>Mr Dukakis, if your wife, Kitty Dukakis was brutally raped and murdered by a violent, urban, black monkey, would you favor the death penalty for him?
>>17407331Even with the original wording it was an unprofessional question.
>>17407331I don't understand why following your convictions to the furthermost extremes they demand is viewed as a negative. If someone believes the death penalty is immoral, then they believe the death penalty is immoral regardless of the crime committed and to whom it was committed.Is that sort of moral integrity not to be viewed positively? To stay true to one's beliefs, even when faced with immense temptation towards wrath and vengeance?
>>17407420If he had put it somewhat like that and spoke of his own pain he would have won.
>>17407420>Is that sort of moral integrity not to be viewed positively? To stay true to one's beliefs, even when faced with immense temptation towards wrath and vengeance?Why do you think that fucking matters? He's not running as 'head philosopher' he's running as the fucking president. Where is his passion and anger? I don't want some muted cuck leading the most powerful country in the world I want a man with some god damn balls between his legs. Fuck intellectualism. He's got an entire entourage of loyal servants for that purpose. His purpose is to fucking lead.
>>17407445I rather have a cool-headed guy than some emotional woman-brained fag running the country.
>"Mr Dukakis, why did you personally veto a bill that would exclude first degree murderers from the Massachusetts prison weekend furlough program, resulting in the release of a man who had stabbed a stabbed a 17 year old gas station clerk to death 19 times during a robbery despite complying with him, leading to the subsequent brutal rape of a woman and stabbing of her fiance before he was apprehended again?"Answer that question Greekcuck apologists
>>17407331I don't understand how people always say that there was no good reply to this. Even a retard like me can come up with something like>You think that's appropriate justice for the crime? Think again. I would favor locking the man up for life and only letting him out of solitary confinement for his monthly corrective gangrape sessions.Like c'mon just use your brain, bro.
>>17407461>The Willie Horton case is simply white grievance politics. I would not be criticized nearly as much if that man was white. Instead of stoking such petty racial fear, we should look to reform criminal justice in order to end this circle of violence.
>"Mr Vice President Bush, if your wife, Barbara Dukakis, was brutally raped and impregnated by that black criminal Willie Horton, would you favor an abortion for your wife?"The host should have asked that question to Bush too.
>>17407476desu when I first heard the name Willie Horton I assumed he was like a white trash hillbilly because that's the picture I have in my head of someone named "Willie"Also they didn't even use the niggeriest picture they had of him in the infamous ad
>>17407445>Where is his passion and anger?Passion and anger have no place in the mind of the commander in chief. The presidency requires a steady hand capable of coolly evaluating the situation, someone who won't vaporize cities at the wailing of a widow or send thousands to their deaths on a whim. Nobody with the authority to launch nukes should ever rant and rave in rage. Nobody who can crash the economy with a signature should make decisions with their gut. Nobody whose decisions can alter the fates of nations should act emotionally or on ego. And nobody at the helm of the most powerful nation to ever exist should be led around by their balls!Rage must be constrained by even-tempered logic, and channeled into useful actions rather than ones which bring momentary catharsis.
>>17407331>If Kitty Dukakis was savagely raped and murdered by a giant 100% African 8 inch long BBC that stretched and creampied her little white pussy would your swarthy, greasy Greek ass support the death penalty?
>>17407461He didn't make the decision that ultimately resulted in Horton's release. That's the job of correctional staff.
>>17407420>Is that sort of moral integrity not to be viewed positively? To stay true to one's beliefs, even when faced with immense temptation towards wrath and vengeance?
>>17407602>Neoliberal Blue ("You sinfully CONSOOM too much, therefore we should privatize state services") vs Neoliberal Red ("Niggers steal your tax money, therefore we should privatize state services")
>le scary black rapist man is coming for your grandma if you make the wrong choice in NovemberStay classy, Republicans.
>>17407608nobody cares what you think, LBJfag
>>17407632>Just ignore our extremely poor judgment of letting violent rapist killers out of jail on the weekends
>>17407655Something tells me that the correctional staff weren't liberals.
>>17407445Do you really rather someone who would change his convictions and principles when something afects him personally as a president? Do you want a good, dignified leader who honor his values or some spineless rat?
>>17407436>If he had put it somewhat like that and spoke of his own pain he would have won.Something like this?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ump2b4gT1vE
>>17408022>Words words words bush badThe left can't meme.
>>17407445Your post is why warhawks always win
>>17407458>emotional woman-brainedI think you actually just have aspergers
>>17407445>Where is his passion and anger?Retards have passion and anger, effective politicians are calm and cool under pressure, make cold and calculated decisions for the best possible outcomes for the country.
>>17408309An autist in power would keep the trains on time.
>>17409128>my man!
>>17407331>dukakis elected>never get into the first gulf war>president clinton delayed by at least 4 years or never runs at all>no clinton hierarchy to fuck up the dems in '16seriously, republicans are world-class in just fucking over america whenever possibleeisenhower was the last republican president i could tolerate and only bc of his ww2 credentials.
>>17409869Eisenhower was also a Democrat until he had the nomination.
>>17407331But I did have breakfast
>>17409869Eisenhower was a socialist spy sent by the Soviet Union to destroy the United States. Each president has been some form of socialist and cultural Marxist until Trump saved America.
>>17407495I think of Willie MaysHorton actually went by William, "Willie" was chosen for the ad to make him seem blacker
>>17410045>Eisenhower was also a Democrat until he had the nomination.no he wasn't. he voted against FDR in 3 of his 4 elections and voted for him the last time only because he didn't want to change presidents in the middle of a war.
Do you people unrionically think I, a black person, am a threat to kill you at any moment?
>>17409122>>17408237>>17407729>>17407502>>17407458Who was the more effective leader? Joseph Stalin or Jeb Bush?
>>17410909>cherrypicks a random example>refuses to address the main point
>>17410883Not any more than most other individuals.
>>17410640Take your meds
>>17407331Nope but I'd give him a ride in my tank
>>17407331No, for that person, I would favor a life sentence which I believe is a more severe punishment than execution.Next question.
>>17411536>Seething liberal communist
>>17410909 >Stalin>successfully maneuvered his way into becoming Lenin’s successor despite Lenin hating his guts>led the Soviet Union during the largest war in human history>successfully conned Americans and Brits into supporting him despite the fact he was supplying Nazi Germany right up until they broke the Pact>effectively reconquered the Russian Empire>held power right up until he stroked out>worshipped as a living god by millions of Tankies and Ziggers today >Jeb!>can’t even be elected PresidentI’m not even a Communist and I can see that clearly Stalin was the more effective leader, he was just a complete monster as well.
>>17411578I'm not the one proclaiming the commies took the presidency. A commie would be trumpeting that... Like you are...
>>17407420>I don't understand why following your convictions to the furthermost extremes they demand is viewed as a negativeIt's not. The issue is that taking the scenario to such extremes reveals to people that they don't share said conviction.It's easy to say death penalty bad when you're socially prompted to say so, much harder to believe it while thinking "what would I actually want to do to the wretch who raped and killed my woman?"
>>17410883'fraid so.
>>17412280I think there's a difference between what I, personally, would want, and what a criminal justice system should do. If we're just gonna base punishment on the desires of the next of kin you might as well bring back blood feuds.I also think an effective politician could communicate this distinction, which Dukakis, alas, could not
>>17413583That's beside the point. You can make all sort of arguments for and against the death penalty, but in this thread the point is whether the american public back then was more swayed by all the pro-life whines or by their own natural gut reaction to violence.To be sure Dukakis also wasn't a good whiner either, like you said. Emotional appeals have been the main weapon for both sides of the argument since the beginning, but exploiting them requires more expressivity than the dude was capable of.
It's very ironic how people react emotionally like this to issues of crime and punishment then when someone rationally brings up criminal justice reform and compares crime and legal systems in different countries they accuse them of being emotional.
>>17407445>Why yes I do want to be conscripted and die for the feelings of some dude I never met
>>17408309>Not wanting a chimp in charge is autism Look at the greatest martial societies and you will not see raging emotional men leading them. You will see calm, collected, and even keeled men, quietly ordering the deaths of hundreds of thousands while their soldiers passionlessly dispatch the foe.
>>17407331>If that same urban black monkey had gotten your daughter pregnant, would you force her to have an abortion?
>>17411955Stalin was based in a way no African dictator or Nazi retard could be, by sheer virtue of the scale and pettiness of his monstrousness. >Crying woman who you've known for years comes up to you, pleads with you as your friend to have mercy on her brother who was caught up in your purges. >Quietly listen to her appealing, dismiss her, pull out the list of names you have meticulously gone over by hand, pull up her brother, and have him transferred to an even worse labor camp for having the audacity to ask you, Josef Stalin, for mercy.
>>17413870So you want a nigger to rape and murder your wife?
>>17415203I honestly don't understand how you could get that idea from the post outside of projection.
>>17410909Joseph Stalin was a fairly even-tempered guy, just brutal and cunning. At least use someone infamous for having melties as an example, like how Bismarck would throw shit and screech at the Kaiser when they disagreed.
>>17407445>I don't want an adult in control of his emotions to be in charge of the Nuclear arsenal Thank God I'm European and not Arab, otherwise I'd literally be risking having my life end by one of these retards bombing my country over some kneejerk reaction
>>17409869>>dukakis elected>>never get into the first gulf warLol what? Are you insane? American foreign policy is remarkably consistent across party lines and there's no way Dukakis would have just let that oil motherload fall into Hussein's control willynilly.>>17413938Right Wing Americans behave exactly like all the people they complain about. Needlessly violent like a criminal and as emotional as a female college activist. They literally hate European style criminal justice purely because it "feels wrong", regardless of what the mathematical data shows about repeating offenders and so on.
>>17416805It's not just rightists. People in general react to crime emotionally in this country. There's a place for that but not in sentencing or prison governance.
>>17416816Yeah you're right, Leftist retards thinking that rioting and looting is a "victimless crime because insurance pays for that" deserve the reeducation camp too. I wish America had evolved into being emotionally muted and coolheaded dour protestants like the Swiss or Danes are, as opposed to passionate retards like everyone else in this godforsaken hemisphere.
>>17416805>They literally hate European style criminal justice purely because it "feels wrong", regardless of what the mathematical data showsThe only difference between euro and burger justice "styles" of criminal justice is that burgers have private prisons in some states, which is obviously a stupid idea.Everything else is purely cosmetic and the difference in criminal stats is more easily explained by ethnic make up of individual countries.
>>17410640>Eisenhower>socialist spyBro, Eisenhower fucking hated commies and went out of his way to overthrow any even slightly left-wing foreign leaders (and was right to do so, but that's beside that point)
>>17410852http://npshistory.com/publications/eise/kh-v13n3-1990-1.pdfSorry that you're wrong.
>>17416824How would you react if your wife and daughter were raped and murdered by a nigger after church? How would you react if your daughter survived but she's impregnated?
>>17417096This is false. The UK has private prisons too. Other than that, there are lots of differences. Generally, you have to try harder to get a prison term in Europe and the other wealthy countries, especially for a long time. They have different laws and policies regarding appeals, remand, sentencing, parole, probation, furlough etc as well as prison conditions and records of maltreatment.
>>17417498On top of that, white Americans have a higher homicide rate (>2/100k) than just about all the developed countries.
>>17417507*mixed AmericansMost pure white Americans are not violent. I'm Aryan myself and I only wish violence on my enemies that threaten US
>>17417515No, white. Most homicides occur under that reasoning btw, against perceived enemies.
>>17417498>Generally, you have to try harder to get a prison term in Europe and the other wealthy countriesThis is not a good thing you know. Every other crime news I've heard since I was born contained a variation of the words "the culprit was known by law enforcement to have a record of criminal violence".And for that matter that's the same shit I hear from burger news, although I can't say whether that speaks of american averages or about the kind of news who manage to cross the pond.
>>17417683That doesn't mean they were immediately released. They might have pled down to a lesser charge (usually the case) at the offer of DAs who just want to look efficient and bump up their conviction rates. Or they might have already served time and been released.
>>17417515Also I define 'enemies that threaten US' as anyone who disagrees with me or looks at me funny.
>What kind of sick question is that? This is what I've been talking about, while I am willing to debate with our opponents respectfully and with the gravitas I believe does respect to the office I am seeking, they do nothing but cajole and provoke, like the high school bully you thought was cool when you were 15 but started to wear thin when you were 17 and thinking about going steady with your girlfriend and getting into a good college. I will answer your question, however, out of principle.>If my wife was murdered, first of all I would want police to catch the real killer, I would want a fair trial to ensure all the facts of the matter are clarified and that it is proven beyond reasonable doubt that he is indeed the killer. Then, I would want him to wake up every day for the rest of his life in a 6 by 8 prison cell and realize why he is there, I would want his family to visit less and less often and eventually not at all, I would want him to still be there as an old man watching glimpses of the outside world go by without him in the TV room, regretting his actions, every single day.>Bloody revenge would be satisfying, admittedly, but humans are not emotional animals, there has to be more to our universe than being constantly at each others throats, by keeping murderers in a cage rather than brutally murdering them in turn, I believe we send a much more compelling message about the futility of violence.
>>17416805>Erm, the soience says letting rapist muderers out of prison on the weekends unsupervised is good ackshually
>>17410909I would rather live in Florida during the period in which Jeb Bush was governor than in the USSR under Stalin, and so would you and everyone else.
>>17415125Should she have called Stalin a pussy ass bitch and dared him to transfer her brother to a worse labor camp instead?
>>17415125>source: Nikita Kruschev impotently seething at an objective superior leader
>>17417771Believe it or not, there are some people guilty of murder or similar crimes who get daytime or weekend leave with no risk to the public. It happens.
>>17418110>people guilty of murderywnbaw
>>17407331This is such an easy question to answer too.>as a husband i'd want him dead, but i don't think my personal feelings and circumstances should not dictate how criminals are punished. Such a system is ultimately unjust even if it would feel good on a personal level.
>>17407495>Mr. Dukakis, this man walks up, slaps your wife's ass then says "bix nood white boy" while grabbing his crotch would you tie him to the tow hitch of your Chevy and drag him along the street to the tallest tree in the neighborhood so you can string that nigger upHow the fuck did Dukakis stumble on such a softball question?
>>17418167What, are they martians?