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How did “we made it look like shit on purpose” become a major architecture style?
globohomoism and cultural corporate marxism that is plaguing our society
>major architecture style
are you retarded?
Because it actually looks good. It is tastefully primordial and holy.
Explain how it’s not a major architectural style
less than 1% of building are build in this style
by being cheap and easy to do
Brutalism was first and foremost about efficiency
Literally communist virtue signaling.
It’s basically the ugly women in Video Games of Post ww1.
Read up on Gropius and „le corbusier“
What midwits don't actually understand is the appeal of Brutalist architecture was its clean and uniform look and when these structures were first built they were clean and covered in a whitewash. The problem with Brutalism is that it requires constant maintainance to maintain its sheen, otherwise it ends up looking dirty and depressing.
>„le corbusier“
Ha ha. Read the "controversies" section on his Wikipedia bio.
I get it that it looks interesting, in the same sense that Zdzisław Beksiński's paintings are cool. Many brutalist buildings do look imposing and invoke a kind of mood. But it's more like, they would be good backdrops for a horror movie or a post-apocalyptic setting. I wouldn't want to see the every day out of my windows, it would just be depressing.
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These days in former Eastern Block countries, they paint commiblocks in vibrant colors, and it improves a lot. They should do that with all brutalist buildings.
Brutalism is based and looks awesome. Kitsch ornamentalism must die.
This is gay as fuck
Should have just painted the entire thing black, that would have been based
commieblocks are not brutalist
Slavshit serf mentality.
Concrete is a beautiful material and you're a faggot
>make unwholesome r/architecture downvoot buildings with more poc empowered homosexuals
>capital, volume 2
why are you retards incapable of understanding that architecture is just as subjective as any other art outside of the most basic "does not fall over or rot in a year" standards
>we made it look like shit on purpose
There are some real good looking brutalist buildings. Not "elegant" good looking, but imposing and well fitting the aesthetic of what happens inside them.
The issue is that just like 90% of buildings created in any specific style, the vast majority of brutalist buildings were made by tasteless hacks.
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Try telling me with a straight face this doesn't look cool as fuck. Aestheticlets needn't reply
nooo don't build cheap affordable housing
you have to get into debt buying a way too big house with a yard to mow
>cheap affordable
Brutalist buildings are not inherently cheaper than any other style, in spite of how they look.
For every well thought out brutalist tenement there are ten hideously expensive brutalist public buildings.
Yes, it looks cool in the context. It's a building of le scary government agency in a dystopia, and that's what it looks like.

I still don't want to see it outside my window, I want to see a classicist museum or something.

"If you don't like it, don't look at it" is true with most form of art because nobody forces you to walk into a museum. But not with architecture because buildings are on the streets and you have to drive or walk past them every day. So if most people hate brutalist or modernist buildings, they are objectively bad because they failed to serve a public purpose (that of not being hated by the people who have to see them every day).
you've said literally nothing, just "I don't like the way it looks so it shouldn't be there"
have you considered that you are not the only human being in the world
the idea of architecture only existing as a form of mass entertainment is so blindingly retarded that I have to hope you're some kind of third world prince for whom that's actually true
There are enough polls that show most people like classic, ornamented architectural styles and don't like concrete or glass cube no.43452. Since people are forced to look at buildings, this needs to be taken into consideration.
>Yes, it looks cool in the context.
It looks good without any context, you're just a fag
>your architectural paradise, xir
>classic, ornamented architectural styles
you mean neoclassical
>Since people are forced to look at buildings, this needs to be taken into consideration
no, it fucking doesn't
I can't articulate properly how fucking stupid you are for thinking even for a second that art should be constrained by popular appeal, it's such a genuinely soulless idea that anyone who can think forwards a single step would realise "oh, that's fucking stupid, let's not do that"
again, the purpose of architecture is not to appeal to as many people as possible. The only possible way you have even the slimmest shred of a point is with public works, and even then municipalities don't operate on direct democracy for just such a reason as this
I really can't put into words just how fucking stupid this line of thought is, can you not imagine a world where the only styles were what the masses chose?
>I can't articulate properly my argument
Always a big sign that you're either wrong or parroting ideas you don't understand at all.
>the purpose of architecture is
To raise buildings to whatever standard is required by who pays for the building and who rules the land over which it is being built.
All bullshit about the value of art and its independence is laughable idiocy disproven by the most celebrated architectural works being the result of extremely functional design requirements, mostly of the political aggrandizement kind, rather than pure aesthetic consideration.
>I can't articulate properly how fucking stupid you are for thinking even for a second that art should be constrained by popular appeal
It’s hilarious that despite most Brutalist fans LARPing about how Brutalism is a socialist, democratic architectural style they tend to be the most elitist pricks you can imagine.

Architecture is not a painting in a museum, if a building is paid for by tax dollars to serve a purpose (ie a city hall or museum) then the aesthetics of how it looks absolutely needs to be taken into account. It’s the people who pass it and use it everyday whose opinions matter not a bunch of snobby architecture students blowing each other.
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Anyone who can look at a brutalist building and a neoclassical building and prefers the brutalist is ontologically evil
>It’s hilarious that people LARPing as socialist and democratic tend to be the most elitist pricks you can imagine.
Is it still though? It's such an old stereotype you'd think everyone got bored of it. But then old shit is still fresh for a youngster when first learns about it, I guess.
Classical/Neo-Classical architecture does the same thing and ages like wine.
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>Many brutalist buildings do look imposing
I don't feel that way at all, what are you talking about? They're comfy and soothing.
>oh my god you guys, this is so freaking liminal and SCARY
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>I'm shitting myself. It's just like one of my post apocalyptic bureaucracies o algo
>posts buildings that could more easily pass as casemates or jails than dwellings
>expects people to believe he finds them soothing just because he says so
you see a prison because you think a prison. the words out of our mouths are reflections of our inner selves. your soul yearns to be a prisoner, so it projects prisons into the world. a king projects a fortress. me? i project a comfortable home, possibly even a temple. quiet contemplation and bliss.

no thought, no sight.
I take it you never listen to music or season your food, right? And those buildings aren't even strictly utilitarian. They have ornamentation. It's just so ugly that even its proponents don't recognize it.
Lots of pretty buildings are made of brick and it's one of the cheapest and most primitive building materials. And the Romans used concrete to make things that actually look good. Cheap materials has never been an excuse for ugliness.
>pretend not to see the resemblance to prisons and pillboxes
>post another example where the building looks dug in the gravel
9/10 trolling, I totally fell for it at first. Excellent work.
It's well known the most useful pillboxes have no windows, and the best prisons are completely unenclosed and open-air. I'm afraid your delusional desires are too great. You are incapable of seeing the world. May you be reborn 10,000 times as a prisoner to reflect on your ignorance.
Why do chuds who know nothing about architecture always hate on brutalism when it hasn't been a thing for like 50 years? Can't they not be bothered to look shit up on wikipedia?
Deconstructivism and blobitecture are actually contemporary styles that look much more like they were made to look shit on purpose with their amorphic asymmetric shapes. Brutalism used regular geometric shapes that are easy on the eye, and their beauty is they are both simple and modest in their design, naturalistic in their stony look, yet monumental and imposing, showcasing human achievement.
Like the ones in OP pic, almost anyone would say they look great, but I can't tell anymore if it's bait because people on this site are damn retarded.
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Boston City Hall is a Brutalist style building that is consistently voted one of the ugliest buildings in America and widely hated among Bostonians. It’s not just chuds, every poll and study shows regular people prefer classical style architecture to brutalism/modernism
why are classicels always like this?
>in America
so what?
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for me brutalism is like black women, untold numbers of monstrosities and then an absolute pearl when you least expect it, that keeps your interest and hope going
I quite like the fancier more futurist grades myself. Brutalism tends to get judged by it's most pedestrian examples.

Citation needed. Even if true, pigmenting concrete directly has been a thing for as long as the brutalist movement has. Longer even. There's really no excuse.
>art should be constrained by popular appeal
art should be DEFINED by popular appeal. everything beyond this is faggotry.
pure contrarianism to pre-revolution

the sad thing is that concrete gets dirty very quickly, and public workers refuse to wash their shitty building, so it's double the horror.
What midwits think is that „Taste“ needs to be acquired and seperates them from proles.
That’s the big issue.
If you need to explain to me how something is beatiful, it isn’t.
Midwit Cope.
You think this is some epic dunk
>heh, you think this is brutalism but actually it’s shizo Bauhaus Wave
It’s ugly grey shoeboxes you cretin and Nobody cares what you Call it
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this one is sick. like a space age computer in a rainforest.
>everything i dont like is brutalism
youve probably never even seen a brutalist building in real life
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There's a couple in the city where I live, the most famous is the bus station.
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same building
I don’t Care, communist.
All your shoebox concrete buildings Are ugly and no Amount of ackshually and deflection will make any normal Person think that they are anything but disgusting
What about us Corbusier-pilled Chads that hate kitschy ornament and love brutal, unapologetic efficiency? Does that make VGH architecture objectively bad too because some people don’t like it?
neoclassical looks so tacky
Brutalism, modernism and the general philosophy of Le Corbusier (pbuh) is reviled by incels of our day because it imagines buildings as machines for living, and they do not truly live. A building you’re supposed to live in and not merely look at in the same way you do a movie or a video game does not compute.
> Brutalist fans LARPing about how Brutalism is a socialist, democratic architectural
Brutalism was literally invented in the west and the most famous architect associated with it was an outspoken fascist. The only people who primarily associate it with socialism are assblasted butthurt belters that get triggered by concrete.
After the war people needed to rebuild cites. Brutalism is cheap to build and maintain. You just need to Paint the wall every few years.
It's simple economy
>all These shitty takes
Read nigga read
Socialism is ugly.
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It's just too high IQ for you.
If anything he was a gigachud
Leftists and tankies ruined academia and started romanticizing the soviets. Nothing more, nothing less.
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99.99999% of the things you call brutalism are probably contemporary architecture or modern architecture
I think the confusion is just because the fascists from the 1920s-1940s were modernists, although in a strange and rather contradictory way with the Nazis, who didn't like overcrowded cities which they identified as sources of moral and racial pollution, but their plans for cities were major modernized projects. And... just look at Nazi architecture. Mussolini was even more of a modernist regarding architecture. And the fascist regimes had immense pride in technology, overcoming limits, creating new norms of beauty, and setting new mechanical records (faster cars, faster airplanes). There was a strong identification with aviation and air power in particular. It's all that Faustian spirit stuff.

Also the Nazi racism was framed in modern biological and zoological terms.

(This is a fascist building)
It's also decidedly non-brutalist.
classissy btfo
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brutalist haters be like
>also the Empire is the good guy in Star Wars and we should strive to emulate every aspect of their perfect society
the fuck am i looking at
Because humanity is retarded
It literally is brutalist though, unlike the concrete rectangular commie blocks retards seem to think are brutalist.
brutalism is just art deco without the flowers
>corporate marxism
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This book is literally me when neurotypical NPCs start complaining about brutalism
Brutalism is only good for bus stations and office buildings where everything has to be almost radially symmetrical in order for the flow of work to go uninterrupted. It is ugly, but I have to say that a little bit of greenery makes it look nice. Like an old sci Fi dime novel.

You're retarded if you think a car park should be built in the style of a palace with intricate entranceways.
>ornamentalism must die.

It will never because people naturally like it. Our brains evolved for complex organic forms, not the same autistic grid patterns repeating forever.
It doesn’t matter Amok.
My Point is that brutalism isn’t real.
To normal people there’s no difference, 99.999% of Post gropius architecture is identical in the Sense that it’s visuelles and aesthetically Offensive concrete Boxes.
You arr basically at the Level of „I’m Not Gay im Demiqueer“
Congratulations, you are still a Fagott.
Looks like the endor base in return of the jedi
This almost looks cool but doesn't quite manage it, it's just missing something. Bigger windows? Longer cantilever for the upper floors?
They are just different things, retard. If you say brutalism we will think of brutalism, not . We can't see into your empty head to figure out you mean every style since 50 years earlier.
Have you considered that maybe you are just a stupid fucking nigger? I mean you even have trouble writing and are randomly capitalizing words in the middle of sentences.
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as per usual
midwits get filtered
But it already has died, people can’t like it that much
brutalism is based because it makes retarded suburban insect people seethe.
brutalist buildings are supposed to be the canvas rather than a work of art themselves, and were meant to be painted in bright colors and surrounded with gardens and other public art. But liberal society abhors art that it can't charge money for people to see, so in the vast majority of cases they took the concrete slabs and left the things that were supposed to make them actually livable
it looks a lot better in mediterranean countries or south america, where it's sunnier and warmer more often, than it does in northern europe or east asia
Yeah, it starts out interestingly asymmetrical at the bottom then halfway up they went like fuck it, just layercake the rest.
Postmodernists and new urbanists restored it once everyone realised what a failure the modernist project was. Modernist tendencies only persist due to laziness, cost efficiency and this recent "minimalist" trend, as if stripping your surroundings of all personality and whimsy is going to make you happy
Ita Godzilla/Kingkong proof. They'll step on it and impale their foot
first post bot post

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