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Do you even like his books?
Nah I just like using him as a fashion accessory in the culture war.
Going through Brothers Karamazov rn, enjoying it a lot so far. Didn't care too much for C&P but I liked Notes from Underground and The Double
same, i'am reading brother karamazow and i can tell that this is really good, also notes from underground is god tier
I have a certain appreciation for Crime and Punishment since they were one of the first books that my grandfather gave me.
Although I do feel that Rodion killed the old woman prematurely in the story, but I do like the fact that the book mentions what life was like in Tsarist Russia.
I really like The Brothers Karamazov, and Crime n Punishment with its "fever nightmare" sequences, both are part of my favorites. I also liked some of its other stuff like Poor people, Notes from Underground or The Idiot, just not that much. I still have Demons in my backlog.
Notes from Underground are very underrated, also white nights are good.
Despite all the praising, Crime and Punishment was so bad Im afraid to try his other books. I like Gorky better.
I have never read a book as an adult except the Bible in its entirety. Not even a cookbook or a magazine. And yes, I'm an American and proud!
you dont know what you are missing out on. what genres do you like?
I'm afraid to read them. I heard that MC is a hardened criminal.
If you go into Dostoyevsky instantly expecting a "greatest of all time masterpiece" you might be disappointed, but if you immerse yourself in comtemporary 19th century literature you'll realise how so far ahead of his time Dostoyevsky was, in terms of psychological and emotional depth, as well as general "subverting expectations" from a storytelling perspective. A fuckton of what we consider standard and cliche now in dramatic storytelling was pioneered by him, and Crime and Punishment is pretty much the OG psychological crime thriller story and so much of it still feels modern and fresh. If even I read it as a pretentious 19 year old cynical redditor asshole and was amazed by it, that says a lot.
Yes, i've been read his books for a while, in russian (cuz im russian). In the spring of 2021 i read "the idiot", "the brothers karamazow" and "crime and punishment". it was great stuff doe. i didn't read tolstoy or other russian writers in this genre of literature so i can't precisely compare him to others, but i think his books are good overall
i've been reading*
BK > C&P > Writer’s Diary > Demons > House of The Dead > The Gambler > Notes From Underground > Poor Folk > Idiot
Crime and punishment is goated
I read like half of the Gambler, he's just like me fr
I heard that Tolstoy and Pushkin are good writers, but i didnt read them, so i cant confirm that
And also Nabokov
I like White Nights
But The Idiot is literally me
He's an overrated hack buckbroken by Tsarist psy-terror, they should have actually executed him.
He was p*dophile.
I read C&P as a teen, and it pissed me off. I did not like the didactic tone.
I am rereading White Nights. It is just so moving a story.
I liked Notes from Underground and The Double, and his short stories, like An Honest Thief, The Dream of a Ridiculous Man, White Nights, and Bobok.
Just started reading Brothers Karamazov, I did not expect so many funny moments. Fyodor Pavlovich being the absolute worst is hilarious.
>The paps especially
He's a very witty writer
The Idiot is probably my favorite boom. Reminds me of, me.
Fyodor pavlovich is peak
>skim the synopsis
>wow, this sounds like absolute misery
>don't read any of them because slamming my dick in a car door is a better use of time compared to this.
I read the idiot hoping to find some cmadaried with the main characted but maybe I'm not smart enough. Seemed like a boring story about a normal guy.
Notes from the udnerground is aboslutley fantastic tho
The experience as a convalescent helped me get in in a way that was deeply personal. It's similar to the film Ferris Bueller where on the surface level it's this kind of fun movie but underneath the hood there is some depth of resonance about what toil and pointless obligation does to us over time, that many kind of learn to hide from for whatever reason. My experience helped me get Myshkin's struggles and the little nuances of things he experienced, as he was someone who had nothing really to offer the world and didn't know if he would be around for much longer to improve that situation or give back.

Easy to rule out but a different thing to feel. I find Slavs are way more expressive than us about this type of thing and it's actually a bad thing, but it's their thing and this is a great story of it.

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