Croatia was never Hungarian.Transylvania was always Romanian.And Hungary is an urban myth it's just southern Slovakia.
>>17411275That reminds me, I should do that ironman Croatia run sometime soon.
>>17411275All of this is true but still.... look at that map, isn't it a bit sad? Hungary cornered and robbed, you can imagine how sad it was afterwards! Poor Hungary.
Didn't go far enough.
>>17411430>cornered and robbedThey did it to themselves though. And I don’t even mean by entering WW1. They could’ve retained more land with ethnic Hungarians but their leaders were retarded and they absolutely chimped out to the point they couldn’t be trusted.
>>17411275>commieFake new
>>17411275This is the fate of all western countries and you can't do shit about it. Have fun in your bumfuck nowhereville, all your cities are occupied by foreigners who will claim the country for themselves.
>>17411576>They could’ve retained more land with ethnic HungariansTurkey has no problem. What can’t Hungarian do?
>>17411490did they try to say that romania is an equivalent of a negro state on a bottom map?
>>17411674>Undisciplined backstabbed They are gypsy
>>17411623Smaller population and surrounded by enemies that are closer and more willing to put pressure on them. I admittedly don’t know too much about Turkey in that period, however, my understanding is their primary military enemy was Greece while the major powers like the UK and France didn’t want to keep fighting and Italy pulled some shit to sabotage the war efforts of the allies because it didn’t get its way with more land. Meanwhile, Hungary was up against Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and Romania, none of which were willing to give an inch and there was nothing holding them back from the allies. The allies also had more stock in ensuring those states were strong enough to be counterbalances against the Germans, as was their plan.
>>17411723Hungarian have larger field army at that time include many stockpile. Given chance friendly with France.>Czechoslovakia They never care. >Yugoslav More ethnicity at disorganized mess. >Romania Contract to belief, They have less active troops
>>17411778I’m pretty sure Hungary disbanded its army under Karolyi in an attempt to play ball with the allies, pulling further and further back from the frontiers and giving the commies the opportunity to take power.>They never care.They went to war with Hungary.>More ethnicity at disorganized mess.Not sure what you’re getting at, but they went to war with Hungary too.>Contract to belief, They have less active troops.Also went to war with Hungary. Even if Hungary had more troops compared to individual countries, which I’m not sure that’s true, it’s hard to win a 1 v 3.
>>17411839I saying Hungarian would won if Károlyi and Kun didn’t take power.
>>17411674Because that's what romania is >t. hungry aryan
Ignore dumb OP reply.The pacifism politics of Károlyi led to a disaster for Hungary. When the first republic was born, there was NO ENEMY TROOP within its borders. Then this unsuitable Károlyi decided to UNARM THE WHOLE HUNGARIAN ARMY, because he trusted the kike-like Entente powers that they will be merciful in the treaty if Hungary behaves peacefully. So the Czech (traitor) legions, the S*rbian troops and the pathetic sneaky Romanian army advanced to Hungarian territories without any resistance. Only the Székely Division resisted in Transsylvania, holding back the Romanians with success, but Károlyi didnt even provide any help for them! When liberal Károlyi finally realised that his useless pacifist politics are a total bankruptcy, he passed the power to the communists, which, at least, organised an army and tried to repel the enemies but a mistake as the red scumbag started coup and in turn alienate western power. But it was too late then, the Czechs-Serbs-Romanians were already too deep in Hungary and overpowered the Hungarian Red Army. The Serbs occupied Southern Hungary, the Czechs began to destroy the symbols of the Hungarian presence in modern day Slovakia, and the Romanian hordes stole everything (literally everything) they could move on their way (thanks to General Bandholtz these subhuman hordes couldnt rob the Hungarin National Museum in Budapest). The Hungarian army could easily repel these attacks if they would have been stationed on the outer borders of Hungary from the beginning (Carpathian mountains and the Drava-Sava line) which can be easily defended.
>>17411275>Noooo! Why didn't all these ethnic minorities that we supressed and treated as second class decide to leave??>Why didn't the British stop them, don't they know that Hungary totally didn't do anything ever??The way they cry about Trianon is so funny, that we should partion them again, just for laughs.
>>17411275>SerbiaLoss all of Yugoslavia>CzechiaUnion breaking up >RomaniaLoss of Moldova and give up land for Ukrainian integrity.
>>17411674Nope that would be Czechoslovakia
>>17411490it's like a 4chan shitpost but in the 1920s
>>17411623Hungary didn’t have someone as based as Ataturk to buck the yoke. If the Entente could have they would have done the same to Turkey, they had already had it fully planned out and began attempting it.
>>17411490> Inped. Nigger State
>>17412964Yes, gypsy are low life shitter.
>>17412939>based as Ataturk Imagine Magyars have very own Felix of Schwarzenberg (Aurelian reincarnation)
>>17411275>Transylvania was always Romanian"People magically sprout up out of the ground"
>>17412109I prefer anime-tan personifying like axis power over country ball
>>17411490>Independent Nigger Statekino
>>17411277said no one who has had sex ever
>>17411621east coast american cities are getting whiter due to gentrification actually. DC became plurality White for the first time in like a century a couple of years ago.
>>17417283>Haitianigger hellholeSuck really
>>17411490>NOOOO YOU HAVE TO LET US KEEP OUR VASSALS EVEN THOUGH THERE ARE NO HUNGARIANS THEREthe only legitimate gripe is the hungarian bits of transylvania. everything else is not rightfully hungarian
>>17417741Transylvania rightfully habsburg crown land
>>17417741There were some regions with hungarian majorities connected to Hungary proper that could have been made part of Hungary. The most obvious ones are Vojvodina and Southern Slovakia.
>>17412070They didn’t have the realpolitik of Lenin to realize you have to deal with inferior leftists AFTER you beat back the interventionists. Rookie mistake.