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You don't understand. Germans are really really weird. They are aliens compared to the French or the English. Their "Enlightenment" was Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, not Rousseau or Locke. German soldiers fought World War 1, the first one, not the second one, with "Thus spoke Zarathustra" in their backpack. This is insane. Germans are functionally Pagan. To this day one of their most important holidays is burning huge piles of Wood in the summer. It's very popular. Much more popular than Christian feast days or something like that. They do a Pagan ritual, straight out of the Wickerman.

Every single German family also has one of these leaf-shaped salad bowls. They are obsessed with nature. Religiously obsessed. Germany has by the far the most people into alternative medicine. They basically invented/popularized "wander" clubs. They are into nude beaches. They are also responsible for inventing the first "gyms". They were a huge hit in Germany. But they were invented for a very specific purpose. They invented them to maximize the military readiness of the population. Not to practice self-love, celebrate your own body, learning to love it, gaining self-confidence by following through with your aims. No, they worked out to be better at killing.

Their God, before the accepted Christianity, was completely different than any other Indo-European God. Their pantheon wasn't led by a Skyfather figure. It was led by Wotan. Who is a very mysterious God. He is the God of Death, of Magic. He is actually somewhat of a negative God. To be visited by Wotan didn't mean good fortune. It meant he might challenge you to a duel, so you become one of his undead warriors and grow his Army. Now we are in straight-up super villain territory. This is the God they worshipped. The God of Berserker Rage. We are supposed to just pretend Germans are these normal European like us. I am crying. I am scared. Why don't people understand how weird Germans are compared to normal Europeans?
>Europeans like us
which European group are you in particular from?
its a copypasta that gets spammed here almost daily
Uber alles!
In all fairness all the liberal and free-thinking Germans emigrated to the US in the 18th-19th centuries so only the Borg collective ones remained that would do as OP says they do.
Most European nations have some wood burning festival or two throughout the year retard.
>one of their most important holidays is burning huge piles of Wood in the summer

It's called Saint Martin's day and last time i checked Saints are CHRISTIAN!
It's not in Summer either but instead in November.
You do not understand how hyper-militaristic Germans are. Germans lived in a world, where fueding was a thing. This meant every single free German had the right to basically go on a private war against any other German. Even more abstract concepts like cities. Which is another point. Germans had no idea what to do with the Roman cities on their territory, which they call Köln, Mainz and Trier. Their Roman names are Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium, Mogontiacum and Augusta Treverorum. They just gave them to the Church, so they were ruled theocratically like a Bishop. Germans didn’t like the concept of cities. The cities that eventually developed aren’t cities like you think of today. They were basically founded as sworn brotherhoods. That‘s the only way Germans found to make something like a city. By creating a hierarchical system where the only true citizens are basically semi-nobility swearing to defend it. Like lots of little barons sharing a fortress. This is really really weird. I can’t overstate how weird it is to found cities this way. This is not how anyone else founded cities.

Germans are extremely war-like. Every kid played with toy soldiers. Instead of going into finance, law or business, many Germans went to the military instead. So many last names over the centuries reappear over and over again. It‘s not the same general, but the same family grooming their sons for the military. German unification was also done only through „blood and iron“. The only reason why Prussia didn’t invade Southern Germany was that France was ruled by a megalomaniac, who threatened them with annexations and being turned into a French puppet state, which meant they actually voluntarily joined Prussia‘s Union. That’s just an accident of history. The plan was to unite through war. The Prussian King voluntarily gave up the Imperial crown, because „it was from the gutter“, despite the people making him the new Kaiser. He wanted blood.
newfag shitskin detected
Germs name their tanks after demons and mythological figures. Americans name their cargo planes "Big Nigger"
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The Nazis won and emigrated to America.
More posts like this please
The Nazis lost and ate Soviet cock.
You don’t understand, Germans are really really weird. They are the only Indo-European Pagans to not have the Skyfather as the head of Pantheon. Wotan/Odin is NOT the Skyfather. He is really really weird. Romans identified him as Hermes.
>He is the God of Wanderer.
Oh my god … where did ancient Germans travel to? In what weird places did they end up.
>He is the God of Secrets and Magic
What did the Germans learn about on their travels? Germans always had weirdly good relations with Scythians. Which is not actually weird since Greeks also had good relations with them and they are all Indo-European.
>He is the God of Runes
Wait. Germans learned about the written languages of the large urban Slave Empires? And they brought it back?
>He is the God of the Berserker rage
>He is the God of Strangers
>He is the God of Death, who challenges people to duels to claim you as warrior for his Army of the Dead
This is horrifying. I can’t imagine what the first Wotan cultists must have been like. They must have impressed the Germans so much with their adventures, knowledge and prowess, that they accepted their new God as the new Chief of the Gods.

You really do not understand how WEIRD this is. Romans did crazy stuff, but nothing like this. Greeks adopted a lot of foreign deities, even merged Zeus and Yahweh, but the horrifying implications of Germans traveling the world in secret and bringing them home is terrifying
Hail 山ㄖㄒ卂几!!

You will bow at the feet of your masters.
English (Norman), of course.
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Why does every single German family own these weird glass salad bowls with leaf motifs?
Why is going on a walk but nowhere specific the most popular dating idea for Germans?
Why are there so many nudists in Germany?
Why do Germans love to go to boring versions of swimming pools? Literally just large heated baths.
Why do so many Germans believe in alternative medicine? More than any other country?
Why do you burn huge piles of wood every Easter like in Wicker Man?
Why? Why are you doing these things! I am scared! Why are you different! What are you hiding?
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I get that this is a meme of sorts, but do go on. It's so hard to get an actual idea of German culture nowadays since a mixture of globalization, americanization, and the general massacre of German culture after ww1 makes it hard to distinguish what exactly Germans are. Of course this is a pretty poor and biased view since its a shitpost, but even this can contribute to a bigger picture.
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Don't care + You're jewish.
>In all fairness all the liberal and free-thinking Germans emigrated to the US
you mean the self-hating germans that doomed their descendants to mutthood, yes.
Yeah Germans are weirdos but you’re making Odin sound mad based. I must research him, I want my home brew deistic monotheistic god to be more like that.
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you're making germans sound cooler than eskimo shit anon
i'd think the self-hating folk are the ones who died by the millions obeying the commands of an Austrian manlet
The men who served in the Afrika Korps were anything but "self-hating".
germans are just like basipally exactly what the meme of being a german is.
Actually they enjoyed the fruits of America while Soviet Party members starved in breadlines, heroes of the Soviet Union died of exposure due to being homeless, and Poles were buckbroken by Russians.
>But uh the Prussians moved to America o algo
The title of St. is the makeup of a demon.
Anon, those are shitposts that get everything wrong. I once made an effort post to counter those statements but OP just responded with schizo babble. >>17414304
I think the last time I've seen it is neay three years ago. I almost didn't remember it until the second part.
>To this day one of their most important holidays is burning huge piles of Wood in the summer.
In Ireland, we do that too but in October, and usually we also burn effigies of politicial figures nobody likes
>It was led by Wotan. Who is a very mysterious God.
He's not that mysterious. He's just the germanic take on Mercury.
Mercury is also a rather strange and mysterious god. Whenever this figure shows up in IE mythologies he’s usually associated with lot of bad stuff like magic, thievery and deceit. But what OP is pointing out is that what is extra weird about Germanic mythology is that this figure is the main god and Dyeus Pater is the lesser.

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