After learning some Greek I'm dumbfounded by this shit.I can't believe this shit took over Europe when its scriptures are basically the ancient equivalent of a poorly written ESL schizopost.The people that wrote this we barely-literate goatfuckers. They just didn't know Greek very well and the thing is laughably bad. I have seen middleschoolers write better than this. It also doesn't make any sense in some places. Paul's letters are QAnon tier schizobabble to the point you can't even understand wtf he is saying sometimes. No wonder Christcucks spent centuries killing each other over "theological" differences when their holy book doesn't make any sense.Some writers, like "Luke", seem to be native Greek speakers, so they actually know how to write properly. In those cases it will sound like something a 90 IQ normalfag would write today and my study Bible will say the passage is "very elegant".Christcuckery deserves nothing but disdain. Truly only adequate for wymyn, slaves, browns and subhumans.
The abrahamic religions are all metaphysically wrong and spiritual lacking
You do know there are different types of Greek right? There is Attic, Koine, Demotic, Byzantine Greek etc.
>>17407860Good morning.
>>17407885"There are different types of Greek" is the cope used by the people that believe in this shit to justify it being an ESL schizopost. It's like linguists saying "akshually AAVE is valid English, there are no right and wrong dialects".The truth is that Attic Greek was the model imitated by any cultivated person in the area and this shit is just BAD GREEK.
Do you guys ever thing maybe there is a higher power but said higher power isn’t like to one described in the Bible? To me it just seems like there would have to be an intelligence behind the universe but a lot of stuff in the Bible is frankly stupid.
>>17407860You are Jewish. No no, not just an ethnic Jew; you are an advocate for Rabbinic Judaism and Rabbinic Jewish Culture.You see, I AM calling you "Jewish" but not in the same way Jesus and the Apostles were Jewish. There is no contradiction. Ethnic Jews can always disavow Judaism if they so choose. Rabbinic Judaism is a nonsensical religion and culture. All good Jews became Christian.
>>17407917That's basically Deism, which is based.
That's actually evidence that the writings are inspired.Their value transcends that of the mere words written down on the page, words written by relatively uneducated men with only a passing familiarity of Greek that they would have since Greek was the lingua franca of the region and most people would have some vocabulary.Which is something OP cannot understand.>learning some Greek You haven't learned shit.Or else you would have an opinion on the Septuagint too.You know, since the LXX is so important to the gospels as source material.>>17407893>"There are different types of Greek" is the copeOP is lying through it's teeth and was deeply hostile to Christianity on principle, or lack therof.Nothing about the grammar used or it's prose had any effect on it's opinion, which was backed into this hackneyed criticism from the start.Koine is based.
>>17407925>You see bro, my scriptures being a literal joke is proof they are divine bro! You just don't get it>it's not that I'm a retard believing a children's tale written by other literal retards it's that God works in mysterious ways o algo!!!
>>17407925The bible isn't divinely inspired nor is it inerrant.
>>17407921The thing about deism that is strange is that it invokes a dualism without a real basis while otherwise being completely monist. It doesn't make sense compared to pantheism
>>17407937if that's true, then why does 1st century AD ESL pidgin-tier schizo nonsense create such a strong negative reaction in you to this very daywhy did anyone ever take it seriously even, when it's so obviously the lowest quality trash prose ever put to paperto the point you bothered responding or posting this thinly veiled Christ hate thread made by a pseud at allhmmmaybe there's actually something there even though the writing itself isn't amazing, and the shill haters grow increasingly desperate as a result of this fact being pointed outif it were truly so bad, it's incredible popularity would be proof of literal divine intevention and a transendental property
>>17407962>lowest common denominator trash appealed to peasants and subhuman trash>that means God is real and my pidgin-tier fanfiction is trueHoly kek, keep going.
>>17407962How old do you think the earth is?
>>1740796250 Shades of Grey is divinely inspired, too.
>>17407969>appealed to peasants and subhuman trashmost people didn't even read back thenit's not the writings that appealed to most people, rather it was the church and it's teaching>>17407971cool non sequitorkeep going, prove everything I said about you shills being desperate true
>>17407977Taylor Swift is actually a priestess of God.
you might notice the shills absolutely refuse to even name the Septuagint, much less address it despite it's overwhelming relevance to this pretense of conversation, so strongly does it trigger and cause them to know fear
>>17407977>it's not the writings that appealed to most people, rather it was the church and it's teachingYeah.It turns out that teaching that slaves are good and slave owners bad will make you popular with slaves.Truly evidence of divine intervention at work.
the LXX is literally the equivalent of HWMNBN to these vermin
>>17407985Your meds, Christcuck.
>>17407936Shalom, now do the same with the old testament and the Talmud.Gilgamesh want his cool story of Noah and the flood back.
>>17407977>cool non sequitor>keep going, prove everything I said about you shills being desperate trueThe bible fundamentally is a story about how death only exists because of the fall of Adam which happened 6000 years ago, and the earth and death didn't exist before then, and then there were ~4000 years of other events including a global flood and such, and then Jesus came and rose from the dead and now you don't die if you believe in him except you still do but he'll totally come back one day to bring the dead back trust the plan.If this story isn't true, then regardless of how well or poorly written the Bible is, it's still just a mythology of bronze age levantines. Turns out it's not true so the whole thing is bunk.To answer your question directly, the reason for the spread of the new testament is due to several hundred years of revision and writing from different authors. Paul is the earliest and is still 30 or 40 years after the Jesus was supposed to have happened, and he himself claims he never saw him and was being inspired by scripture and basically making stuff up. Then Mark comes in several decades later and Jesus becomes a person, while also arguing ahainst paul in for example Romans 13 where he argues against pauls argument to follow the pagans laws. Then Matthew comes in and embellished more again years later, then Luke comes in with the most fantastical of the story with Jesus walking around for a month after the resurrection. This clearly is a myth thats being more and more embellished over time. The bible is clearly a book of mythology that was constructed over time and added to and such, with the authors even sometimes arguing against each other.
>wordsalad zeitgeist-tier Jesus mythicism*yawn*shills going to shill
durr I knwo de Grek hurr
>>17408003I accept your concession
>>17407860then go read Aeschylus or something difficult
>>17407985The old testament isn't special
why do schizo autists regurgitate Richard Carrier talking points for years on end when everyone else knows they are a lolcow and Zeitgeist has been infamous for a decade for being completely full of shitnobody is even having a real conversation with you, or cares what Carrier thinksthat's why you have to keep bringing him up and creating threads attacking Christianity, nobody else will
*tips fedora*
>>17408014Carriers work has been peer reviewed and is increasing in popularity among historians now that crypto Christian boomers are dying and the field is being replaced by people who aren't crypto Christians.And none of this changes the first point, which is that if the fall of Adam isn't real then EVERYTHING is not real. And the fall of Adam isn't real
>>17408017Matthew was written before Mark and you should buy an ad.
>>17408018>Matthew was written before MarkYeah, Mark took Matthew's story and decided to drop the beginning of it just because.
>>17408020Mark was writing a Greek translation and summary of the original Aramaic Matthew for the sake of his mission to the Greek speaking Jews of Alexandria, and he added details from the notes he took of Peter's preaching and from interviews. In this, he provided a stronger chronology than is present in Matthew. That's why it features transliterations of Aramaic words, just like the Septuagint does.The Septuagint was most popular in Alexandria, where it was used liturgically, so he used the same style to ingratiate himself and more effectively spread the message.This is why the LXX is your boogeyman and you hope nobody learns about it.
>>17408018So you have no response to the point about the fall of Adam? Also I get them confused because they have an M. It doesn't change the outline of how the story was created and expanded over time
>>17408024>the original Aramaic Matthew
>>17408024There's nothing in LXX that changes the outline I wrote or that makes the fall of Adam literally real. Death doesn't exit because Adam and Eve ate the fruit of knowledge. If that's just a metaphor, so is everything else.I'm going to sleep now
>>17408024Nice fanfiction bro
>>17407860>after learning some Greekgood start. now get fluent in Latin and read the Vulgate
>>17407870but on the other hand, they don't have elephant monke 6 arm blue idol, so it all balances out
>>17407936>meanwhile in the outskirts of Haifacluck cluck, watcha doin' rabbi?
>>17408029>>17408034it's true and this fact triggers "academics" to no endthe original Matthew was written in Aramaic, then when the Greek Mark was so wildly popular and successful in Alexandria a full Greek translation of Matthew was commissionedsince certain select passages from the Aramaic Matthew had already been translated into Greek for Mark's gospel they used those same words in their new Greek version of Matthew
>>17408047Yes and then Jesus, Superman and Peter got together to write Matthew 2: The Return.
>responseu mad tho
>>17407990Deucalion......ftfy ;)
>>17408035For what reason?
>>17408119Because Rome was (is) divinely ordainedno other reason
>>17407870Remove abrahamic from that sentence and you're dead on. Supply and demand of comforting lies
>>17407917That's just you anthropomorphizing the universe, human brains work like that.>invent cogs>wow bruh actually everything is cogs>invent computer>wow bruh everything is a computer program>be a human being with intelligence on earth>everything must be intelligent(ly designed)
>>17407860>They just didn't know Greek very well and the thing is laughably bad. I have seen middleschoolers write better than this. It also doesn't make any sense in some places. Paul's lettersWell duh. The NT was first written in Latin, the OT in Greek. If you don't believe me compare them in Benon's Greek collection and Jerome's Vulgate.
least ignorant christian be like: >>17408018
We are the new generation of frogs. Digital frogs.>This is what the great Lord says: Let my people go, so that they may worship me. If you refuse to let them go, I will plague your whole country with frogs. The Nile will teem with frogs. They will come up into your palace and your bedroom and onto your bed, into the houses of your officials and on your people, and into your ovens and kneading troughs. The frogs will go up on you and your people and all your officials.
Ninjas really out here trying to convince me something that can't even get it's story straight is okay because that means it was so inspiring it transcended speech or writing.
>The people that wrote this we barely-literate goatfuckers.The irony. All fields.
>>17407860>esl schizopost>qanon-tier>christcuckery>wymyn>subhumansMods. MODS
>>17410763u mad
>>17407917The devil is real but not god I mean one look at the world should tell you that if there is a God he is at best indifferent and uncaring and at worst actively malevolent.and before you schizos freak out I don't worship the devil, he is a cunt and no divine powers will ever make him worthy of worship
>>17407990Why do Christians make fun of the Old Testament as if it’s not also a part of their book?
>>17411159I'm not complaining about the Bible being translated into some nigger pidgin. I'm implying that that's how the original Greek sounds (since it was written by illiterate negroes).
>>17407996>Then Mark comes in several decades later and Jesus becomes a personCarrierfag spotted, opinion DISREGARDED
>>17407860Ignorance is strengthYes, when I was a teen I use to open the Bible and read some random chapters, and it was like "wtf this retarded shit doesn't make any sense If a God guide the hand of who wrote this, that God must be a retarded" >>17407870Yes, there's no spiritual at all
>>17407860>can't even understand wtf he is sayingWhy do edgy teenagers think it's cool to not understand a textbook?
>>17407917The old testament is the most blessed book I've had the privilege to read. Ive never found a greater joy in my life than when my heart actually started worshipping him. I couldn't have understood anything that lead me to Him if it weren't for the old teatsment.
>>17411634You must be a retarded
>>17411353Jesus was not a real person, dumb dumb
>>17407860>After learning some Greek>some
>>17408017>Carriers work has been peer reviewedtop kek
>>17411943It has>NOOO PEER REVIEW DOESNT MEAN ANYTHINGcope retard. Jesus literally wasn't a real person. Your religion is a myth. Crying about this won't change it
>>17407962>this rotting jar of feces wine is 1000 years old, why are you so repulsed by it?literally the argument you're trying to make.spiritual souls find all mockeries of the divine to be profane.
>>17407918>o algo
>>17408043You understand the whole jesus myth is that chicken ritual with a human?
>>17407870threadly reminder that the abrahamic covenant is based on genital multilation >Then God said to Abraham, “As for you, you must keep my covenant, you and your descendants after you for the generations to come. This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you, the covenant you are to keep: Every male among you shall be circumcised. You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and you. For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised, including those born in your household or bought with money from a foreigner—those who are not your offspring. Whether born in your household or bought with your money, they must be circumcised. My covenant in your flesh is to be an everlasting covenant. Any uncircumcised male, who has not been circumcised in the flesh, will be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant.” Gensis 17:9
>>17407860>no argument foundkeep seething
>>17407860>>I can't believe this shit took over Europe when its scriptures are basically the ancient equivalent of a poorly written ESL schizopost.>The people that wrote this we barely-literate goatfuckers. They just didn't know Greek very well and the thing is laughably bad. I have seen middleschoolers write better than this. It also doesn't make any sense in some places.The point wasn't to be elegant, the point was to rally the slaves of the Roman Empire to destroy Western civilization so a foreign minority could rise to power. And it worked. And it keeps working. It appeals to low IQ schizos who don't care about civilization, they only care about "avoiding Hell" when they die.
>>17411634And what do you think about the New Testament?
>>1740786099% leas schizo than hinduism. read this if you don't believe me
>>17414555>so a foreign minority could rise to powerSo why didn't this happen?
>>17407860Of course it is schizo posting, it's called Jewish apocalypticism. What makes the NT different from the rest of Jewish Apocalyptic texts is the fact that the authors were right, their predictions were largely accurate. The Pagan gods lost, Jesus judged and ruled the world. Only recently scholars are coming to accept this fact about the NT, people like Dale Allison and Paula Fredriksen.
>>17410484I’m glad someone else noticed that.