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File: Jubilee.jpg (22 KB, 320x240)
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Happy Holidays, I have written a book for you this Christmas. It is an attempt to explain how the world has been corrupted and turned against itself.
It explains the idea of the babylon mystery religion and the flipping of being made in the creators image to the creator being made in our image.
It explains how Satan reflects everything good against us. An example would be the Holy Trinity - There is an unholy trinity, one that consists of Deceit, Materialism and Fatalism.
There are 10 commandments, there are 10 deceptions. There is the synagogue of satan - the insitutions that hold us down.
It explains how this mystery religion infected Abrahamism through Jacob, and explains that he never actually earned the birthright, and that the last 3500+ years have been an effort to stop Esaus promise - of throwing off the yoke. It explains how we are livestock burdened with this yoke, and how we have had our innocence stolen.

It is the best I can do to try to assist the world from falling off the brink. It is my offering, a gift from me to you. Knowledge is power. Words are weapons. I want to arm you with the power and weapons to overthrow your shackles. It is a declariation of war against the powers of the world.

Ok I will look into it.
What's it about btw?

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