> Europe's empires have been busy killing each other for 3 years using manmade horrors beyond 19th century comprehension> This includes tear, phosgene, chlorine and mustard gas, sarin, tabun etc> Said empires have been shipping colonials, Indians and Senegalese across halfway around the world for the purpose of helping their armies kill each other on Europe> The Western Front is being reduced into a quagmire of unexploded artillery, craters, tanks as soldiers witness some unfortunate opposing force bastard choke to death on their own blood while crying out mother entangled in razor wire.> The Russian Empire has been degenerating and breaking down to massive popular unrest and anger, inflation and shortages creating bread riots amongst women while almost every continental European army is on the verge of mutiny as soldiers get a sense they're not fighting for anything> See the above> The Bolsheviks overthrow the Provisional Government and pursue red terror> Only now do the great powers acts like the Book of Revelation is happeningWouldn't a non-anglo normie be already in utter apathy after the horrors of the Great War? What difference does a bunch of Jew-or-not jacobins taking over the husk of a dead empire make? Were the Bolsheviks really that MORE horrifying than WWI?
>>17413531You aren't actually asking a question, are you, anon? You already had your mind made up before composing this thread. You just want to discuss the horror of the Soviet Union, but want to prompt others into stating your position so it will seem more authoritative.(I agree, btw)
The liberation of the working class scares the elite more than any kind of great war that only threatens borders, not the system.
>>17413531>Only now do the great powers acts like the Book of Revelation is happeningBarely anyone cared at the time. Foreign powers involved themselves in the Russian Civil war, because Bolsheviks basically reneged on all the imperial debts and treaties. Moreover, they were dumb enough to believe that signing new treaties is going to be inconsequential, because the revolution will sprawl across the world and dismantle all the old world powers soon enough.The above is the reason Soviets weren't recognized for a while afterwards, not some ideological drivel.
>>17413531The war was predicted to be more bloody and destabilising than it really was. The communist revolution was predicted to create utopia within months.
>>17413531Because the horror wasn’t over after the war. That’s why people were shocked and horrified. The Entente and Bolsheviki portrayed themselves as bringers of better times. Which just didn’t happen. Especially in Eastern Europe. With its famines out of mismanagment, economic & industrial instability, and the dictatorship of ignorant and unskilled commissars and proletarians. Despite all the agriculture potential for production.
>>17413531>Only now do the great powers acts like the Book of Revelation is happeningbecause none of those great powers planned to strip each other's capitalist class of anything, the bolsheviks did and therefore scared them shitless, other than that the russian civil war was also just a particularly cruel affair
>>17413531Europes feudal fiefs and the catholic church had been killing each other for over 1000 years
>>17413601Everyone but mutts recognised the Soviet Union
>>17413531WW1 was horrible during war.USSR was horrible during peace.
>>17414140>peace> Calling the situation after the Treaty of Versailles peace
> Only now do the great powers acts like the Book of Revelation is happeningHerbert Hoover organized the largest food aid program in history at the time through private donations with the full backing of the US government just to keep the Russian people from starving under Lenin's asinine "war communism" plan - bayoneting the peasants and taking their grain. Outside of seizing a few ports and squatting on them for a few years and halfheartedly sending some surplus to the whites the western powers really didn't bother trying to overthrow Russia. If they thought Communism was such an existential threat they could have toppled the Soviets and funneled millions of tons of weapons to the whites, but they had more important shit to do. All of the hysteria about communism in the west was domestic, and it was less "ZOMG the workers are waking up!!" and more "We're reading about these socialist guys shooting villagers in Russia and there's agitators at home cheering it on and threatening to do the same stuff here. Let's arrest and kill them."
>>17415882>bayoneting the peasants and taking their grainActually, bolsheviks liverated the peasants and only bayoneted the Kulaks, and even then only when the Kulak pigs tried to withhold people’s grain from the people for profit.