what're this board's favorite alternate history stories/shows/games/settings/etc
>>17408554>not a single replythis board is dead
>>17408554Wolfenstein because the good guys won.I never played it tho
>>17408910Althis is retarded. Especially "hurrrr what if duh Souf won and kept breeding even more niggers durrrr" shit.
>>17408992>althis is retardedwhy?
>>17408554>>17408910I like the alternative history where a meteor slams directly into Adolf Hitlers face on 31st August 1939. There, now what you childish fuckers?
>>17409652You sound upset
>>17408554The Dragon WaitingConquistadorWest of Eden>>17408992>althis is retardedagreed.
>>17408554Well, uh, I don't really consume much althist media. But I do dabble in it myself. The Draka Trilogy is fine, I guess. An dI like the concept of the Peshawar Lancers books.I think that while Turtledove is pure slop he is still admirable in so far as he singlehandedly kept the medium alive for a good three decades.His influence is visible in a lot of early 2000s althis though, usually to its detriment imo.>>17409652How can "what if Nazi Germany won" piss off a person so much?It's a fairly generic premise.
Draka, not even a contest
>>17409675Its a boring fucking premise and anyone who keeps arguing the toss about it is a boring fucker.
>>17409693No need to be angry about it.Just don't consume alternate history about it if you don't like it.I think it can still be used in interesting ways. Anyway.
>>17408554Stirling's "Nantucket" series.
>>17408554The Big One, Stuart Slade.
>>17408910I was gonna give an honest answer until you posted this infantile horseshit. You are a faggot and not entitled to replies. Now go die.
>>17408554the book, not the movie>inverts historiography, history works for the narrative>said narrative actually has a point>history is still x10 more believable than "what if white trash larpers created the second/third/fourth reich"
>>17409738>the interesting ways always lead to "what if Nazi Germany won though?">>17411140Why is that retarded? What IF a meteor slammed directly into Adolf Hitlers skull on the eve of the 2nd World War? What then? What would happen? Why don't you want to engage with my althis scenario?
>>17411982You have no reading comprehension.>>17411691Well, there is no way for an alternate history novel not to invert histiography.It did not happen, you can't make the narrative follow history that does not exist.
>>17408554>Games I would like TNO, it had a great balance of some degree of realism meshed with the campy over-the-top b-movies and pulp fiction stories from back in the day which heavily featured a cartoonish Nazi. But they keep reworking it to make it more and more boring, cutting down on the unique aesthetic elements and conventional gameplay for stuff which is usually worse.>StoriesI think alternate history works best in short stories. Alternate Presidents was a fun short story compilation.Timeline 141 is also good, but overly long and quite often repetitive. >SettingsI always like post White Army victory settings, partially since I really like Russian history and many of my ancestors fought and died for the ol' Tsar. And the rest barely scraped through the Bolshevik's wrath.I want to write my own someday where Maria Romanova (one of the Tsar's daughters) is the sole survivor of the regicide, and then the Whites end up winning so she has a unique place in the future of Russia and eventually WW2. Maybe I'll do that someday
>>17412002Why don't you want to discuss my interesting althis scenario of Hitler being obliterated by a meteor just as he is about to invade Polandm
>>17409652That would've benefitted the Nazis as by 1939 they were firmly in control and the only thing holding them back was Hitler's stupidity.
r8 my alt his axis victory scenario
A game I recently enjoyed was the mod divergences of darkness rework of victoria 2I liked the amount of events and how the world changes, I loved the South American theater, it has a realism and changes that make it enjoyableI'm surprised that the mod is so little known, I think it's one of those that has more events and things
>>17412028You didn't seem willing to discuss much anything, NaziHater#Eattherich, in fact, you were the first one to bring Hitler (PBUH) up in this conversation. Assumedly because you associate alternate history entirely with Axis victory scenarios and you hate Nazis so much you can't even entertain the possibility. We get it, you hate Nazis, you are so moral. Get ahold of yourself you histrionic pansy.>>17413953It's goated.
>>17408554Turtledove blocked me on twitter after I sent this to him.>>17408913>Wolfenstein because the good guys won.Agreed, BJ Blaskowitz (and his descendant, Commander Keen) are indeed good guys.>>17408992Seethe Yankee>>17409652You know, he could very well have survived that because the only person known to have been struck by a meteor walked away with bruises.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ann_Elizabeth_Fowler_Hodges>>17411691Fatherland would have been perfect if the twist at the end was Charlie meeting Henry Kissinger and him revealing that the US Government was already fully aware of the Holocaust (making her tribulations pointless), and simply didn't care.
>>17415653A meteor slams directly into Hitlers moustache at 9pm on 31st August 1939. What happens next? Why won't you discuss this fascinating althis scenario?>Hitler (PBUH)I just cringed myself a new arsehole.
>>17416181>Hitler gets twatted directly in the moustache by the literal hand of God, moments before starting the largest war in history>he survives with a permanent bruise and scarring from the moustache setting alight>reconsiders his whole lifes journey to this point>resigns as fuhrer>dismantles the Nazi party>spends the rest of his days as a monk scrubbing toilets in 3rd world hospitals and digging wells in African villagesThere you go althisFAGGOTS, discuss.
>>17416191No takers? Faggots. Absolute faggots.
>>17413988Its a good one, but alt his mods tend to do better in EU4. I think its something where the Victorian period feels so weirdly foreign to us, but also familiar, that creating an alternate history setting in it creates an uncanny feeling. When I was a kid I read The Golden Compass and got kinda the same uncanny feeling.
>>17409652I like the alternate history version of this thread where you are never born and the post I am replying to never existed