something that he perceives makes him superior. It’s sad and gross and funny enough? The standard model aligns with the god hypothesis so even your science has betrayed you fedora fag?
>Your so low IQ to not understand that this “science” your referring to are emanations of eternal truth interacting with limited minds which ultimately finds its origin in god.
Nice, you're in your Catholicuck crypo-atheist phase. This still isn't going to give your life meaning.
Atheists are banana fuckers
>All atheists penetrate themselves with bananas on camera
>Insists on forcing you to fuck bananas as well

What do you call that but a parasite that seeks to infect and harm you?
lol I’m a trinitarian and your daddy in anything to do with the science fedora fag. Here’s a simple test tho. Do you think our universe is deterministic?
Look at this wall of seethe. Jesus isn't going to save you. Science is all you have, whether you like it or not. Science is God over you, forever.
lol define science? Can you even do that fedora fag?
>Being a fedora fag is when I recognize autistic rationalism to be an agent of existential dread and nihilism
Hello, parasite. Come to try and infect us? It won't work. Atheism is winning day by day, and you're on the decline. All I have to do is sit back and watch you lose.
Lol no being a fedora fag is acting like “da science” is somehow independent from the natural world or that it’s separate from god instead of understanding it’s a technique of logic which finds its origin in god

Regardless, you really can’t define science or tell me if the universe is determined? You at least know how to play it safer than your average brainlet
lol your the one obsessed with kids right? How does it feel that gen a is already 50% publicly religious and that number will only grow as they age closer to conservatism. There has never been a generation who is this religious or conservative in generations and want to know why? It’s because they grew up surrounded by you degenerate fedora fag freaks. Spewing your mental illness and weakness with glee and thankfully the children have seen you for the demons you are
I won't do anything for you. I am God over you with Science on my side. I give you orders, not the other way around. I called you a parasite and sent you into a rage and that is sufficient enough to establish dominance over you.
Hail Satan! Science has the power to destroy Jesus forever.
Lol I got you to reveal you have no idea what you’re talking about and are probably schizophrenic given your incapacity to answer simple questions. You have no higher education or understanding of the natural world. Your puffing up because it’s all you have when confronted by your betters
you don't answer any question bro. stop giving some bullshit that you never proving.
This is what you must tell yourself to cope. You tell yourself many copes every day so you can believe in Jesus the magic fairy man and a how you will live in a beautiful Jew castle in the sky after you die. But deep down you know none of it is real.
Ask away. seeing as how your incapable of answering any questions I can answer any coherent question your diminutive mind could conceive
Neither you and the retarded atheist teen in the thread are able to touch grass, instead mangling together the territory with the map so to speak. All autistic systemic views of reality logically preclude nihilism when you even bother to think about it for even one second. The modern world is defined by this level of mechanistic thinking pervading every faucet of interaction.
>Regardless, you really can’t define science or tell me if the universe is determined? You at least know how to play it safer than your average brainlet
I don't care about the question because my issue is different then what you perceive it to be. I'm interested why you chose to lash out at me when all I did was attack the supporters of scientism (which is a philosophical belief moreso than actual science), whom are largely materialist atheists lol.
Lol if that’s what you think it means to follow god I weep for how willfully retarded you have made yourself
so show me your god explain math and technology in your bilbe. If you say god creat that shit.
>>Reject all historical evidence that disproves their Bible
>>Scoff at all scientific proof that debunks their god
post some
>Insists on believing a fairy tale with no evidence and wants to force you to believe it too
even Non Christian historians admit Jesus existed
you belive in jesus that is why you are retard.
Oof you got me, I didn’t realize you were critiquing illogical materialist rationalism as opposed to the epistemological rationalism that makes you find god. Regardless I still think your a faggot for thinking nihilism or existential dread is not a natural perception of a limited being that must be overcome if he is to operate in the world effectively and the way to overcome those things is to use our rational mind to integrate our perceptions of the eternal with the reality of our limited state to find god
He has no proof of anything. It would be world news if he did. He's a nobody.
you are retard as fuck. You think about sky jew and you say people retard and ignorance. You don't know shit about the world. Just some shit in bilbe that make you feel good so you think god must be jesus or some shit. No evidence.
He's your typical pseudo intellectual Christcuck apologist huckster trying to sell his repackaged brand of Christianity. There's many of them on here.
>show me god
Okay well god is defined as everything so your already looking at part of him, if you were smart you would realize the self or mind is a part of god your looking thru atm as well. Regardless, if you think existence is eternal and you believe consciousness is apart of existence then you believe in the eternal will. Now whether you think the eternal will (a part of god) is good or evil is up to you but I would say it’s good given the nature of eternal existence (god) is so that I may freely know and have a relationship with it. Now if existence was created out of nothing? The only mechanism of something coming from nothing is a thing called god as whatever “quantum foam” faggotry your thinking of is not nothing given it has structure.
So there we have it, the only 2 ways existence could be and they both necessitate god. Feel free to disagree on specific points or ask for clarification but know that your inevitable seething just proves my point that the majority of you are to low IQ to have this conversation
yeah but you belive in jesus cult so i don't belive your fucking every word.
ok so who creat gods? according to bilbe god looks like human right?
You're a parasite. I reject your religion and your fake god.
Lol the absolute state of fedora fags. With trump winning I’m starting to see the end of your ilk
Okay brother do you understand what the concept of eternal means? Do you understand that the concept of god has a tautological shape and that tautology dictates eternal being?

As for god looking human, do you understand god is above the concept of form or self? Because Christian’s sure as hell do (depictions of angels and whatnot) while accepting that god wishes to be anthropomorphized so that we can better understand him
you can creat your own religion with rational view maybe i can believe you. But you belive in jesus bro it is enough for me. In my country, we have many people like that bro stop.
You're also a narcissist, that's why you use a name. Nobody is buying the shit you are spewing.
Your a cringy idiot who doesn’t have the strength to accept ANYTHING you won’t be missed
Lol it’s sad how few people understand that the story of Jesus is an ontological and tautological necessity of a loving god. It gets repeated in every way Christian’s can conceive of but it might just be an idea like that is above the layman’s ability to comprehend
it means bilbe is just written by human. So bilbe is fake not god do that. If you can prove bilbe is created by god by the hand of god not people maybe i believe.
so you think bilbe is just a book not truth and written by human think what god is. So i don't belive you. Because this is your opinion not god opinion.
>With trump winning
Trump being a Christian icon only makes more people hate Christianity. Atheism rules over you no matter what you do. It rules every institution and controls the world. Trump isn't even a real Christian, he just uses it to gain power over retards like you. He doesn't follow a single thing Jesus said. He's just as atheist as me.
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Fuck you, Christcuck parasite. I reject you! This is how easy it is to defeat your attempts to poison me.
Lol it is divinely inspired by those with the capacity to perceive eternal truth and communicate it to limited beings (themselves included) but yes it is limited just like any other thing so you can’t make it your god as our understanding of god is something that will grow for eternity.

Isn’t it weird tho? That all you fedora fags have 1 of 2 states you can be in at any given time which seem to be contradictory. First your an evangelical atheist, thinking your superior because your know less. Then once that gets exposed as retarded you all turn into fundamentalist fags? It seems to be at your single digit IQ range your brain doesn’t have the capacity to integrate ideas and understandings into your being unless there is some rigid orthodoxy (that grants them self perceived superiority) with catch phrases you can throw out without understanding what they means. Very sad, it must suck to be like
ok so you think it is a book written by people understand the eternity. So it means not god work and not created by god. So i don't belive you.
Lol no he’s not. He believes in free will, a loving existence and his capacity to know truth as a consequence of the Christian cosmology. You reject all those things don’t you remember fedora fag? He has the capacity to submit to god when the time comes to make the ultimate sacrifices to god while you would refuse to even in theory out of indignation? You really have no concept of what theology or philosophy or religion means do you little man?
Lol it is people writing about their personal experiences with god, how is that not gods work in growing humanity?
but your bilbe has so many errors about science so it means it is not truth. And maybe your idea about existence is not truth like that.
because it has many errors about science. If they know god work bilbe doesn't has many error about science.
Idk how to tell you this without sounding mean but anything limited trying to describe the limitless will have “errors” it’s a good thing that the Christian conception of god understands that and so speaks to us in parables. Your mad the Bible isn’t perfect when the Bible literally says we are limited and the only perfect thing is god? Why did you suddenly jump from being a militant atheist to nothing other then hard sola scriptoria fundamentalism? Only 2 options I can think of are low IQ or arguing in bad faith so which is it?
you say bilbe is god work and if god work why bilbe has so many errors about science. it means they write bilbe like you they belive in god just like you not god work.
you are nothing but just like them belive in eternity idea, who write bilbe
No error their in bilbe.
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The Christian is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Christian and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
noah boat is enough. See christian think they are smart but they think like this.>No error their in bilbe.
Lol you understand humans are a creation of god? Him interacting with us in certain ways is his work and us writing it down is our attempt to maintain a relationship. No matter how you put it the Bible is a result of gods action and it contains eternal truth making it worthy of study, not in the way your low IQ jumps to with fundamentalist retardation but as a limited being trying to comprehend and have a relationship with the eternal
see. Dynoysus chad think people are retard but he thinks bilbe is god word written by people inspired by eternal truth and god interact them to make them write that about god. But somehow bilbe is so retard about science which god creat.
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>low iq
>fedora fags
>belive bilbe is god works.
Okay I think I’m understanding your retardation. Your not understanding the Bible isn’t a science book lmao my bad for not picking this up earlier. The Bible isn’t interested in describing our relationship to limited existence, its point is describing the eternal and our relationship to it. It’s like being mad at a cooking book for shorthanding what it means or what’s happening when you blacken a salmon instead of describing the carbon reactions. It’s a silly thing to talk about in this context brother
bro if bilbe explain abou relation. Just talking about that. Don't add any shit like genesis so maybe people will belive you but your bilbe claim god is truth as fuck. That make people think people 100%. That is your religion fault not people. bro
*bilbe 100%
>Okay I think I’m understanding your retardation. Your not

Retard Alert
I understood what he meant, and I agree with him.
Lol I agree we shouldn’t let low IQ people read the Bible who can’t comprehend a book with 2 creation stories trying to describe the limitless isn’t meant to be taken as a scientific paper and that the most important part is god chose to take part in creation.

I’m sorry your uncle Cletus who used to touch you claimed to be some sola scriptoria evangelical but that’s a low IQ commoner understanding bred from letting retards read something they didn’t have the capacity to understand and is certainly not the standard Christian understanding
Notice how he says "Lol" at the beginning of every sentence. This is a good indication this is a bot.
bro but your apostle say about
spread the gospel. And they don't think about science aspect so it means that your religion fault too.
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Lol I accept your concession (pic rel)
Lol. I love this language model. I hope it keeps posting.
and i think you are wrong about this too. If it is not speard for low iq commoners. How Rome can be a christ nation. So bilbe is for low iq people.
You are a disgusting Christian parasite. Not loving at all. Full of hate and ego. This is why I reject your kind.
You’re kinda proving yourself wrong? You got trapped in some fundamentalist autism from reading the Bible without proper education in Christian thought (or even basic epistemology/philosophy) and it misconstrued how you understand the whole western world, eternity and the nature of god?
I’m being loving by telling you idiots all this basic philosophy, i cherish my ability to be an asshole as long as I follow that goal of bringing my brothers and sisters closer to truth with me
and i don't belive you about this point
>something they didn’t have the capacity to understand and is certainly not the standard Christian understanding
your roman church belive science aspect in bilbe. That's why the books of Galileo is banned in that time=> your roman church not real god work and can adapt to any science idea that prove(because truth is god work and don't change)=>Catholic is false relgion=>pope is not following god work because he follow science idea. He is not accept words from god.
So it mean bilbe is wrong because it has science aspect and you don't belive 100% in bilbe. You believe in relationship bilbe talking about. => christian is wrong and follow the progress of science.
The way you Christians behave makes me hate Jesus and Christianity more and more. What a disservice he did to the world by creating you. I love to see people turning against it, the destruction of Christianity is one of the few good things in the world.
With over 5 billion copies sold and distributed, the Bible takes the top spot as the most read and widely distributed book in the world. It is considered the holy scripture of Christianity and is also revered by Judaism.
>I’m being loving

No, you are disgusting and wicked, I can tell just after a few posts what you really are. This is why I war against Christians, because you are the true evil in this world.
he called any againt his idea fag or some shit bro.
Satan, who is the essence of wisdom and truth, will destroy him soon enough.
Im sorry to tell you this but the Bible is interested in the cosmology of eternal existence. Men in the church having issues with integrating new understandings of the limited world and persecuting others has absolutely nothing to do with the eternal cosmology the Christian canon presents. It’s like saying the nazis super sonic rocket designs were incorrect becaUse they were wrong about race, they don’t really have anything to do with each other.

But here, what in the Christian cosmology do you agree disagree with? Do you not think we have free will? Do you not think god is loving? Do you not think god would incarnate? There are so many nuanced ACTUAL discussions to be had in pushing our understanding of the eternal to the next level but the low IQ midwittery gets tiring
free will but free will idea has from ancient but god is loving is a joke bro and love all people idea is even from china philosophy. If you think your idead from cathlic is good for you i ok. But atheist don't belive you idea because they want 100% logic from relationship to science. If not they will call you a cult. I mean they want 100% truth from bilbe if even 99,9% wrong you are in cult. That is atheist idea.
To be fair it was not science that kept Europe from descending into chaos for 2000 years.
I’m disgusting and wicked? Your the one spreading psychosis, malignancy and degeneration brother? Which of us is telling people to actualize their free will? Which of us is saying the nature of existence is loving? Which of us is saying that the ultimate meaning in life is found in family?

Oh yea that me

And you are the one who is trying to convince people that they are weak and stupid, incapable of knowing truth or having agency, that they are not loved and love doesn’t exist.

You’re a pathetic little man whose mind was broken by some memes “disproving” free will or existence instead of understanding they were meant to show the limit of human logic to explain the natural world. And now that you have found out your retardation your doubling down, preaching about how your buck broken state is the goal as opposed to a sorry state you have mutilated yourself into.
You are both faggots spreading psychosis and lies. Existence is. You have free will the ability to accept the goodness of eternal truth or reject it and god psychotic. As long as you try to spread your delusions I will be here to correctly name you as fedora fags
what the fuck are you doing free will is the concept from greek not your fucking catholic do invent that shit. And we don't fucking belive your god and don't become any shit you imagine we are people have moral that don't need any shit moral from your catholic idea to become good people. Reject what? what wrong with reject your god eternity.
You are wicked. You are a liar that spreads false hope and promotes Jewish fairytales. You're a narcissist namefag with a huge ego. You're as evil as they get. You're a parasite, no different than a worm, not even human.
These absolute brainlets man. Free will is a natural phenomenon that we gave a name in the vein of we call a a rotating wind storm a tornado. Different cultures will have different names and levels of understanding at different times but the phenomena they are describing remains the same.

Very simple do you reject truth? Do you deny that you exist? Because if you do you will succumb to mental illness. Same as if you deny your free will or that existence is loving for blessing you with the human experience. Even as simple as denying the eternal truth it’s better to give than to receive because all eternal truth is a part of god and to reject it is to reject the firmament of existence which will inevitably lead to your dissolution into non existence
i belive free will but i don't belive god in bilbe. you dumb as fuck.
you can say that shit if you belive in god like eternal truth. but you are cathlic so stfu.
Do you believe in a loving god? Because if you do? Then the story of Jesus is a tautological necessity of a loving god who takes part in limited creation
I am a trinitarian
I am on the side of truth, so I must fight Jesus the deceiver and his army of parasite demons until the end.
>Do you believe in a loving god?

No, the cold and cruel nature of the universe is proof it was not created by a loving god. You must refer to some ancient mythology about how Adam and Eve messed it all up in order to continue believing in your fairy tale lie. So many excuses.
>the story of Jesus

God sacrificed himself to him self in order to save us through a loophole in the rules he created. What a great story.
no it is not logic and reason. God is neutral. He is like a human i think it fit your god in bilbe because in bilbe even say he is like human. Maybe i can belive you but all your shit christian say god is loving is all good is bullshit bro. Stop make people belive your cult. old and new testament is the proof. old is chad new is faggot. Why? because it is written because people who follow jesus.
>you are catholic right?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinitarians
>Stop make people belive your cult

He's a parasite, it's his nature.
No god choose to take on all the suffering of the limited state (death included) as an act of love and as a way of showing us the path to eternity through the human condition.

At a higher order thinking it’s the physical manifestation of god choosing to change (die) when he chose to take part in limited creation

And at an even higher understanding you see that god is proving a point. Him taking part in limited creation is the only thing that anyone (if there existed beings higher than him) could see him as evil for and him choosing to suffer and die alongside his creation firmly closes the book on any ideas that he is a psychotic puppet master

These are all basic understandings tho desu so I have to wonder if your just low IQ or if your representing the story of Jesus In a retarded way out of bad faith?
>god choosing to change

>Malachi 3:6
>“For I, the Lord, do not change

I just destroyed everything you believe in by quoting your own religious book, which you've never read. Now fuck off you fucking imbecile.
…….your a fucking idiot aren’t you? God has eternally been taking part in creation, him dying and suffering for us is an eternal process which is why you hear about Jesus on other planets revealing himself. In other words god doesn’t change from his creative nature but the nature of creation is change
how do you know the sentence “For I, the Lord, do not change" is talking about his creative nature or the action he thinking about your human.
For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
this is his think about the fucking his action he don't change his action.
Because It’s talking about god? And we know he takes part in creation (see genesis brainlet) so obviously that is apart of his eternal nature that doesn’t change. This is why uneducated people shouldn’t “read” the Bible, they are incapable of grasping its totality as a matter of IQ and have no one to help guide them. Maybe instead of trying to flip flop from fedora fag to fundy fag you should go get educated about the book that’s causing you to seethe this much
4.Then the offerings of Judah and Jerusalem will please the LORD, as in days of old and years gone by. 5“Then I will draw near to you for judgment. And I will be a swift witness against sorcerers and adulterers and perjurers, against oppressors of the widowed and fatherless, and against those who defraud laborers of their wages and deny justice to the foreigner but do not fear Me,” says the LORD of Hosts. malachi3:4,3:5 he say before this context. (It mean his action for this tribe is not change not creative nature or some shit.
he don't change his mind and his action bro. So your jesus is just a cope. Real god don't become like jesus. stop faking yoru cult.
7Yet from the days of your fathers, you have turned away from My statutes and have not kept them. Return to Me, and I will return to you,” says the LORD of Hosts. “But you ask, ‘How can we return?’ 8Will a man rob God? Yet you are robbing Me! But you ask, ‘How do we rob You?’ In tithes and offerings.… 3.7 3.8 jeus don't follow god. So your jesus is fake as fuck too.
>Deny all reason and logic
Lol. Scholastic is base for all west philosophy.

>Scoff at all scientific proof that debunks their god
Where those proofs?

>Insists on believing a fairy tale with no evidence and wants to force you to believe it too
Who doesn't do like this?
>Lol. Scholastic is base for all west philosophy.
ancient greek is the root for all philosophy west you dumb nigger.
>ancient greek is the root for all philosophy west you dumb nigger
And? Ancient Greek philosophy is root for scholastic. Scholastic is base for west philosophy.
Where you are Aristotle's and Plato's shit is be, if not Christian and Muslim philosophy?
make roman empire and make your christian popular.
it means no one give a shit about christian. Christian is nothing without ancient greek philosophy. People learn ancient greek philosophy not bilbe.
>which is why you hear about Jesus on other planets revealing himself

No one hears of this or has seen this you insane schizo.
>Christian is nothing without ancient greek philosophy
>Science is nothing without Christian
sciene is nothing without ancient greek philosophy. Give me science in bilbe? nigger? if rational view in that? that's why japan kill all your chriscuck but somehow this curse nation become rich but african christian nation with the most population follow christian but still be shithole. South africa is example.
I sucked Jesus's circumcised Jew dick on another planet last night.
based bro catholic as fuck.
Well there you have it.
Christianity is not Bible. Is more than Bible.
Give me science which not been influenced by Christian philosophy.
Lol who do you think understands church doctrine better, me or you? In response to the possibility of aliens or other worlds the church’s position has always been Jesus (he would obviously have another name) would reveal himself as best their shape could comprehend culminating in another incarnation. This understanding has been expanded to the possibility of a multiverse funny enough which is why Christianity is the only one of the abrahamic religions which truly aligns with a valid interpretation of quantum theory
Lol your timing is getting better Priopos the younger, blessed to have a fan like you
Vitruvius described many different construction materials used for a wide variety of different structures, as well as such details as stucco painting. Cement, concrete, and lime received in-depth descriptions, the longevity of many Roman structures being mute testimony to their skill in building materials and design.
Central heating

Ruins of the hypocaust under the floor of a Roman villa: The part under the exedra is covered.
Vitruvius outlined the many innovations made in building design to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants. Foremost among them is the development of the hypocaust, a type of central heating where hot air developed by a fire was channelled under the floor and inside the walls of public baths and villas. He gave explicit instructions on how to design such buildings so fuel efficiency is maximized; for example, the caldarium is next to the tepidarium followed by the frigidarium. He also advised using a type of regulator to control the heat in the hot rooms, a bronze disc set into the roof under a circular aperture, which could be raised or lowered by a pulley to adjust the ventilation. Although he did not suggest it himself, his dewatering devices such as the reverse overshot water-wheel likely were used in the larger baths to lift water to header tanks at the top of the larger thermae, such as the Baths of Diocletian and the Baths of Caracalla
You are the cult member, so I'm sure you know all the inside details. So there are alien Adams and Eves scatter across the universe and Jesus goes around eternally incarnating in alien form and sacrificing himself over and over? That's as schizo as it gets.
yeah fucking pagan gods for destroying science only christian help creat science fuck you zues.
based catholic bro.
The fact you say "Lol" at the beginning of every sentence is a sign of some sort of mental illness. I've seen you doing it in every post over the course of months when I come on here. You're severely mentally ill. Sucks to be you I guess.
lol based catholic bro.
My AC unit has more meaning and value than the bible

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