I've seen some people blame it on Ronald Regan's deregulation. I've seen others blame it on Ted Turner's all hours news innovation. What are the facts?It's undeniable that at some point it went from facts to editorialized partisan nonsense. You can't even find the news anymore in niche "knower" circles coverage like Foreign Affairs.Its not as though these ideas about news needing to be agitprop are new. Lippman argued for that sort of thing in 1922. And to be fair, journalism for a long time prior to the 20th century was also mostly just propaganda put out by an interested party willing to fund it. But there must have been an inflection point, I am asking (you) what that point was. Was it in the 80s, or before?
probably when it became cheap to produce, it went from esteemed patricians to the lowest common denominator slop
>>17415938I can actually tell you the exact historical event that led to mainstream news media being reduced to completely partisan hackery, but it occurred after the year 2000 so I'm not allowed to talk about it on this board.
>>17415945Its an easy thing to dismiss that way, but watching niche Brahmin type journals like Foreign affairs also have become wank rags. Even Harpers Review is trending in that direction fast. And those are paid, non-mass market sources of information.
>>17415938The press have always been parasitical kikes. Why do you think even the mildest regimes restricted them in some way? People were calling it fake news (tabloids) long before even radio was invented.
>>17415950I'm not asking about when it happened, but about what events made it inevitable. Reagans + Ted Turner are pre 2000s.
Humans have never been capable of sharing information neutrally, discussing only "facts" especially about human society in the first place is theoretically impossible
>>17415938News media has been rotten since the man agitating for the Spanish-American war and inventor of yellow journalism has become the recognized patron of jouranlistic integrety (Pulitzer).
Probably Ted, but I would say that allowing people to own many different publications (a Reagan innovation) definitely did it. Other than that it's probably just that they recruit from a stagnant pool of journalists and have no real independent infrastructure. Seriously, Beddie Waters and Scabbin' Newsom couldn't get a job anywhere else but while you could do their jobs better they'll never let you.
>>17415938> When did the news go to shit?Always has been and always will be.
AM news was always shock jock garbage and then the TV networks realised they could do the same.The complete and total collapse of News media as any respected profession probably came about with 24/7 cable news. That said, especially in terms of foreign policy, News was always nothing more than propaganda.