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Why did he chimp out so hard in the end? By all accounts, he started out as a meek, relatively moderate, violence-averse and somewhat autistic pen pusher.
The same can be asked about any school shooter.
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He realized Burke was right about the mob mentality but it was too late and he got caught in the current of his own making.
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He died screaming like a little bitch.
If the common interest of the majority of france (the non-parisines, the nobility, the clergy) was not to be a republic, then that common good was to be executed and replace with a common good whose interest was to live in a republic, and since humans are naturally good and selfless, it was only the selfish little fucks who were at fault for any failure of the republic
>of the majority of france (the non-parisines, the nobility, the clergy) was not to be a republic,
The nobles and the clergy were a minority, and no part of France had a majority of monarchists.
Actually precisely one place had a majority in support of monarchy. The Vendee.
And of course most of the conservative revolutionaries and much of the original assembly didn't want the king to leave office. The whole thing got fucked by the king being a literal traitor/moron and the sans culottes not understanding that the people in charge didn't actually give a shit about their plights they were just being pandered to.
He didn't chimp out any harder than the other revolutionaries. In fact some of the participants in the directory/Fructidor coup were significantly more active in the terror than Robespierre had been.
>He didn't chimp out any harder than the other revolutionaries.
He championed for (and most likely co-wrote, seeing how Couthon was his puppet) the Law of 22 Prairial, which was the single most Stalinist piece of legistation Europe had ever seen up until the government of actual Stalin in the 1930s. Instant 10% spike in executions. To say nothing of his complicity to the unlawful purges of the Girondins and the Dantonists and the slaughter at Vandee.
Just because he co-existed with even more depraved and bloodthirsty filth like Fouche & Carrier doesn't make Robespierre any less of a hypocritical, fanatical monster who completely lost the plot.
Omega-mogged by pic rel.
>the nobility, the clergy
The top 2% of the population was the majority?
>Actually precisely one place had a majority in support of monarchy. The Vendee.
Their support of monarchy was symbolic. In reality, they chimped out over being assblasted that they didn't have to pay taxes to cathocuck church, thinking priests are holy or some shit.
Robespierre was a virtuous man who decided to kill people who were less virtuous than him because they couldnt support the revolution enough
>Their support of monarchy was symbolic. In reality, they chimped out over being assblasted that they didn't have to pay taxes to cathocuck church, thinking priests are holy or some shit.
Don't forget about the confiscation of their property and their protests against the levée en masse conscription that was crippling their youth.
Jean-Clément Martin has written a lot about this topic and the question of whether what happened at Vandee (200k dead) constitutes a genocide.
he became like that because he was exhausted from hiding his true essence, which included rampant vanity, conditioned by total insecurity. like all the other liberals did
Again, he didn't chimp out any harder than the other revolutionaries. Attri using special evil or insanity to robespierre is simply a way for the rest of the establishment who would survive into the directory, the empire and the restored monarchies to wash their hands and remain part of polite society.
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>Attri using
Nigger, he literally co-drafted and championed for the 22nd Prairial Law. It shortened all trials in the Revolutionary Tribunal of Paris to 1 hour, with the only outcome being death or acquittal. Anyone accused of anything from betraying the Republic to corruption to 'speaking ill of patriotism', 'gaving out fake news' (no, really), 'offending public morality' or 'working against liberty' could be snatched up and brought on before a kangaroo court. No defence counsel or calls for witnesses allowed. Up to 800 people per month were officially executed, to say nothing of the public lynchings and witch hunts that inevitably ensued.
That's a NKVD-tier chimpout that dwarfs all repressive meassures undertaken by the CPS up to that point. And that's FACT. Unironically what is it with you lefties and simping for paranoid mass murderers?
40,000 victims is little compared to the NKVD.

It wasn't even a week into the revolution that traitorous French nobles started urging their relatives abroad to come and repress the 'uprising'. With 'relatives abroad', you can understand means kings in power. And they started conspiring to that end,calling in foreign armies in, to kill their own countrymen.
Most of the people (like 92%) who were sent to Madame Guillotine weren't nobles tho. They were largerly poor peasants and urban sans-culottes belonging to one political faction or another.
>But it's okay if king and church do it!
Boo fucking hoo.
Those chimps deserved it.
Mass conscription was a new nationalist idea, it helped France overwhelm Austrian/Prussian armies

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