>hey guys let's deindustrialize, handing over control over the majority of the worlds industrial output to an authoritarian regime with a chipped ego>why would we need to be able to mass-produce military hardware in the future? History is over, dismantle the military industrial complex! >what could possibly go wrong?
>>17413468>>hey guys let's deindustrialize, handing over control over the majority of the worlds industrial output to an authoritarian regime with a chipped egoThat's not Nixon.
>>17413468>retardedNo, just malicious.
>>17413473>President Bill Clinton in 2000 pushed Congress to approve the U.S.-China trade agreement and China's accession to the WTO, saying that more trade with China would advance America's economic interests: "Economically, this agreement is the equivalent of a one-way street.That's what I'm referring to.
>>17413473Nixon didn't do that. He just opened diplomatic relations with China.
end of historytards thought neoliberalism and finance capital were invincible and thought the Chinese government would just let western firms run everything and extract all the surplus value
leftists are globohomo since 1848 and they always have the best interest of the bankers at heartthe propaganda that leftists hate bankers is a lie fed to the pesants
Bill Clinton is my favorite communist
Should have used a pic of Reagan
>>17413468>>17413468Sammael tu esposa es una puta.Sammael tu hija es una perra.Tu nombre me paso por el culo.Hasta que respetarme tu aprendas.
>>17413940> right - soul> left - soulless
>>17413468>Was he retarded for liquidating national industry for the extraction of parasite Rentier ClassesNo, he was corrupt for doing that -- you're retarded for thinking he made a "mistake". Over the past 40 years they aggressively normalized this parasitism, and hardly anyone cared or noticed. Every generation gets raped by the same tricks, and if any country resists (like a few in the mid 20th century) they get crushed into complaince.
>>17413468American de-industrialization was underway by the 1960's. People are generally retarded and blame Clinton because they don't understand history or economics
>>17414598>Seething Marxist mad we called him out
>>17413468I’m actually having someone introduce me to him soon and maybe wifey too. What should I ask him? He’s getting old and it looks like parkinson’s is setting in
>>17414648>What should I ask him?>inb4 generic lame "who actually whacked JFK?" question
>>17413940>copy everything and make it betterGood strategy IMHO.
>>17413940and that's not even getting into all Japanese vidya being based off begged/borrowed/stolen American chips and Ultima/Wizardry
>>17413940We did the same thing to bongistan in america. Its not actually some inherent characteristic that asians cant be creative, sorry chuds
>>17413468No. He ushered in the greatest decade of American history - when America WON. Feels so fucking good.
>>17414602>Marxists made Toyota and Honda rape the American shitbox industry or something
>>17414928>American shitboxTell me which country you are from so I know which cuckold you are.
>>17414598>t. Lbjfag trying to cope>>17414602>we
>>17414935Ireland, the one 90% of you claim to be from. America cars are shit don't even try to cope about it, even American consumers agree, hence why Detroit looks the way it does hahaha
>>17414973My ancestors came from Germany, I have no Irish in me at all. Sorry.
>>17414935>Be American >Low IQ country >No trains means you're dependent on automobiles >Make shitty cars >Get mogged by superior European and Japanese Engineering>>Be American >Low IQ country >No trains means you're dependent on air travel>Make shitty airplanes too >Get mogged by superior European EngineeringAmazing how Yankoids can't do anything right hahahahaha
>>17414973>>17414998You like sucking Mohammad's big hairy cock, don't you? You love it when he rapes your wife. The moment you protest against Mohammad fucking your women, you go to jail for a thoughtcrime. Better yet, Ireland isn't shit without the United States. We can just overthrow your government overnight just as we are about to do with Canada once Trump comes back and restores order.
>>17415030MAGAtranny meltdown
>>17414598Thatcher gets blamed for the same thing in Britain when deindistruialization was just as inevitable there.
>>17415030i hope the US gets nuked and every mutt like you dies :) did you know everyone in Europe hates your kind? how we spit in your food, how we give you wrong directions to every mutt tourist?
>>17415074Put a nuke near the US and we will wipe out the entirety of Europe, Mohammad.
>>17414998Saar, they are zainichi Pakistani engineers saar.
>>17413468Clinton was continuing the Reagan-Bush vision of Milton Friedman's economic ideas. The great tragedy is that Democrats bent over and acquiesced to this paradigm.
>>17415030>Gets called out for making badly engineered designs >Immediately starts thinking of penis and cuckolding What is it about American culture that makes them so penis obsessed? Is it the circumcision? >Better yet, Ireland isn't shit without the United States. We can just overthrow your government overnight just as we are about to do with Canada once Trump comes back and restores order.White Americans have the gall to be racist and then proceed to behave exactly like the criminal thugs they love to criticize so much. You understand this type of thinking is incomprehensible to First World people, right?
>>17415146>American Management makes a decision >American FAA still approved this design after Americans inspected itStill an American fuckup no matter which way they try to cope about it
>>17414973>tax haven = the countryWhat the hell do you guys even do anymore?
>>17413473the real culprit
>first president in forever to have a budget surplusNo, he was not retarded and he continues to make rightoids seethe to this day. Stay mad faggot.
>>17415944America was already a faggot techbro service economy by his time.
>>17415961Reagan's deregulation of capital controls are what built up the rest of the world to be able to compete with America.I actually happen to believe That's A Good Thing, but if you want to blame someone, he's your guy.
>>17415965did not Carter start deregulation?
>>17414546Why did the guardian used a study made by a hecking antisemite?
>>17413468It's all nefarious New World Order plans.