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>God doesn't change
Okay but the earth clearly does.
So with god not changing, but we do... God ends up looking different. Like if you have a static object, and then an object moving around, that object moving around is seeing all kinds of perspectives of the unmoving object. Even though it doesn't change, it looks different. Nobody sent by heaven (nor hell for that matter) has ever claimed that the unchanging nature of God is relative.

Just thought you should think on that.
The fact that religion can be rewritten and altered by people to reflect modern views, and that God doesn't show up and say don't do that, is proof to me that it was never the real authentic word of God in the first place
So what It can look different?
Why would it be? The most unimaginable peaks of human action are kludgy and inelegant. You can tell them at a glance.
God's everpresence is in the beautiful revelation that is always available to us and completely ineffable. God needs not man nor any other kind of middle-man, and it's the ignorance and narcissism of man himself to imagine otherwise. Because they've never seen the faintest shimmer of grace, they've just twisted stories. They don't know how grand God really is.
That is why you must look at God from a humble perspective.
>>God doesn't change
God doesn't change, but he knows the times. God is doing a new thing, with our lives. We're doing a new thing, through Jesus Christ.

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