What if they fought suicidally like the Japanese, with a kamikaze SS and Luftwaffe? Would their chances of winning the war or draining the Allies be dramatically increased?
No. The good guys always win in the end.
They would have a better chance imitating suicide bomber terrorist.
>>17409839>what if we wasted even more resources on cool reddit shit
>>17409839No, once the US was fully committed then it was completely unwinnable.
>>17410387>segregation is the good guysbased
>>17409839The Germans performed far better than they had any right to. Any alternate history where Germany wins WWII is absurd.
>>17411795yeah its not like the US has ever lost a war L O L>>17411793Hitler was proven right tho
>>17409839>What if Germans fought even harder?Everybody keeps asking this given the current state of the world, but why does nobody ask why every other white country surrendered to total enslavement and extermination by Jews without firing a single shot?
>>17409839Germany would have been even further destroyed and would today only exist as a series of depopulated, agrarian states.
>>17411969>yeah its not like the US has ever lost a war L O LExplain those losses and how they're relevant to WW2
>>17409839>What if they fought suicidallyThey did
>>17409839kekwar on both sideslolalready struggling with one side yet Shitler had the nerve to open another one lmao
>>17411969>thoyour too young to be on internet forums like this one
>>17412032What a shame it didn't happen
>>17412961Summer holidays in Australia.