from the beggining. im a new here so i didnt know exactly where to write it. so, at the current moment im in the Italy abd i have some troubles learning it. for the every day learning i use few books, duolingo and also i study at italian university. im here from July, but my level is A2. i really don't know what i do wrong. maybe there is someone who can recommend smth. anyway, thx for reading.
You seem to have the deliberate learning part of it covered, now if you want to go further you will have to figure out how language acquisition works for you. This means actually use the language a ton every day, consume only media in Italian and try to hold as many conversations as possible. Everyone looks for language learning tricks but you really cannot skip actual acquisition.
>>17283311Continue to focus heavily on the logic of the grammar. Chat with those who can accommodate you. Good luck! Italy sounds so beautiful right now, I miss her.