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>Seleucid symbol is the anchor
>Seleucids lost every naval battle they fought
What did they mean by this?
One of the early symbols of Christianity was the anchor, and later fish. Why? Because the "historical Jesus" was the last Seleucid royal, King Jesus of Edessa. The same Edessa the First Crusades went to initially, rather than Jew-rusalem.

This is explains the ubiquitous Hellenism of the Jesus Myth(Platonism for the masses), which is really just a rather typical Greek Myth that is set in Judea despite there being nothing especially "Jewish".

Seleucid Kings were always addressed with the title of "Sotor"/"Savior", as well.

Jesus, Our Lord(political ruler) and Savior/Sotor. Christ is King! ......literally ;)
Nigga that's nuts!
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Seleucus I Nicator had a birthmark shaped like an anchor
Really weird have Hannibal retrieve command as admiral instead leading larger royal Seleucids army?
So Jesus father was Hellenic Jews and his mother possibly related to lost house of Seleucus?

They claimed to be descended from Poseidon iirc. Ironically, Ptolemy made Seleucus admiral of the fleet during the third war of the Diadochi and he went above and beyond by all accounts. Likely as the Seleucid kingdom moved towards cities and capitols so far inland and places on the coast became so disputed the Seleucids lost most of their naval specialization.

But how a guy who was allegedly this heavy infantry bruiser got to become admiral and then go on to do so well in that position really seems like *the* defining step of his military career, but he just seems to have continued this momentum. It's odd he didn't take more pride in this specific point to me but probably he didn't want to bring it up for political reasons or something. Cassander was such a massive faggot, like the anti-Seleucus.

Also did any of them have an official symbol really? There are other coins with war elephants, some with horned figures and gods, some with a mixture. While Ptolemy's kingdom at least had slightly more consistent imagery with the Zeus eagle-thunderbolt combo + Egyptian stuff, they had a really weird and unfortunate syncretism imo. Egypt as an idea kind of makes me depressed compared to Hellenics or Romans.
>Egypt as an idea kind of makes me depressed compared to Hellenics or Romans
Why? Because it's cooler?
No, and no offense to Egyptian bros. The records from the bronze age, crushing the Hyksos and miraculously overcoming the Sea Peoples somehow or at least enduring while basically everyone else was destroyed by them is my favorite part of Egyptian history. I just see later and basically all iron age developments as a trend of continuous decline and subjugation on what was already this agricultural slave biomass of sadness. It's kind of blackpilling on the concept of civilization itself.

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