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File: police-bulletin-short.png (1.81 MB, 970x1262)
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Who killed the Black Dahlia?
African American Dahlia*
Zodiac Killer, I feel it.
I did
I did it because she was hot and it made me seethe because I’m an incel
Teddy Cruz?
Play LA noire
That's DLC, so not real sadly
The remark about her being "very attractive", even if accurate, was a little unprofessional and something one would not see in a modern day wanted poster.
It's funny how true crime was always getting people's interest
>Video games
Grow up child
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Look up the connections to the two loveable scamps in picrel.
Man Ray, BTW, was a devotee of de Sade and made the ghoulish painting here.
Man Ray and Hodel were both of nose tribe.
They sound unrelated
Glad those chiseled germanic manjaws are a lot rarer in women these days
Short was from a New England WASP blue blood family, totally Angloid and she had not a drop of German in her.
Anglos are Germanic, where do you think the Anglo-Saxons came from?
Saxony is in Ireland right
>This was considered a 10/10 in the 1940s
Low iq
Germanic is a language group not German, Anglos, Saxons and Jutes were Danes. It is like claiming Indians are European because they speak an Indo-European language, like Indians they are distant swarthoid rapebabies, not white, except perhaps northern Germans.
nothing wrong with her appearance; the 1940s hair and makeup just look odd to the modern eye

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