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What went wrong>
Jews specifically Henry Kissinger at the time
Generally, when you kick out your boss because of the moral indignity of him covering up a crime, you shouldn't immediately pardon him for said crime.
Why didn't president Biden pardon Trump too during the transition period of December 2024?
But Ford did not "kick out" Nixon
Nixon was forced to resign over a third rate burglary that I'm very skeptical anyone outside of Washington was that interested in by congressional Republicans, who have (except between 1994 and 1998) almost always been weak cucks
While I'm not sure about the general population caring too much about Watergate, I'm fairly damn sure the general public outside of the shithole that is D.C. gave zero shits about Ford pardoning Nixon, no matter whether it was specific or broad. The general public never has extensively cared about or voted based on D.C. bullshittery, as would be seen later during Iran-Contra and Lewinksky
What killed Ford was the dreadful withdrawal from South Vietnam (even if that was mainly Johnson and Nixon's fault for continuing the blatantly retarded Truman policy of containing Communism instead of eradicating it), the betrayal of the conservative Republican base (hence why Reagan's primary challenge was so devastating for Ford) and smaller, statewide factors like Ford not bailing out NYC; New York state was a swing state at that point and had been won by Nixon quite comfortably in 1972. Ford not helping (even if it was the dope Abraham Beame's fault) cost him the state, and in turn the presidency
Carter also did what all successful liberal candidates since at least 1968 have done: pretend to be a conservative or at least "moderate" like picrel would later
>was that interested in by congressional Republicans, who have (except between 1994 and 1998) almost always been weak cucks
They weren't weak cucks in 1947-48 when they cucked Truman. Also there was nothing in the Constitution allowing Ford to bail out NYC anyway.
I agree but he also didn't adequately get that point across like when Grover Cleveland refused to pay for seeds during a Texas drought as he said the Constitution didn't allow him to.
pretty much his association with Nixon along with a weakening economy doomed him even if in restrospect many stated they judged him to hard
Every time they play hardball it ends up getting destroyed by someone pointing out that they're being obstructionist retards and exposing the whole game.
I haven't looked into congressional Republican leadership during that period so I'll have to take your word on that
I also can't say if Ford would or would not have had the power to do anything about NYC, but to be frank the legality is irrelevant
The average New Yorker isn't going to think "Ford isn't helping us, but I suppose he can't do anything anyways", they're going to think "Ford isn't helping us, so I'll vote for the hillbilly"
>Also there was nothing in the Constitution allowing Ford to bail out NYC anyway

Case of "I'd rather be right than be president" which I think Henry Clay said originally. Also Carter ticked off members of his own party by vetoing Tip O'Neill's pork barrel bills.
Well no see it was more his way of messaging it, he basically said nah, fuck off I'm not giving you any money instead of "I'd like to but I don't have the statutory authority to" like Cleveland did.
>I haven't looked into congressional Republican leadership during that period so
The 80th Congress were certified hardasses, they passed Taft-Hartley, tax cuts, and forced the removal of remaining New Deal malarkey. Truman spent most of the '48 election campaigning against Congress instead of Dewey. Democrats retook Congress afterward but it was a more conservative coalition that blocked his plan for European-style nationalized health care so he got cucked by his own party after being cucked by Republicans.
>Also Carter ticked off members of his own party by vetoing Tip O'Neill's pork barrel bills

The morality/frugality of doing that is irrelevant. The average Congressman isn't going to think "Ah, these were wasteful spending bills and the president is right to veto them" he's going to think "Reeee why won't he let us throw around a bunch of gibesmedat to buy votes" and refuse to work with him.
>Democrats retook Congress afterward but it was a more conservative coalition
I had thought that at least since 1968 America has been a conservative nation but I suppose then in some ways it does date back further
Consider how whenever Democrats nominate a liberal (Humprey, McGovern, Carter '80, Mondale, Dukakis, Kerry, possibly Gore) they lose, but when they nominate someone who pretends to be moderate or conservative (Carter '76, any of the "New Democrats" like Clinton or Obama) they win
In turn, when the Republicans nominate a conservative (Reagan, Nixon somewhat, Bush '88, W. Bush, the guy I can't name yet), they win, but when they nominate a moderate or a Rockefeller Republican (Ford, Bush '92, Dole, McCain, Romney) they lose
The same is true on a smaller scale for Congress, Republicans win when they have a strong conservative leader like Gingrich and DeLay in 1994, or more recently (ie 22 years ago) when the Democrats act retarded like with the Wellstone funeral in 2002
Weak leaders like the fat pedo Hastert get clobbered by nutcases like Howard Dean and Pelosi
>or more recently (ie 22 years ago) when the Democrats act retarded like with the Wellstone funeral in 2002
yes we didn't forget Ted Kennedy at the funeral yelling WE WILL WIN!!!
There was a general political turn back towards the right after WW2. People were tired of the New Deal and government central planning and wanted a return to normalcy. Nixon beat an incumbent FDR dickrider to get elected to Congress in the '46 Republican sweep and also the huge amount of Soviet spies that got into Washington over the last 13 years was becoming increasingly apparent. Most New Deal figures became irrelevant and Henry Wallace became an anti-communist and Nixon supporter.
>along with a weakening economy
He dramatically improved the economy
Civilization lost the Second World War
Grow up
The economy was lumbering in the post-OPEC recession through 1975 and only began picking up again in 76.
I'm 32.
Civilization lost the Second World War
He didn't abolish nigger-movers, aka, trains. America would be a utopia if he did
This is the second time I've seen you complain about Amtrak. Are you alright?
Commietrak is an abomination and the perfect example of socialist overreach. Why should I be forced to pay for something nobody uses? Planes, cars, and trucks can do anything a train can do a billion times better. Being on a train is being a cuck
They were an undemocratically chosen brainlet with no charisma who was the inheritor to someone who had been shamefully driven from the Presidency.
But enough about Kamala Harris.
While I disagree that trains should be axed entirely (people should be allowed to use whatever mode of transport they wish) I do believe they should privatize Amtrak
A private Amtrak would vastly improve rail service; it certainly worked for the British. Public satisfaction with British Rail increased after it was privatized, contrary to socialist claptrap
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>There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe, and there never will be under a Ford Administration.
It really doesn't matter what he said after, about them not dominating their independent spirit and citing exceptions like Yugoslavia and arguably Romania, this was a certified 'tard moment - watched by some 60 million Americans - and it should have resulted in him resigning right then and there. Yet, as far as debates go it's all been downhill ever since.
He would've gotten screwed by his party if he did. That's why he waited until Trump won to finally just stop pretending to give a shit about what his handlers wanted.
Was he as stupid as claimed?
He was our first retarded president and should be heralded as such
He fall down teh stairs!!! HAHHHAHAHHAHAAH
He got rid of FDR's retarded ban on owning gold bullion and the CIA was banned from operating on US soil as a result of the Church Hearings so some positives did come out of his administration.
Why would he do this?
Ford was like a interim head coach after the last was fired and was never going to get the full time spot. It didn't matter what he did or didn't do the owners looked outside the organization (with disastrous results).
Chevy Chase of the original SNL crowd took the guy out with the falling routine.
>Chase has since admitted that he actually had nothing against Ford. "I didn't even know anything about him or his policies. I was a young, liberal comedian and I guess I just wanted to shit on whatever guy decided to pardon Nixon and didn't care who it was. I ended up meeting Ford years later and he was the nicest guy I ever ran into."[3]
>the inefficiency of the navy
What did he mean by this? Is he talking about Teapot Dome or something?

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