Buddhism makes the most sense of any religion.
>>17415700it doesnt, that's Hinduism
>>17415700the only problem i have is rebirth, and/or why you should care since that's not "you". Was buddhadasa onto something?
>>17415700Despite westards think Buddhism doesn't make sense outside of Hindu thought, largely karma and reincarnation which themselves don't make much objective, empirical sense.It's a religion as it is a way of life.
>>17415700refuted by the 5 ways of Aquinas, Buddhist cosmology leads to an untenable infinite regress
>>17415700Monotheistic Buddhism is the only coherent version of Buddhism which is why so many of them converted to Christianity on first contact because Christianity is just a more evolved monotheistic Buddhism
>>17415700I am very uneducated on this stuff but the idea the most important goal is to remove "want" reminds me about Socrates comparison to a deep sleep being the most desirable state of man
>>17415731But Islam didn't go anywhere and it's the most monotheistic religion in the region
>>17415744Islam is more platonic than Christianity and platonism doesn’t work well in that geographical area lol
>>17415723>5 ways of Aquinasalready refuted >infinite regressyes, the universe in the Buddhist cosmology is eternal and cyclical
>>17415826> yes, the universe in the Buddhist cosmology is eternalThat refutes the Buddhist dogma of Anicca (impermanence) you retardyou cant have your cake and eat it too
>>17415700that's a blistering indictment of all religions, and I mean this as a buddhist.
>>17415716Pisslam is on the decline while Buddhism is on the rise because of the internet. Funny how the spread of information kills one religion but strengthens another, Abdul.