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Why do colder regions seem to fare better than the tropics?
Surviving in a land with 4 seasons is much more difficult and requires intelligence and long-term planning, so the races that survive there become more intelligent through evolution.
American plains indians were dumb as fuck whereas their Mesoamerican counterparts were quite advanced.
>want to grow crops and raise livestock
>your choices are

>temperate land
>disease-ridden jungle that gets flooded half the year
>arid wasteland
Mongolia and Siberia are shitholes there. Japan and Korea are relatively hot compared to those.
Obsessed little worm
Plain Indians weren't dumb. They were primitive in technology due to being nomadic pastoralists, but they were very quick at adopting new technologies when they were useful to them. For example, they learned to domesticate and ride horses on their own, and became the best in the world at it. They also quickly learned how to acquire and use guns.

Also, don't forget that all the native Americans, whether north or south, originally evolved in the cold environment of Siberia.
Same for Japanese and Koreans, both of those people were originally from the North of Asia during the ice age. You have to look at evolution in term of at least tens of thousands of years, not just a few hundreds.
No, it clearly doesn't play a major role in human development either, since otherwise we'd expect Eskimos to be geniuses.
It's because Eurangutans raped the countries of the tropics out of their resources, enslaved everyone living there and built plantations and cash crops suitable for those climates whereas on temperate climates where they could grow wheat they settled, and poured money and settlers there to raise families. Eventually these differences created by Eurangutan colonialism will vanish.
How did Europeans get the power and money to colonize the world?
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They are both more 'southern' genetically than Mongolians/Tungusics. The Jomon/AInu were also mixed with Austronesians. The only thing having a lot of ANA ancestry did for the Japanese through history was make them more have a more warlike culture compared to the Chinese.
In the early stages of sedentary societies yes absolutely. But as you can clearly see from the map, in the modern age there is little to no correlation: Brazil and the Congo share similer climates and differ greatly in development. Same for areas in europe, where you can see a clear west versus east difference in development despite being no climate difference to justify so
Visit the tropics sometime. The jungle is thick and miserable to navigate, the humidity is so bad that it will just eat away at wooden structures and mold will grow on everything and even metal will rust solid in less than a year and what's worse is every single animal is carrying some kind of life threatening disease. The sheltered mid-upper/lower latitude bros are too sheltered to really understand just how miserable the tropics really are unless you live along a coastline and even then you'll be getting fucked by hurricanes/tropical cyclones every year.
Yes, somewhat, the colder places are more developed in modern times, although Russia is shit. Historically the greatest civilizations were always in the subtropics.

Retarded theory repeated by retards forever. How exactly does a winter require more intelligence than a desert or a dangerous jungle? Why aren't animals in colder regions also highly intelligent if it's an actual evolutionary pressure?

They weren't nomadic pastoralists, they were mixed farmers and hunter-gatherers. It also doesn't take much intelligence to use a gun, niggers can do it too.
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Swedoid ancestors were dumb inbred barbarians until they mixed with Celts, Meds and Slavs in Roman/Vikang times, which increased their genetic diversity and allowed them to more become civilized. Anglos are most successful Germanics because they were the most mutted historically, but they're starting to suffer from inbreeding depression again and need more genetic diversity.
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Yeah but the most successful euros are mixed with germanic in some way. Britain's have atleast half germanic ancestry and leaning higher on the paternal side. The richest areas of Italy have always been the ones with the highest germanic aswell as celtic admixture ofcourse.

I don't buy into the germanic superiority theory just because Scandinavians have very little to show for themselves but the offsprings of this race has alot
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Yes, but South Italians clearly migrate to the North as well. Lombards are mutted, which is why they use Bergamo samples instead of their average to profile North Italy. Also, I'm pretty sure this explains the success of Switzerland in part as well since there are three different European groups living there and all of them are mutted compared to their respective country equivalents.
>Plain Indians weren't dumb. They were primitive in technology due to being nomadic pastoralists
They discovered copper 8,000 years ago and quickly figured out how to make tools out of it
All of that is false, quit spamming this "inbreeding depression" flavour of the month nonsense, you're posts are increasingly desperate and unhinged
Those IQ results come from a meme we site where you can take the test 10000 times, how many times do you need to be called out before you stop spamming this baseless garbage?
Why is only Germany and Scandinavia developed in Europe
Wonder why they didn't develop Ancient Civilizations
thought this is an IQ map for a sec
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They did, have you never heard of the Finno-Korean hyperwar?

My guess is combination of wet bulb temperatures and Allen Bergmann's rule leading to different encephalization quotients among populations.

>The wet-bulb temperature is defined as the temperature of a parcel of air cooled to saturation (100% relative humidity) by the evaporation of water into it, with the latent heat supplied by the parcel.
>Even heat-adapted people cannot carry out normal outdoor activities past a wet-bulb temperature of 32 °C (90 °F), equivalent to a heat index of 55 °C (131 °F).
>A reading of 35 °C (95 °F) – equivalent to a heat index of 71 °C (160 °F) – is considered the theoretical human survivability limit for up to six hours of exposure.

The closer an area is to the wet bulb temperatures the harder it would theoretically be to work long hours during the day, which would inhibit development. This likely holds true for desert areas that experience flashes of humidity with rain and tropical environments. The second would be Allen-Bergmann's rule which dictates that human proportions are ultimately dictated by climate, this makes African and Indian populations lankier and possess longer legs and arms, shorter torso's and slightly smaller heads, all for the sake of dissipating heat more effectively. In contrasts this makes some Northeast and East Asians fairly stocky with longer torsos and shorter arms and legs, and larger heads in order to generate heat more effectively. This talk of head size due to climate likely impacts the encephalization quotient among races ever so slightly. If you ever look at pictures of an East Asian or Native American next to a Caucasian of similar height, generally speaking the East Asian would have a proportionally larger heads. For Africans head size averages about 1250-1300cm3, Caucasians, 1350cm3, and East Asians, 1400cm3.
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Head sizes
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Typical brownoid cope
Africa needs air conditioners and those cities that keep the temperatures coolers
This just tells me you don't know anything about farming or nature.
Deforestation, strip mining, destroying wetlands and polluting rivers.
I wish I was joking.
historically, why did civilizations tend to independently start up in the so-called "brown belt?'
It should have curved down at the Americas and curved up in East Asia. Northern Mexico didn't have any notable independently developed ancient civs and neither did Indonesia or Southeast Asia. Whereas the Andean and Yellow river civilizations are not circled in your map for some reasom.
could this repartition also be linked to the last cold episode of the Last Glacial Period that ended about 10,000 years ago?
Winter sucks balls, even with modern technology to mitigate it. There’s nothing to do but stay inside and invent civilisation by finding ways to mitigate winter.
If I lived in a tropical climate I’d probably be a nigger that just eats fruit and fucks bundas year round too.
>American plains indians were dumb as fuck whereas their Mesoamerican counterparts were quite advanced.

Both groups were in the stone age and fiddled around with native copper/gold they found without ever smelting anything. The only thing Mesoamericans uniquely had was written language.

>Mongolia and Siberia are shitholes there. Japan and Korea are relatively hot compared to those.
All East Asian people at some point came from Siberia. Slanted eyes are an adaption to extreme cold.

So OP is right...
This all points to black Africans being significantly less intelligent than East Asians and Caucasians which... Is exactly what we see...
American plains Indians were not dumb as fuck. Grow up and educate yourself
No, but one between malaria and climate.
>American plains Indians were not dumb as fuck.
Compared to Congolese they weren't.
Intelligence is a comparative thing anon.
A dog remembering the meaning of 100 words is genius by dog standards but mentally disabled by human standards.
Thanks for the validation, last time it came up (might have been just a thread about head size) I also brought up Allen's and Bergmann's rule. The fact that you can even see Switzerland's high HDI is really interesting.
Would be funny if in the end it was something so banal as head size.
>Would be funny if in the end it was something so banal as head size.
It's obviously not.
Indians have notoriously small heads within the same range as Australian Aboriginals and Southern Africans. Yet they are way more intelligent than them. Plus a million other examples. So it's obviously not just head size. The actual brain architecture itself must be a huge factor obviously.
all these siberian and ekimo geniuses are proof enough
Obviously not just head size, but head size being the enabler for Eurasians being smarter than Africans, and the modern phenomenon of North Europeans and East Asians overtaking the historically more developed Mediterranean an West Asia.
A simpler life really
>Yes, somewhat, the colder places are more developed in modern times, although Russia is shit. Historically the greatest civilizations were always in the subtropics.
Lol, The average income of Russia is higher than China's... So per capita GDP with PPP applied.

The mediterranean isn't the tropics...
China isn't the tropics...

The wheel and metallurgy didn't come from the tropics.
Written language didn't come from the tropics.
You're a historically and geographically illiterate moron lol.
>, but head size being the enabler
Yep, exactly.
Like, there would obviously be limits to how small a human brain can be before it starts severely affecting intelligence.
>The only thing Mesoamericans uniquely had was written language.
And advanced algebra and mathematics, astronomy, the concept of the number zero, complex monumental architecture and agriculture, crop rotation, some of the most populated cities in the world, a school system, irrigation, anti-seismic architecture, yeah totally the same thing as plains indians...
this tells me nothing since you rebutted nothing
>And advanced algebra and mathematics, astronomy, the concept of the number zero
They didn't have algebra or mathematics. They just recorded date numbers for primitive sun movement observations. There astronomical observations were legitimately behind the ancient Celts and nobody claims the Celts were some mathematical geniuses.
Nothing (zero) isn't amazing.
>complex monumental architecture
Not a single two story building.
They did know how to make quicklime out of limestone. That is surprising, I guess. Not amazing but unexpected.
The Mayans were very well organized and unified though. That's impressive.
>agriculture, crop rotation
They didn't have crop rotation. They did eat everything though. Very reminiscent of the Chinese. Makes sense since south Americans are an Asian offshoot.
>some of the most populated cities in the world
Tenochtitlán wasn't that big.

"For now, a population
of 50,000 for the city proper
seems reasonable, if perhaps
a bit inflated. There might
have been 100,000 people
if nearby cities and towns
on the mainland are included"
>a school system
They didn't have a public school system...
>anti-seismic architecture
They didn't have or use anti-seismic architecture.
Their building foundations use techniques found in ancient architecture built all over the world in areas that aren't Earthquake prone.
They weren't making provably Earthquake resistant buildings like the Japanese.
>yeah totally the same thing as plains indians...
You've just been we-wazzing a whole essay of complete and utter bullshit anon.
Not a good look.
A rainforest is basically an ocean of trees that are hard to cut down because they tend to be very fucking tall compared to deciduous forest ignoring outliers the Redwood forest in California. This results in human tribal groups basically being isolated and barely ever expanding beyond their areas unless something forces them to move away. There are still stone age tribes in the island of Papua New Guinea despite Indonesians developing society as early as 800CE. The tropics are a shitty place for the natives but basically a resource wonderland for humans from higher latitudes with the technology to harvest those resources.
What nonsense, winter basically prevents civilization its why colder areas with higher IQ humans developed society long after warmer people. The intense cold kills any tribe that attempts agriculture and what you call cereal crops dont even exist in the biome known as an boreal forest, the kind of forest that covers Russia, Canada and Northern Europe btw.
NTA, but this post is all wrong. Why would you lie and deny that Tenochtitlan was one of the largest cities in the world? Or the Aztec school system?
Why are you lying anon?
Tenochtitlan was not close to being the largest "city" in the world.
>Aztec school system?
They didn't have a public school system anon.
You have so little confidence with what you're saying that you don't even bother giving a single link. You're a moron.
Cold environments selected for intelligence. Brain size increases with latitude.
Plains Indians have higher IQs than other nomadic tribes. They were a small population barely breaking a million living in scatted tribes so beneficial mutations for intelligence were slower to spread in their gene pool.
Okay so why are brown people so uncivilised? No one cares if your ancestors were scratching dirt 6000 years ago.
Eskimos have higher IQs compared to primitive tribes like Africans. They were a small population constrained by too harsh an environment that couldn't support agriculture.
Why didn't everyone do that and magically become a superpower?
White Aryan conquerors that came out of Eastern Europe established those early civilizations. They were looking for warm environments that supported agriculture since Europe at the time was under a mini ice age.
I'm African and my mom used to say all the time, jokingly, "we are underdeveloped because it's hard to work under the sun!".
I would call you a retard but you might be onto something
The problem with this idea is that there were more advanced civilizations in other areas that were also very warm, like Mexico, India, and Indochina.
>Tenochtitlan was not close to being the largest "city" in the world.
I didn't say it was THE largest, I said it was ONE OF THE LARGEST, can you read dishonest motherfucker?

>Scholars estimate that between 200,000 and 250,000 people lived in Tenochtitlán in 1500, more then four times the population of London at that time.
>Although there are no precise numbers, the city's population has been estimated at between 200,000 and 400,000 inhabitants, placing Tenochtitlan among the largest cities in the world at that time. Compared to the cities of Europe, only Paris, Venice and Constantinople might have rivaled it.

>Although some popular sources put the number as high as 350,000 the most common estimates of the population are of over 200,000 people. One of the few comprehensive academic surveys of Mesoamerican city and town sizes arrived at a population of 212,500 living on 13.5 km2 (5.2 sq mi).

>They didn't have a public school system anon.
Yes they did.

>The Aztec Triple Alliance, which ruled from 1428 to 1521 in what is now central Mexico, is considered to be the first state to implement a system of universal compulsory education, although earlier Nahua states may have had it as well.

>Tēlpochcalli, were centers where Aztec youth were educated, from age 15, to serve their community and for war. These youth schools were located in each district or calpulli.
>The Calmecac was a school for the sons of Aztec nobility (pīpiltin [piːˈpiɬtin]) in the Late Postclassic period of Mesoamerican history, where they would receive rigorous training in history, calendars, astronomy, religion, economy, law, ethics and warfare.
I suspect the IQ of the middle east was completely destroyed by their incest fetish.
In nature intelligence increases as the brain gets more advanced, in most cases this is simply due to existing in an area that requires more complex information processing like say dry land vs the ocean for example.If the neural hardware can process the information fine then you hit intellectual stagnation which was the case for vertebrates for a long time. Basically once the brain can process information in the environment only very rare mutations can cause intellectual increases. Either that as a change in physiology like warm bloodedness acting like an engine for advanced brain activity. Even then with this most mammals and birds are dumb as fucking shit compared to us the primates. Why the fuck are we so smart? It could be because we are mammalian order basically forced to think to live after all we have on claws, or biting is shit compared to carnivorans like canines and felines, our ability to live anywhere is terrible compared to our close cousins the rodents. We cant just go wherever we like like the ungulates either so primates had to think or die its that simple. The more we lost natural advantages like our tails and agility due to becoming apes the more our brain expanded and got better reaching a wall around 5 million years ago. If the rainforest of East Africa didnt dry up into savannah we would most likely be as retarded as chimps right now. The drying up basically forced a serious brain upgrade or extinction because the savannah is the domain of mammals designed to predate since 60 million years ago. Its a miracle we even fucking exist seeing the shit that existed in Pliocene Africa.
Anyways the first walking apes became pure carnivores which fueled brain development even further creating a feedback loop that eventually stopped due to something else.
That something else is natural filters or nature being unable to filter. At a certain point IQ only increases if the dummies in a species die before they can breed, in tropical Africa this is impossible as the many braindead stone age african tribes proved. Our CA with africans left Africa and entered the middle east encountering the first IQ filter that offed any moron that has an IQ under 80 then they went to Central Asia which offed any idiot below 88. From that point on our CA split from the CA of Asiatic people and branch out into the different Caucasoid subraces. What is certain however is that the subraces of both major race that lived in the Northern colder parts of Eurasia developed the highest base IQs most likely due to winter being one hell of an IQ filter. In order words the ice age is why we have our IQ as the ice age changed the climate in Northern Asia to be what is today. This also shows a biological IQ clap of 100 as whites and north asians cannot seem to naturally exceed that on average, which means for an planet like ours a species that uses tools can only get to 100 naturally.
Trade. The greeks secured trade routes and were prosperous, the italians secured trade routes and were prosperous, the portuguese and spanish secured trade routes and were prosperous, the northeast secured trade routes and were prosperous. This is the foundation of capitalism
>I didn't say it was THE largest
You did, It's not one of the largest either.
>Scholars estimate that between 200,000 and 250,000 people lived in Tenochtitlán in 1500
Which is wrong because they never recorded their population and that population density exceeds central New York which isn't physically possible...
>Yes they did.
They didn't
>the first state to implement a system of universal compulsory education
Complete and absolute bullshit lol.
>Tēlpochcalli, were centers where Aztec youth were educated, from age 15, to serve their community and for war
90% of the Aztec empire were generational farmers idiot anon.
>The Calmecac was a school for the sons of Aztec nobility
That's not universal public education idiot anon.
>This is the foundation of capitalism
Everyone owns and trades capital you idiot.
There's no such think as capitalism.
It's nothing more than a communist name for non communists even though communism is nothing more than a state monopoly on capital.
the man kept them down

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